Monday, July 16, 2007

VBS with possible PMS

I am cranky...that's why it's possible pms. I don't know if I have it or not, but if I say I do I can eat chocolate without too much guilt.
Today was my first day of VBS. I was supposed to have 10 kids and ended up with 18. That means that many more kids came to VBS, so that's good - but that also means THAT many more kids came to VBS! I am so intimidated by people (that includes kids), so this is a good thing for me. It went okay. We had music, crafts, snack, games and storytelling. My sister is the director this year, so I am biased, but I thought it was really well done. However, during crafts, a boy in my group that is not a particular favorite of mine (I shouldn't say that) gave a blow by blow, detailed description of a car crash he saw and a guy got killed. It was not something to be shared. He didn't get that. Then he came and got me during snack because he plugged the toilet and there was a spider in it. He also tapped the microphones non stop during music. Victoria, you will howl when I tell you who's kid it is!
Gabe is in my group at his request. I don't know if this is good or not. He stayed glued to my side all morning. I want him to participate and have fun. We talked about it, but I think he is having "mommy issues" right now. We cuddled on the couch tonight for awhile. He has a bad earache ( I think from all the swimming. He has had 2 sets of tubes) and I made an appt. for him tomorrow. With the tubes we can't ignore complaints. We are hopefully borrowing the first Harry Potter book from Kellie this week and he and I are going to read it together. Due to his night terrors I don't think we'll move past book one for awhile, but I think he will like it. It also opens more to discussion about fantasy and reality. We have frequented the subject often. Not because he can't distinguish, but he has soooo many questions.
Sean and I are hoping to take Gabe and our nephew Jake to COSI this weekend. I don't know if it will happen or not, but I hope so. We promised him a trip there when he mastered riding his bike. He is quite a pro now!
We had a good time at birthday parties this past weekend. Gabe went to a friend from school's party where they had 2 magicians and balloon animals. He came home with Batman's mask painted on his face. He loved it! I took a picture so you won't have to rely on my drawings. I just need to develop the film. The rest of us went to my cousin's baby girls first birthday. I got quite a sunburn, but the kids had fun. Luke is now convinced that my sister has a laser in her eye that is triggered by tugging her ear. He was amazed by her for over an hour.
Jonathan is recovering from the toilet accident. He goes for his recheck tomorrow. I think it looks so much better. The poor boy.
I need to go to bed...I just thought I'd ramble at you all for awhile. Have a great day!!!! (night, too)


Lura said...

Have you read the book yet? Maybe you should read it first before reading it together. I want to know who's kid was bad in VBS! Ha ha. Glad they had a good turnout!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Gosh Amanda...harry potter if he is already having night terrors? Anyway, I guessed I shouldn't say that since i have not read or watched any of the movies. I am basing that on word of mouth from other people.

Ouch, I remember sunburns and they feel terrible. Isyour Ivy any better??

I bet you are great at VBS. I bet you make them laugh in addition to teaching them about Jesus. I think that is a great gift. I try to be creative cause I ain't so funny. God gives us gifts to use as angles. Yours has to be your wit. Have a good rest of the week.

Carrie said...

Glad you had a good time at VBS. I thought the boy getting in trouble was a funny story!

Glad you had fun at the birthday parties. I wish I could get sunburned!

kellerie said...

the first harry potter really isn't that scary, except for the end. actually, several of my students/former students said that books like h.p. helped them to not be afraid of things, because it shows that they can have power and be in charge.
plus, the great thing about the fantasy genre is that good always vanquishes evil in the end!