Saturday, June 16, 2007


Wow, what a title! Today has been a pretty good day. We took the pugs home this morning. Kooky rode on my lap for the whole ride...only 15 minutes, but with a dog licking me it seemed a lot longer!

I went out to a few garage sales this morning. I wasn't going to, but boy am I glad I did! I got Gabe several brand new Gap shirts, tags still on for 50 cents each. I also got him 3 pairs of jeans and a jacket for 50 cents each. Then I found two twin size Peanuts (the Snoopy kind), vintage sheet sets for 2.oo each! I got a bag of a gazillion notecards and envelopes (look out all my blog buddies!) for 1.oo and 2 aprons for 60 cents. Oh and a clue game for a buck! Sean also got a brand new, tag still on Bass shirt that is really handsome. I was so tickled!

Gabe spent the night at Amy's and then spent the day at Valley Beach. We are going tomorrow after church. Tomorrow my mom is the lituragist so she will read the scriptures and do the call to offering. It would have been my parents 40th anniversary too. Then for Father's Day we go to a picnic at my Aunt Lol's with all the food cooked over their firepit. She does amazing bbq chicken and steak! It will be nice to see everyone. Monday night we have the twins 6th birthday party. I am excited to give them their presents! We got them a Backyardigans (it is age appropriate, I checked) backyard domino game and an air hockey game. I am going to be the cool one this year!!

I cleaned the kitchen and did a ton of laundry today and started on our bedroom. I can't believe how much stuff we have that is completely useless! I want a clean and organized home so much. I get so overwhelmed, even setting up to work in small increments. I just want organization and a clutter free life!

Monday will start my first full week with the triplets home all the time. No more day care! We had to pull them out for financial is so expensive, even when we got the reduced rate. I think that I can offer them a fun filled, educational , interesting and entertaining summer so I don't feel as if they are going to miss out by not being there. I, however may miss out with them not being there. :)

Have a great night and enjoy the day tomorrow.


Lura said...

Wow. I know tomorrow will be a rough day for you. I'll be thinking about you. You can borrow my dad anytime you want. (He did marry you and Herman you know!) I just read somewhere today that if you are feeling overwhelmed with things to do or stuff, just deal with 10 things at a time. If you have a bunch of clothes to fold, just fold 10 things. Then go back and do 10 more later. Don't look at it as having to do 100's of things.

Crystal said...

I will be thinking of you tomorrow too......I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and talking about the wonderful memories of your dad! Use tomorrow as a day to remember him and celebrate his life!!! Love ya girl!