Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trying something new.

Today I am going to clean my house. I am determined to get one room completely done so I can take a picture and post it. If I drew it I could cheat and make it look cleaner that it is. I am hoping the kids will cooperate.
That is not the something new.
That would be that I am making 2 loaves of Honey Wheat Bread today. I looks and sounds delicious. You don't use a bread pan, you shape it into round loaves and bake it on a cookie sheet. Yay Sil Pat! That would be my pan liner that Martha Stewart uses that I absolutely love. Martha doesn't actually use mine, she has her own, this would be one like the one she uses. I guess you could have figured that out without me explaining!
I have filled 3 bags of recyclables so far this week. Go Me! I try to recycle everything that I can. Norwalk doesn't recycle glass, but I will check out the Erie place Vic suggested.
Oh, this would be for the people up here...the trio's party can't be Sunday. Could you guys do Saturday? Leave me a comment and let me know! Bethy moved Scarlett's party to Sunday and it is causing all sorts of problems!!!!
For those who wondered, Beth is leaving her baby with the man she is marrying on August 9th for at least 9 weeks. No one knows him that well and I admit to being less than comfortable with the idea. I am trusting that God will keep them safe. What craziness!
I went to Wal Mart a few days ago and had to cut my trip short. It was the strangest thing. I went down an aisle and wasn't paying to much attention. I looked up and there was a man in front of me. He had his back to me, but it could have been my dad's identical twin. They say we all have a doppleganger. I paniced and turned and ran away. Okay, I walked briskly away. It was just too weird. It was one of those moments where I wanted to whisper "Dad" and see if he turned around. I can't really explain it, he looked just like my dad! Sean said he had the same thing happen and thinks it was definately the same guy. I almost cried in WalMart, but held it until I got outside.
Well, if I am going to clean I need to go and get a Diet Coke! I am really determined. Keep me accountable guys, ok??


SamandSawyersMom said...

you can do it you can do it. Go Amanda!!! Go Amanda!~

kellerie said...

norwalk does too recycle glass! you can put your pop cans, food cans, plastic, and glass all in the same bag. i do it here, and then take it to mom's house.

kellerie said...

do you mean this saturday? i graduate in the morning, but I can be back in the afternoon.

of course, i didn't recieve an invitation, so i'm not sure you're talking to me :)

Cheryl said...

Go Amanda Clean that room. YOU CAN DO IT!! Have fun, you'll be so proud of yourself when it's done.

Crystal said...


Unknown said...

I say Sunday at your house, I can bring bubbles...we could even get a sprinkler if your lawn needs water and then when the kids all strip at least it isn't so x-rated! Plus we might get to visit more since your yard has a fence.