Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Our Medical Update...

Gabe has a firey ear infection for sure. He is on antibiotics and drops. He has been draining a bloody fluid (hence the red) for over 12 hours now. It has finally slowed down. How fun. I am even more congested than I was this morning and ready for bed. Unfortunately three of the four kids are not ready for me to go to bed. I guess that's part of being a mom!
I was hoping to watch Big Brother tonight but again other plans have been made for me. Maybe I'll catch reruns of Full House, Cosby and MASH later on! I have so much laundry to do. I think I should rethink the whole use a towel only once theory. I just can't bring myself to reuse towels. I think it feels gross.
I lead such an exciting life!
Sean was given a case of brand new decorative mini grapevine cornucopias at work today. Afew weeks ago he came home with a case of masking tape! That's one of the fun things about summer break. I don't know what I am going to do with them all, but I thought dried flowers would be real pretty in them. Maybe all of you will receive cornucopias in the mail this fall! This is your only warning!!!!!
I am hoping to make it to VBS tomorrow. The kids are counting on it and I think I am too. I am still not sure if we are going yet. I can go with a snotty nose and stuffed up chest, but if Gabe's ear is still a mess I don't want him to go. Here's a church story for you all....
It was one of my first Sunday's taking communion when I was in junior high. At our church you go down to the front of the church and kneel at a communion rail. I was wearing a tan ankle length skirt with two rows of white ribbon at the bottom. I had gotten it at the Limited and loved it. I had paired it with the most hideous safari shirt that had these screeching howler monkeys all over it. I thought the shirt was "hot" oh boy, what was I thinking? I was also not a small girl. I was husky. (or huffy, according to my bike.) Anyways...we walk down in front of the 300+ people and when the minister says to we kneel and accept communion. After that is done he tells you to "rise". I rose and in the process stood on the back of my skirt and it pulled down and I exposed my granny pantied butt to the entire congregation. I could have just died.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I only mooned people once or even twice, but I went through a very awkward 8 years or so. I think more people in this town saw my underwear than my face!
I did survive, barely!
I need to go do some laundry...Have a great night.


kellerie said...

hey amanda - your skirt!
no really, amanda, your skirt!!!
just think of all the comfort you can give your kids when they embarras themselves at school.

Lura said...

You dropped your pocket!

Cheryl said...

Oh girl the life you lead!

Crystal said...

ha ha that's a great story!!! I have an embarrassing story too! I will have to post it sometime.

I hope you start feeling better soon and I hope Gabe is feeling better soon too! I will pray that you both wake up feeling awesome tomorrow morning! :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh my. i hope you feel better soon. Poor gabey

Unknown said...

Big brother...Danielle got the veto and took herself off the block. Jenn chose Joe to put up. Dick realized he was being a selfcentered jerk to Danielle and Jenn has to wear a red unitard the rest of the week as a prize from the veto compitition...and she loves it! She is the one I would want to punch, though Jessica is a close second.

Carrie said...

Hilarious story! Love it!

I hope your entire family feels better real soon!

Cheryl said...

Oh Amanda where are you....I am bored. I need to laugh.