Monday, July 9, 2007


I hope this means that Carrie has hers back too! I don't know what happened...maybe the blog administrators thought I was abusing the Title privaledge. (Sp? just doesn't look right)

I need to complain. The poison ivy has spread everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! I have plans for a 3:00 oatmeal soak, I'll let you know if there is success. My right eye is puffing as it has spread there too. NO FUN!!!
I forgot a funny on Friday that happened after my drill incident. Sean and I were driving home from the hospital and he said "You know that Had a Bad Day song would fit you perfectly." No sooner did we pull into our driveway and that song came on the radio. What timing! I think they could have just filmed me for the video. :)
We are lazing around this afternoon. The trio is watching Barney (I know...) and Gabe is at the library. I am going to post this and then maybe lay down and try to nap if the kids will let me. They are waiting for Sean to get home as he has promised them outside play. I think he is going to start work on the swingset part of the clubhouse this week. Yay! I am looking forward to those.
Friday I may get a day out for a bit with Lura-Honey. We are going to try and get sitters and then venture down to Once Upon A Child to see if we can add anymore to the measly garage sale profits. A day out will do us some good! Not that I don't love being with my kids, but I need a break every once in awhile. Oh- and Friday night I am so excited for! Kellie, Brian, Sean and I are participating in Midnight Madness. It is done by the Park and Rec. From 11 pm to 7 am we are doing a scavengar hunt around town where we have to follow clues to get to each destination. None of us have ever done this so it should be interesting and loads of fun! Kellie has a camera phone and I have my pad of paper and pen so you should get to see some pics! I am really looking forward to it. There are only 5 teams and the winner gets a trophy. woo hoo!
I think if we can make it through the evening w/o a trip to the ER it will be great. Kellie and I are both a bit on the clumsy side. Sorry Kellie, but it's the truth. :)
Luke is going nutsy, so I need to run. Hopefully a nap for me. Have a good one!


Crystal said...


Crystal said...

That post wasn't there when I commented the first time! The scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun! I would love to do that!! I hope you get to nap and have a good oatmeal soak at 3!!!

Carrie said...

Is midnight madness basketball? Or am I just that blond that I misread your post? I don't remember reading about a scavernger hunt!

Enjoy your oatmeal.

Carrie said...

OK, I just re read your post...I am that blond!

No, I can't post a title yet!

Unknown said...

Come here on Friday, I know it is farther but I have a OUAC here too! I could use some visitors.

Crystal said...

I hope you got to take your nap and oatmeal bath!!!!

Cheryl said...

Do you really think it is a good idea for you to be running around town with someone else who is clumsy? You could be killed! Oh be careful. Don't stand to close to each other, look both ways before crossing the street and let Sean try things first.

I would so love a scavenger hunt!! I hope you have a fun and SAFE night.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Well all I can say is if the PI is everywhere and you are miserable, let Sean scratch it and have a little fun. I mean why not???

The hunt sounds great. I would be ridiculous....I would SO win!!

Have fun and be careful

Amanda said...

Hey - don't think I didn't offer!! He doesn't seem to think it would be as romantic as I do. :)

Char said...

I didn't respond to this post yet, did I?!
Ok, have a great time at the scavenger hunt. It sounds like SOOOOO much fun. I would love it.
I do think you need to be careful though. ;)

kellerie said...

I am not clumsy!!! okay, maybe a little.

but don't worry, cheryl, one of the husbands will be driving, so we will be fine. the physical challenges could get interesting, though. at least the ER isn't too busy at that time of night!