Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday fun

We had a fun day today. We got up at 8:00, I git up earlier and bathed with the help of 2 dogs and 2 3 year olds. They kept opening the door to see what I was doing. I thought I was pretty precise with my explanation of why I was going upstairs in the first place. Apparently not! Gabe and Caitlin were good and stayed downstairs to watch t.v.

Anyways, we got dressed and out the door by 8:45, picked up a small breakfast at Burger King and then drove to the reservoir where we picniced and played for over an hour. I took several pictures which will probably be developed tomorrow. The kids climbed all over the huge playset and were more daring with things this time. We were the only ones there so it was nice.
After that we drove through the cemetary to say "Hi" to grandpa and check out the pinwheels in Babyland. I know that's weird, but my kids love the decorations people put up in cemetary's. I try and explain each time why certain things are there, or at least why they might be. I hope I don't grow up with disturbed kids!
Then we came home to do a quickie clean up as Amy and her girls were meeting us here with pizza and afterwards we went to VB. It was not crowded and the water was perfect! I sat ion the towels for the first 1 1/2 hours. One reason is I still have an arm casted, but the other was my silly, self-conciousness. I was so worried about how I looked and sat there feeling uncomfortable. Finally I basically said "screw it!" and waded in. Caitlin immediately started one of the worst tantrums I have ever witnessed. She kept screaming and telling me to get out. When she started pushing me and Pulling on my suit, which Johnny had already pulled down my top and my bottoms, my friend Tracy came a took her out of the water. Her screaming didn't stop and I decided to call it a day. Caitlin told me later that she didn't want me in the water, only on the towel. I don't was just crazy! We spent a little over 2 hours there. It was mainly a really fun time. The trio were little fishes and Gabe amazed me by doing the log roll many times and Jumping off the big dock. Wehave plans to go tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how Caitlin reacts.
When Sean got home I left the trio with him and Gabe and I ran to WalMart to get some dinner stuff. We had an indoor picnic w/ subs, chips, potato salad and cookies. Tomorrow we are grilling out and having corn on the cob and watermelon. Yum! Gabe was a super duper helper at the store and in return was able to go to Uncle Scott's ballgame and spend the night at their house. He was happy!
I am trying to get some big time cleaning done. I have got 1/2 the kitchen done and am feeling good about it. I want to get at least 4 more loads of laundry washed, dried and folded before bed and it is already 8:30. Tomorrow the dogs go home. We are sad but happy to see them go. They really haven't been any trouble, just very distacting. I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you our guests!
Oh- and as far as the dinosaur in the kitchen goes, I got Gabe, Carmen and Scarlett a package of dinos that when put in water grow to up to 600% the starting size. It is working well! Gabe is excited. I will take a picture of that.
Next week I will have Carmen and Scarlett for 4 days, plus Gabe, plus the triplets!!!! Amy is insisting on paying me and we can really use the money so I will be contributing financially to the house, if only for a week.
Well, I doubt the triplets are going to sleep anytime soon and I have 876 things to do. I hope that Sonya finds shoes, Crystal is having a happy weekend, Vic and Tim hear good news, Cheryl and co. return safely from Disney, Kellie and Brian from Vegas, Jamie has fun with her family, Charity keeps in touch with her new/old friends she met up with, Melodie and the boys have a safe trip up and maybe call, and Lura gets her house clean and then invites us over to play!!! Did I get you all in a good wish?

You are all in my prayers and I am thankful for all of you. Good Night!


Crystal said...


Amanda said...

Doh - I did it again!! You're not losing it, I am!!!

Crystal said...

Sounds like you had a pretty fun day. Did you ask Caitln why she didn't want you in the water??? You should ask her and see what she says...that's funny. No one saw any of your goodies when she pulled your suit did they?? YIKES!!!

Thank you for the good wishes.....that was sweet.

Amanda said...

No Goodies, I don't think.

I asked Caitlin and all she said wwas NO, but when I gave her suggestions I found out it was because I was embarrassing, smelly, hairy, dorky and not her best friend any more.
I'm not sure I got anywhere...

Char said...

It sounds like your day went pretty well! Hopefully you can get back in the water soon without Caitlin yelling. I mean, you finally got up the nerve to go in and then her screaming brought all of this unwanted attention your way. So then everyone was staring at you anyway!
I've decided that I don't really care. I'm going to try and own my body and just know that I'm not done with it yet - it is a work in progress!!!!! :)
Thanks for the good wish!

Jamie said...

Aww, thanks for the good wishes, so far we are enjoying our family time!! I hope you can venture into aqua land tomorow without another tantrm. I wonder what it was, you just never know with kids. Sometimes little things just make them feel comfortable and they don't want it to change. Well have a good weekend!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Aww what a nice post. That swimming pond sounds fun. A log? How great! I looked for shoes today and last night and came up empty handed. If that is my worst problem, I am doing okay.

Caitlin was surely just trying to control you and you showed her that it did not pay off by leaving. It usually only takes afew tiems of that. Was she overly tired? It sounds like it.

Sorry, in advance for how you will feel tomorrow without your dad. Please try and concentrate on your children's daddy and what a blessing he his. Love you.