Monday, July 2, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday

The reunion was bad...don't ask. I will not post on it. Only 364 days until next years.

Sean, the kids and I went to Toys R Us yesterday to pick up Gabe's bike. It is amazing what one thing can do. He got on it and it was like he had been riding for years. This is the kid who has been trying unsuccessfully for over 3 years to ride w/o training wheels! His confidence was wonderful, he even did a few tricks! It was a new Gabe when he realized he could do it! We are so proud of him. And he is so proud of himself. I think it is great.

Later that night "cousin Rhonda" stopped over. She is Sean's cousin and the one responsible for Sean and I getting together. We had lost our friendship, but have been rebuilding it over the past year or so. It is a different friendship, but I wouldn't give it up. The kids love her, she has a son 2 yrs. older than Gabe and they get along beautifully. The trio only call her COUSIN RHONDA. They have to include the cousin everytime! After she left Sean put the first of two canapies (sp?) on the clubhouse roof and we did major yardwork. I weeded and pruned more than I ever have in my life!!! The kids played and bothered the neighbor. I apologized profusely, but he has numerous grandchildren and informed me that my kids could never bother him. Just wait! I am still on them to leave him be regardless.

This morning I got the kids up and dressed and took them to Lowe's where we got the 2nd canopy, a flag and some flowers. They were so well behaved...all 4 of them. I was shocked, amazed, flabbergasted... You can be sure that I praised them left and right about it too! Gabe read everyone one of his chapter books during the 20 minute ride there. It couldn't have been much better!! Even though it wasn't good to do financially, I rewarded them all with a Kids Meal from Wendy's. Kellie will have trouble believing this I'm sure, but we got lost on our way to Wendy's! I told the kids we were taking the scenic route. When we finally found Wendy's they asked if we could take the scenic route home!

When we got home I took them out back and planted six of the flowers and did an hour of weeding. We are now inside so the kids can lay down and rest as they are "very, very tired."
Gabe is playing at my sister's and I have got to clean my house since the 4th is Wednesday so we will have a gazillion people here to watch the parade.

Have a good Monday!


Crystal said...

I'm sorry that your reunion was bad. It sounds like the rest of your weekend was pretty good. I'm happy that the kids were well behaved and you did the right thing by rewarding their good behavior.......they will learn that they get better attention when they are behaved than when they are in trouble.

I wish I could come watch the parade on the 4th!!! Take pictures!

Carrie said...

What a bummer of a reunion, sorry it was bad...I won't ask how bad either.

I'm sure your kids enjoyed Wendy's! Glad to hear they behaved so well. You must be an awesome mom!

Cheryl said...

I'm glad the kids were good for you. I agree, it was good to reward them, positive reenforcement is suppose to work best.

Have a good fourth, I hope you get everything done.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh your kids are lucky to have a mom who says "scenic route" instead of "oh crap, we are lost and we might all die..." like me.

Wendys made it all better I am sure. Oh I love Wendy's. It has always been my fav. I love the french fries (very salted) dipped into a frosty....yummy.

Sorry the reunion stunk,maybe next year will be better.

HAve fun at the parade.

Crystal said...

Girl, who are you telling me to post when you still haven't??? WHY I OUGHTA!

Char said...

I just love scenic routes!!! They are great! Except ones in the city. I don't like those. But country ones, I love!! :)
Glad the day went well and that the kids were rewarded with Wendy's.