Saturday, June 30, 2007

Another Saturday Night lalalalalala...

Well, to catch you all up.

Lura and I had our garage sale. Woo hoo, was it a stinker. There were hardly any people, we had 7 helpers, Lura made me cry (she's gonna hit me!) and it took us longer to pack up than to set up. We had fun visiting though. Thursday night she came over to set up and we got to laugh and talk with no kiddos. I guess that makes the stinky sale worth it! We had it from 9 - 5 and I tink made enough to almost cover the cost of the ad. As of yesterday we had both boycotted HAVING garage sales ever again. Who knows what next month will bring.

Friday evening Gabe had his last swim lesson. He did awesome and has improved so much! He can actually swim, not just the flailing arm dogpaddle!!!

After swim lessons we went to a goodbye bar-b -que for my nephews. Cory leaves for Paris Island on Sunday for several months of Marine boot camp. He is excited...we are all nervous!
Mike leaves on the 20th for army boot camp, but we all decided last night that we will have another goodbye bonfire for him. Sean's sis and bro in law live on a dairy farm. We took the kids to look at the cows, Luke tried to feed one some hay and accidentally shoved it up the cow's nose! It was too funny. I don't know who was more surprised, Luke or the cow! They also just got in about 35 chickens which then had 60 babies! We didn't see the babies, but the triplets got to be terrified by the chickens. They squwaked like crazy and ran in circles, the chickens, not my children. They have goats and sheep, but we are going out next week to see them. Maybe I will take my camera so I don't have to draw pictures of everything. My nephew grilled out chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs and shrimp. It was so good! On Sean's side I am a great- aunt, so 3 of my 5 great nephews and nieces were there. I have 13 neices and nephews on his side and most were there too. My sister in laws are in the middle of a huge fight, again, so I was the only one of us three talking to everyone. It was awkward. I hate when they fight, but it is frequent. You'd think after 9 years I'd be used to it! It was a fun night, someone there took lots of pictures and we got home around 11:00.

I watched a movie last night, "She's having a baby." I thought it was the one with Molly Ringwald, but this was with Kevin Bacon and one of the Baldwin's. It was pretty good, except she didn't have her baby until the very end. She wasn't even pregnant until the last half hour! I guess I don't get why they called it that. I have to admit I shed a few tears during the show.

I didn't get to sleep until around 3. I couldn't for some reason. I got up around 7 and cleaned my kitchen while everyone slept. It needed it!!! The reat of the fam got up around 9 and we got ready and headed to Lowe's - flowers and lumber for the clubhouse, Pat Catan's for cross stitch floss and then to Toys R Us. We got Gabe a new bike and Gabe is thrilled. We pick it up tomorrow. It is a cool looking Jeep one. Green and silvery. He is going to learn to usethe hand brakes this week. Oh My. I had better stock up on band aids!

Then, we came home and I baked a gazillion snickerdoodles for tomorrow's reunion while Sean and the kid's were outside working on the clubhouse. It went well until a guilty looking Jonathan came in to tell me that he had just dropped Daddy's brand new box of roofing nails in the grass. Sean is not happy. Then the muddy kids came in to help me plant flower pots and had a dirt fight in the kitchen. I cried. I cleaned it up, mopped the floors and then Luke was misbehaving while holding a glass of lemonade and dropped it on the floor. Mopping #2 occured.

We are trying to get them to sleep, unsucessfully I might add, and Sean and I are losing our patience. Have a good night!


Crystal said...

Congrats to Gabe on completing swim lessons! GREAT JOB!

I haven't seen that movie in years! ha

Have fun at your reunion! I hope it's lots of fun for you.

Sorry about the huge mess in your kitchen after you just cleaned it. I swear when Daws was real little, it seemed that everytime I would mop the kitchen he would either poop or puke on the dang floor within an hour after I mopped! ugh! It was sooo frustrating........I would say to myself "Why do I bother??"

Sorry about your garage sale......I did one about 5 years ago once and never have done it again! It just seems like too much time and hard work just to earn a few bucks! Never seems worth it!

Oh well, I hope the rest of your weekend is fantabulous! Love ya and miss ya!

Crystal said...

Oh and thanks for posting! :)

Unknown said...

I want to know why Lura made you cry? Did it have to do with the GS clothing swap and garage sale?

Crystal said...

Yeah, good question........why did Lura make you cry????

Cheryl said...

Mean Lura why did you make Amanda cry?

I never mop, I know I am bad but if you knew my dogs and child you;d understand. My new floors don't show every speck of dirt like the old one so it looks better. I do use the swiffer on it.

Sorry your garage sale didn't go well.

Have a great weekend.!

Carrie said...

Oh, I am sorry about your stinker of a garage sale. It is so much hard work (that I've heard) and to be disappointed in the sales really is a bummer.

I have never seen She's Having a Baby. I'd probably cry too!

Have fun at your reunion. Hopefully no one is fighting at thsi reunion huh?? Its hard to be in the middle of people fighting, its very awkward. Can't everyone just get along??

SamandSawyersMom said...

Good job Gabe. i bet oyu are so proud!!

I like reunions a lot. i love showing off my kids the best. i bet you really like that part.

I have never had a stinker yard sale. I think the least I have ever made is like 100 bucks. Sorry yours was so bad.

Lura said...

I'm going to really make you cry now! You're in trouble! :)

Lura said...

I didn't like the way she was adding our measly proceeds.