Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hi guys!
I cannot sleep...too itchy and achey!
I was going through some old stuff and found a portion of my 50 things to do before I die list. I thought you might get a kick out of it. I have not done much of my list and don't see me doing most of it, but I still thought it was kind of neat-o. I made this around 1996, so I was about 21.

1. Be Published.
2. Learn to Watercolor.
3. Get Married.
4. Have a family.
5. Have an "O".
6. Own my own business.
7. Go to a spa.
8. Go on a retreat.
9. Swim with the Dolphins.
10. Have sex on a beach.
11. Go on a Hot Air Balloon ride.
12. Read the entire Bible.
13. Water Ski.
14. Memorize an E.A.Poe work.
15. Love someone who loves me back, unconditionally.
16. Travel in the Outback.
17. Live in the country.
18. Own many animals.
19. Dance at a Ball.
20. Do a sidewalk chalk drawing in Paris.
21. Go on a wilderness adventure.
22. Perfect at least one piece on the piano.
23. Ride a donkey to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
24. Walk through an apple orchard in bloom with someone I love.
25. See an opera in Italy.
26. Refinish a table.
27. Go parasailing.
28. Get thin enough for a belly button ring.
29. Work a week for Habitat.
30. Volunteer at a mission.
31. Volunteer at a Children's Hospital.
32. Meet Darlene Diebler Rose.

I couldn't find the rest of the list, but I thought there were a few here that were doable. I will keep you updated on any I accomplish...
Have a good night!


Crystal said...

Those were great! Thank you for sharing! I wish you weren't so itchy and achey! I hope you are feeling better today!

Jamie said...

That is so cool to find!! I haven't done much of these either! Except for the marriage and family ones, I've been to a spa, been on a retreat (scrapbooking!!) and had a belly button ring (I also once had a tongue ring, but don't tell anybody !! SM) I found a journal I wrote through my senior year at high school once and it was so funny to hear what I thought was so important and devestating at that time! It's funny how we change as we grow!

Lura said...

Isn't having a family and owning many animals the same thing??? :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

that is really cool Amanda. The "O" had me cracking up.

People are so different cause most of those would never occur to me to want like the paris or grand canyon thing.

good for you for what you ahve done.

I need to make that list now, we all should really and then try and do them.

Lura said...

On Tuesday, February 24, 2004, Darlene Rose laid her head back, smiled that special little smile and closed her eyes. Jerry, seeing this, moved swiftly to her side to help. He realized in a moment that her body was beyond human intervention. God had called, and His calling is irrevocable. And five months later, God called Jerry home…both now at rest but their work still to impact the world.

Unknown said...

Who was Darlene? I think you can still do many of those. AS for watercolor...I stink but I can sort of teach you...or go to Drug Mart and buy a paint with water book. Once kids are in school you can refinish a table (or other piece of furniture), may be you should begin rummaging for one now.

Char said...

Those are really neat!
Some of those I could add to my list, like #'s 1, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29 and 31. haha!!
I think I'll make my list now. It's nice to have something to dream about and shoot for in life.
I hope you accomplish every single one of these!

Char said...

Have you tried your oatmeal bath yet? That might help??

Amanda said...

Jamie - a tongue ring? You rebel! Do you have a picture to

SamandSawyersMom said...

jamie is a wild woman

Char said...

Jamie - Oh ouch! Did it hurt badly?

Cheryl said...

Wow that is quite a list. I hope you get to do a lot of it some day. You never know. I want to go to the outback with you. That is so cool. I don't think I would have had such I hopes or such big dreams at 20.

Carrie said...

That is awesome! How neat to find 11 years later!!!

Please keep us updated once you scratch anything off your list!!

What exactly do you mean have an "O"???

Crystal said...

Oh Carrie, think about it girl and you will figure it out! ha ha

Carrie said...

OK, so my sister called me cracking up about my previous comment....I can't help it! It took me a few minutes to figure out what an "O" was.

I sometimes type before I think, thats my biggest problem.

Cheryl said...

Oh Carrie you are too much girl!!