Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh No...my titles are gone again. I actually had one for tonight too. It was to be "No Sticker Tuesday"
I know you all share in my disappointment. Personally I thought I deserved a sticker. I think she is still worried the stickers make me too "performance driven." Well duh...isn't that the point of rewards? Oh gee, I am pathetic......
WalMart was a bummer. I talked with the kids the whole ride there about what I expected from them and I thought I was clear, easy to understand and slightly entertaining. Apparently I wasn't clear as they were little stinkers. We stopped for fruit first and Gabe would not keep his hands to himself! He kept trying to pick up heavy watermelons and then went for the grapes and others. I know he has ADHD. I know I have to be a little more patient, but you'd think he had taken something, and as far as I know he has not been to Charity's at all! He was bouncing off the walls, touching everything and just being a pain! He has been consistant with his medication, but I don't know what his deal was. The triplets kept standing up, grabbing at things and yelling at the top of their lungs. I was so embarassed. Luke screamed "I want to go home" over and over. I was firm and I was consistant the whole time - yay me! We left the store and they were punished with having Sprout (a pbs channel) taken away for the day. I was going to take VB also, but it couldn't be avoided.
I felt really let down by their behavior. My sister called and was going to Dunham's already so she offered to take Gabe and get his shin guards. I was more than happy to let her do it. We also met my mom and Amy and the girls for lunch at Pizza Post. Again...awful! I won't go into it, but it involved Gabe crying over a quarter.
I got Jonathan new tennis shoes today. He couldn't wear the old ones anymore as they were pinching his toes. I had to buy a 12 1/2! Caitlin is still wearing 8's and 9's! They should last him for a few months, hopefully. Sean is a 14 and I am a 12 so I know my kids are out of luck in the foot area.
We just had dinner. The kids had wholesome and nutritious lunchables and fresh fruit while Sean and I had bbq pork sandwiches and fruit. It was nice to not have to cook!!!!

Have a good night. I need to supervise Time out.


Carrie said...

What is up with our titles? What kills me is up there to the left is says "Untitled" well DUH! If we could post a title we would!

So sorry you had such a bad time grocery shopping. Its sounds very frustrating.

Glad you had a good dinner! I love pork chops.

Crystal said...

Oh girl. Just keep being consistent like you are and hopefully they will begin to listen. I just saw an episode of Supernanny and the mom had the same trouble when she'd take her 4 kids anywhere so the supernannny made these car ride cards that were differen't colors for each kid and they got to take them in the car ride with them and after they got home from whereever they went, the mom was supposed to put stickers on the cards of the kids who were well behaved and the other kids got priveleges taken away......it worked like a charm! The kids loved feeling like they could earn something. Once they accumulated a certain amount of stickers they got a bigger reward like staying up a half an hour later or getting an extra book read to them......stuff like that. No toys or anything like that were rewarded, I don't think supernanny believes in those types of rewards. Neither do I. Anyway, maybe you can try something like that with your fearsome foursome! Sorry for babbling........just trying to be helpful! Love you bye!

Unknown said...

Steven wears a 12, Jakob a 10 and Andrew (17 months old) a 7. We are hoping that this will stay for a little while, as we have shoes in an 11 and 12 for my sister's wedding in September. He was a 10 and Jakob an 8 for nearly a year though.

Cheryl said...

A 12, Holy Cow!!!! Ok I am over it. Sorry you had a bad shopping trip. It is always sad when shopping isn't fun. JO, is going to whip those boogers into shape. You'll be shopping all the time.

Booger is not in the spelling dictionary.

Cheryl said...

Oh I saw the supernanny Crys was talking about. Those kids were nuts!!! But it worked!

SamandSawyersMom said...

I thought my foot was big. i bet it is hard to find shoes or are they always on sale?? I see 12's at Goodwill all the time.

Stick witht he discipline until they get that you are nto goign to budge. My kids know what to expect before it comes out of my mouth...that is a good thing.Dr.phil says 'YOUR KIDS SHOULD BE ABLE TO PREDICT YOUR BEHAVIOR WITH 100 PERCENT ACCURACY". If not, then we have nto made our selves clear. Good for you for trying so hard.

I can pass down sam's shoes if that would help.

Crystal said...

Oh I can't believe Sonya just quoted my man Dr. Phil.........she doesn't even like him! SM

SamandSawyersMom said...

no but i agree with him sometimes

Crystal said...


Char said...

I swear I didn't give him anything!! Although I tend to just get mellow... hm! ;)
That stinks that they didn't behave well! I like Crystal's idea that she got from Supernanny. It sounds like something that might work. You like stickers! haha I'm glad you stuck to your guns with them. Also glad you didn't have to get shin guards with all 4 of them! :)

Jamie said...

I don't know if our kids feet are big or not, my husband wears a 13, Noah who is 7 is in a 2 and Abby who is 4 is around an 11 1/2. I'm just a 9 and was an 8 until after I had kiddies! I hope the last day or two has found you some relief from the itch and goodtimes with the kiddies. Hopefully you'll get some titles working too!

Char said...

I really hope those kids aren't still in time out!!

Cheryl said...

it's friday where are you?