Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I want my casts back!!!!

I want them back!!!!! Yesterday and the day before I spent hours weeding. I took off the brace so I could wear gloves and I washed my arms with soap and water as soon as I came in. I have POISON IVY down both arms! Oh, it is miserable. I haven't let Sean know because I am sure there will be an I told you so in there somewhere.

On the plus side my flowerbeds are looking really, really nice!

I have been cleaning like a mad woman all morning and that is what I am going back to now.

Happy July 3rd!


Crystal said...

Oh you poor thing! Are you allergic?? Shawn and Daws are allergic to poison ivy, I'm not though. I hope it doesn't itch too bad!

I would love to see pics of your flower bed! I wish I could come to your house for the parade.....that sounds so fun!

Thanks for taking time from your cleaning to post! happy cleaning! love ya!

Cheryl said...

Girl you need to live in a bubble.

I hate poison ivy. I have gotten it so bad before that I had to lay in a bed for 2 weeks. I had it from head to toe. Just a warning never burn the stuff!! I hope it heals quickly, take an oatmeal bath it really helps.

Have a good day cleaning, you're not alone, I am going to clean today too.

Carrie said...

UGH! Poison ivy sounds awful.

I hope it gets better soon!!!

Have fun cleaning, I always do!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

yeah well you nuts that have fun cleaning have been sniffing the cleaners!!

Oh i hate poison ivy. I read somewhere that almsot everyone can get PI. If you haven't you are just lucky. When you are allergic, you actually get sick from it. Crys is just lucky it hasn't gotten her...there is time!!

poor girl. i hope the plague ain't near you cause you would get it.

Carrie said...

Ha! Ha! I probably have sniffed one too many cleaners in my day.

Crystal said...

I never said I haven't had it........I am just not allergic to it! All I get is itchy patches but Shawn and Daws swell up like tomatoes!

Crystal said...

Miss you tonight!

Char said...

Hope the day went great!!
Sorry about the poison ivy. I have had it very bad before. I hope it goes away quickly.

Jamie said...

I hope your not itching yourself crazy!! I hope the parade went well, can't wait to see the drawings!!