Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just a quickie...

I wanted to address the Harry Potter issue real quick before Children's Service's is notified. I have read all of the books several times. The first one I feel is safe for Gabe. I have discussed it with several people who agree. I won't go past the first book with him until we feel he is ready and if he doesn't like the first book, that's fine - we'll stop. I will let him decide on that one. I think he will really enjoy it.
Also - Gabe's eardrum ruptured early this morning. For those who have never been through it with a kid it sounds worse than it is! He is still draining lots of bloody fluid and we have a dr.'s appt. But he is in a lot less pain. I was hoping around 3 this morning that it would happen as he was miserable and neither one of us slept much! When it ruptures it releases all the pressure that is built up and gives relief. I am assuming he will go on antibiotics this afternoon when we see the dr. He is also complaining of a stomachache. Poor Kid. :(
As for me, I have no voice and a fever. Just a bad summer cold, I think. My sunburn is fading and the poison ivy is finally drying up on my arms. If it would everywhere else I'd be golden!
That's all for now...I need to go and tend to my kiddos.


Carrie said...

I have not seen any Harry Potter's so I have no comment!

I used to get really bad earaches when I was little too. It is horrible to been in pain and all you can do is put your head on a heating pad and take meds. I bet once it ruptured it felt really good!

Jamie said...

I hope he feels better, that does sound very painful!

Cheryl said...

Poor Gabe I hope he feels better soon.

I don't have a problem with Harry Potter, it is fantasy, not real and as long as the kids know that I don't see the problem.

Char said...

Jacob read Harry Potter #1 and then he watched the movie. He said he liked being able to know what was coming next in the movie because he read the book. I leave it up to him on whether he wants to read or see any of the other movies. He's only seen and read #1 so far. Todd and I have seen all the movies but haven't read the books. I think Gabe will be fine and he'll tell you if it's bothering him. I like it when kids can handle being their own judge on what they feel they can handle/watch/read. :)
I sure do hope you guys get better soon. It does sound pretty bad! Does it take long to heal? What else do they do besides the antibiotics?
Keep us updated on you guys and your doctors appointments.

Crystal said...

I let Daws see alot of movies and shows that some may feel he is too young for.......I am not talking rated R stuff or real nasty stuff but like Spiderman movies and transformers and things like that I let him watch. I even let him watch stuff like Spongebob and stuff because I use those things as teaching tools for him. I feel that as long as parents use these types of shows and movies to talk to their kids about certain issues and use it as a teaching tool, I don't see it as harmful at all. I would rather do it that way than to shelter him too much to the point where he can't handle himself and certain situations in the real world when he's older. I do feel that you can shelter a child too much to the point that it hinders them.

I know there are some parents that let their kids watch whatever they want and they don't watch it with them or take the time to explain anything or even supervise what they watch, that's not what I am talking about, I do think that is wrong too. Oh well, I just babbled, sorry about that!

I sure hope that you and Gabers are feeling as good as new very soon!!! HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU BOTH!

Cheryl said...

Ryan loves Harry Potter. he wants me to read all the books to him. But he isn't afraid of much. He loves the big snakes and spiders. YUCK!!