Monday, July 16, 2007

Maybe sad news...maybe not...depends on if you like me or not!

Once again I published my title before I had any post written. What a dork I am.
Well, this is sad news for me....maybe for you all too. Maybe you'll be happy, I don't know.
I'll stop beating around the bush, unless you all like being kept in suspense.
This may be one of my last posts. Sean and I have decided to cancel our internet and television as a way to cut costs. It won't be permanent, but I don't know how long. This means no more MASH, I just discovered how to IM and now I won't be able to do that (Oh Crystal what will we do?!), no more reading blogs and learning all about you guys that I have grown to love in the past few months. It may be later this week or it might not be until the end of July. I am sad about it, but I will survive. I will survive. Just as long as I do something something something..... I don't know the words. sorry. Sing along if you do!
Anyways...I am rambling. I will try and post some great pictures and words of wisdom before I have to be done. You all know I am full of it! ha ha.
Oh and maybe Lura can keep you all updated on my injuries! I know you set your clocks by them! Love you guys!


Cheryl said...

Oh that is sad news. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and so does my husband. You will be missed. Hopefully it won't last long. Post lots before you go. Again you will sorely missed.

Crystal said...

Well, plan on lots of phone calls and snail mail!!!! You can't get rid of me that easy girlfriend! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh please people!!!!!!! Why are we giving up? We will pay for it. How much is it? How much do you need each month for basic internet? Tell us!!!

Char said...

Aww man!! That stinks, but I know what you mean. The extras do add up.
We will miss you SOOOO much! I better do a movie review monday for you!
Maybe when you are at Lura's you can update and stuff.

Carrie said...

Oh, that makes me sad. You always crack me up! You can always go to the library and use a computer there. So, it doesn't have to be the end of blog world for you!

Jamie said...

Oh, yeah the internet is free at the libray, good one Carrie, you can do that. We need our Amanda on here!!