Thursday, July 26, 2007


7 OF THESE ARE TRUE ONE IS FALSE...Guess which is the wrong one. (I am such a follower)
I don't know if I should be offended or flattered!!! ha ha
1. I am a seven year college freshman. (I have enrolled and begun 7 times just never finished.)
This be true. I be smart.
2. I got very drunk before giving the toast at a wedding.
This is also true. I am very sorry Kellie and Brian! I won't kick your a*%, Brian!
3. My great grandfather was friends with Sitting Bull.
This one is also true. If I can get my hot little hands on it, I will post a picture.
4. When my great aunt died her calling hours fell on Halloween so since she had an amazing sense of humor we dressed her in a shirt that read "This is my Costume."
Okay, this is the false one. Her calling hours were on Halloween, she did have a fabulous sense of humor, but the "this is my costume" shirt was Lura's idea. She was being a wonderfully supportive friend and cheering me up.
5. In High School I was voted Best Sense of Humor.
This was true. I don't get it....
6. I received a detention almost every single day of high school.
This is true. My father and our band director both saw to it that I didn't have too many free afternoons. I would like to point out that Lura and Kellie were usually the reason I got the detentions. Thank you very much.
7. I used to have a small drinking problem.
This one is also true. Thankfully being pregnant with Gabe solved that.
8. My aunt was murdered.
Unfortunately this is true. My Aunt Rosamond (sctually great-aunt) was a raging alcoholic and was murdered in Cleveland by a boyfriend in the 50's or 60's.



Carrie said...


Cheryl said...

Oh I am hoping #4 isn't true. Some of these are outrageous you nut!

Crystal said...

I say number 6

Unknown said...

Unless I missed bizarre twist with your dad or something it has to be the detention one, Do you even know where detention hall was?

Lura said...


Jamie said...


Char said...


kellerie said...

vic - are you kidding???? Lew gave her detention EVERY DAY!! - usually my fault. no, it's definitely #4

Unknown said...

Weel, if Lew gave you detention did you actually serve any? And it is not my fault I was not involved there (I won't use the BG words)

Char said...

Wow, Todd and I would LOVE to see that picture of your great grandfather and Sitting Bull. Todd is very much into Native American history and culture.
I love the costume idea for the aunt. Lura is always good at cheering people up at the worst times in their lives. haha
I can't believe you got detention every day! You poor thing!! I'm sorry. I'm sure it was all Lura and Kellie's fault and you just got blamed for it.

Char said...

Oh and i'm also glad you got pregnant so you got over your small drinking problem! :)

Cheryl said...

YAY I got one right. I missed all the other ones including my sister's!

kellerie said...

you're very welcome for the detentions. if it makes you feel better, the only detention i ever got was for writing a note to your sister during Mrs. Mienke's class in 6th grade. my perfect record, spoiled by an Emmons!