Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday Morning

Yep that's it. I have Titles back and that is all I can come up with. Pathetic.

I am trying to wake up the kids so we can start our day. It is 8:20 and they are not budging, well Luke and Johnny are actually up. The other 2 are protesting Tuesday - at least Tuesday Morning.

I am taking all 4 grocery shopping for fruits and corn on the cob and chicken. I don't want to have to cook, so I am making some huge salads and Sean volunteered to grill anything. Anyone have any ideas for pork chops on the grill. Can you make them that way? Then we have to find Gabe new shin guards. He starts soccer camp tonight and I was just informed late last night that his one was ripped beyond repair! This may mean a trip with my fearsome foursome to a sporting goods store. Aaaahhhh!!! Hockey sticks, tennis rackets, football cleats....you all understand my fears don't you?! Plus that would mean a half hour drive with directionally challenged Amanda at the wheel. I just need to remember that if there is no road to turn left on, you can't sit there with your left turn signal holding up traffic on a major road waiting for them to build one. I get so nervous driving with the kids. It's not their behavior, it's the fear of something happening. It's been worse ever since last year when a semi turned in front of us on a 2 lane road and we had to take a ditch at 55 mph to avoid crashing. We do say a prayer everytime we buckle in for a drive. Have any of you become more nervous since motherhood?

I think I may have Dr. K. this afternoon where I can tell her that once again it was pointed out I apologize too much. :) I am never going to get another sticker at this rate! DO YOU ALL KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE I GOT ONE???? I don't even remember!!!!

At some point the kids want to go to Valley Beach and Gabe has his camp... I am out of clean clothes for myself, the kids are okay on laundry. I think Lura will refuse to drive with me in the car if I don't get laundry done by Friday.

Well off I go to try and rouse the 2 refusing my pleasant Good Morning songs and suggestions. Wish me luck at the sporting goods store...
Have a good day!


Char said...

Why in the world would you wake up your children anyway???? It's summer, there is no school, you can have some quiet time to yourself in the morning to do things you want to do. Or to even do laundry!! I absolutely never wake my children up unless I absolutely have to! haha!
If I lived closer I'd give you a pair of shin guards I have. I have 2 pairs and we don't need 2. :( Good luck going. I think we got ours at Target or someplace like that.
I almost got ran over by a huge truck on the highway about a month ago while driving my tiny little VW. It scared to to death! Ever since them I haven't driven down that way again. He just came barrelling up behind me, probably going atleast 90. I couldn't get over because there was a car beside me so I punched it and then got over. He was right on me and if I hadn't gotten over just then he would have plowed me over. It was very scary and I had the kids with me! I cryed. Poor Jacob was sitting in the front with me wondering what was wrong.

kellerie said...

i agree - don't wake sleeping children!

yes, you can cook pork chops on the grill. they turn out very good with bbq sauce.

you'll be fine driving to (town i won't say the name of) just think of all the stupid things we did in high school, and if we didn't get hurt then, a simple drive to the mall can't hurt!

Carrie said...

Pork chops on the grill are really good! Putting barbecue sauce on is really good too, but wait until there just about finished to put on the bbq, otherwise it will burn.

Have fun grocery shopping and going to All About Sports or Dicks or wherever your going for sports gear!

I am terrified driving with Olivia in the car. I was rearended last year (before I was prego) and still always look in my rearview thinking someone is going to do it again! I wish I could put my car in a bubble so no one could hurt us!

Unknown said...

Remember I was hit head on when pregnant with Steven & Jakob, I drive mostly, since I think it is a control thing for me. After all my mom was driving when we got hit.

Crystal said...

Barbque pork chops are the bomb on the grill! I actually like when the sauce burns......it's yummy! You can throw some baked potatoes on the grill too and some corn.........oh yummy now I am starving!

I'm glad you didn't have to take Gabe to the sports store. That was nice of Amy to take him since she had to take her girls. I hope the rest of your day goes well and I am hoping you get a sticker! :)

Amanda said...

Should the pork chops be boneless or boney? Does it matter?

Crystal said...

Doesn't matter girlie......boneless or with a bone is fine!

Crystal said...

Oh boneless does cook quicker than with a bone so just be careful not to burn it.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i remember commenting ont his and it is nto here