Sunday, July 22, 2007

You can't judge a book by it's cover

Since you all know Sean and all our kids, I have decided to introduce you to the rest of my family. I am starting with my sister - in - law Michele's children. They range in age from 21 to 4. Plus there are 3 grandchildren (Yikes! I am a great-aunt), but I couldn't find my fuzzy blue album with their pictures.
Notice my title, You can't judge a book by it's cover. That fits these kids to a T! They are full of piercings and tatoos, one has dyed her beautiful hair Jet Black, and the three oldest have all had babies as teenagers. Most people would look at them and immediately decide they are "bad" kids by appearance alone. I hate to admit it, but I probably would have 9 years ago.
These six kids are some of the kindest, most loving, funniest and sweetest children you'd ever want to meet. I am so proud of them and love them all. That doesn't mean there aren't some disappointments and moments I'd like to erase, but who doesn't have those? I wish you all could meet them and know them like I do. The boys don't hesitate to hug me and say "I love you Aunt Amanda" even in front of their friends. They have taught me the importance of looking past appearances and getting to know the person inside! What a valuable lesson and gift. I admire the way they embrace their uniqueness and the self-confidence they possess.
They are not perfect, there are times when I leave a family gathering and wonder what on earth they were doing, saying and/or thinking. But I feel lucky to be a part of their lives and am thankful they are a part of my children's lives.


Cheryl said...

How Sweet. I have a cousin who taught me the same lesson. He is one of the greatest people I have ever met, even when his hair was red and spiked,(he has gone through a rainbow of colors) he got tattoos and the pierced ears. He is a Christian and a wonderful, wonderful loving person.

Crystal said...

AMEN TO YOUR POST!!!! Good for you to be able to look past the appearance and into the heart......I wish more people would take the time to do that!!!! By the way, all of the kids look great! I love the dark haired girl, she's very pretty and the guys look like they would be very funny to be around!

kellerie said...

very well said!

SamandSawyersMom said...


yeah I definitely need major work in this area. I am often scared by people with piercings etc.

Good for you

Unknown said...

When you introduce could you give first names (I know public blog but still) Hair color and piercings come and go (though there may be some scarring and need for dental work) the only thing I have issue with that you can't hide or take away is gauged out ears (the big holes). When I was teaching my room was always full of new and fun colors...sometimes I wish I had the nerve to go pink or purple.

kellerie said...

yeah - the gauged out ears kind of freaked me out. that's just not going to attractive in 30 or 40 years!

Jamie said...

Well as a former family standout, I definitely agree with the post. I was the one who dyed the hair, had the piercings, although I never ventured into tattoos, my brother did that for me! Peoples outward appearances change over the years, but what's inside stays the same!

Lura said...

You can judge a blog that hasn't been updated though!

Cheryl said...

I agree with Lura.

Carrie said...

I love the 2nd picture! Its precious!

I love your post too, but it can be very hard not to think bad things. I have a cousin who has some piercings and truly is psychotic.

Unknown said...

So should we begin judging the blog that has not been updated? Let's see...what can I say? Hmmm...OK I will be nice and not say anything. Please update though, I need a fix.

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...
