Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday Kellie...

This is my very belated birthday tribute to Kellie. She is one of those rare finds in friends. I have known her practically forever it seems. We have had quite a wild ride in our friendship! I wouldn't trade it for anything!! I have an old scrapbook where we wrote memories down many years ago. I lost count at 197. We have been through so many things together - good and bad. One summer we spent the longest week of my life as counselors at Muscular Distrophy camp together with her sister Robyn. We got in trouble, had a fight (we have maybe had 3), and had lots of laughs. We were each others Homecoming Dates one year (thanks for the corsage and dinner), I was with her when she got her first speeding ticket (note to all...the dyslexic defense does NOT work), she taught me how to drive (just left out the part about NOT driving over the cement barriers in parking lots)...I could go on and on. I was privaledged to be her maid of honor at the most beautiful wedding! (I am sorry about the toast). Kellie is a super friend, advice giver, shoulder to cry on. She has also proven over the years to be extremely patient, forgiving, and thoughtful. At Kellie's bachelorette party we both had a bit too much to drink and jumped over Lake Erie together, played hide and go seek in a seedy neighborhood, and I think we tried to be our own parade. I can remember one time when I was very angry at her though. After she and Brian were married, Kellie accepted a teaching job in Texas. It was a hard goodbye. I missed them incredibly and turned my sadness to anger at her to deal with it better. I still feel bad about it, but we overcame that. Kellie and I have done quite a bit of traveling together, Canada, New York City, Georgia... there are so many fun adventures I could share. I can't fathom what life would be like without her! My toilet papering accomplice, War Stories telling, sock hunting, prank phone calling friend!

Check out her blog - it's Kellerie's World - on my list of favorites.

Happy Belated Birthday Kellie! I love you my friend!!!!!


kellerie said...

oh my! i feel so honored!
i love those pictures!

Carrie said...

What a special tribute! I will be sure to check out her blog!

Your friendship reminds me of one I once had with my cousin. We aren't as close anymore, but we did a lot of fun and crazy things together. Toilet papering being one of them!!

Cheryl said...

Wow that is quite the tribute. She sounds great. Happy Belated Birthday Kellie. I hope it was wonderful!!

I will check out her blog.

Unknown said...

You were so nice about the stories you remembered. There are just so many it is hard to stop though.

Lura said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!