Friday, June 22, 2007


Warning: There is no order to this has been known to cause headaches.

I am so glad it is Friday as it means 2 days with Sean home. The triplets were quite hard to handle today and I about lost it several times. No stickers for me!
Somehow Luke found (with his feet) a bun with ketchup all over it that was on the living room floor, stepped on it and left a trail of ketchup prints. I still don't know why it was on the floor. Jonathan went potty and then must have squatted so it got on the insides of his feet and left me a trail of #2 prints. Caitlin spilled water every chance she got and managed to dump half her lunch into her lap.
We went to my mom's this morning so I could help give the cat his medicine. He isn't a cooperative patient, and they got into everything they could at my mom's house.
I took them to Valley Beach today where I got to spend time chatting with my friend Tracey, which was nice, but they were maniacs there. Johnny almosted pantsed me twice!
Luke was a fireman today. He rode an 18 inch firetruck everywhere ( it was not made to be a ride on toy!) and talked into an old cb radio that he fastened to his pants. He was cute.
Both boys had to potty in the car and they were only in underwear...long I had them tinkle into a 42 oz. McDonalds cup. They thought it was the coolest but then Caitlin got upset because I didn't let her.
Gabe was at Amy's most of the day today. We met up with him at Valley Beach this afternoon. He never ceases to amaze me with his constantly improving swimming skills.
I made noodles for dinner and dumped boiling water down my leg as I was draining them. Ouch. Sean grilled wonderfully delicious chicken for dinner. Gabe hated dinner and pouted his way through the meal. We tried our best to ignore it, but it just put a damper on the table. Caitlin did not spill her milk today!!!! Luke did.
The kids are all finally sleeping and I have a bajillion loads of laundry to do. Plus I am trying to get my house clean. It's never going to happen!!!!!


Crystal said...

Oh my! What an exciting day you had! Whoa, did you mean that he almost depantsed you?? Thank you so much for posting......I know, I can be such a pain! ha

Amanda said...

You are never a pain Crystal!

kellerie said...

KETCHUP footprints????? omg, just the thought makes me almost pass out. i can never come to your house again. (if you don't know me, this won't make sense, but i am totally serious!)

Lura said...

Look on the bright side, at least you have a dryer!

Lura said...

and your husband is not working Saturday.

Lura said...

and you don't have to take your kids by yourself to his families reunion.

Lura said...

and you have a pass to the local pool.

Lura said...

and you didn't just spend all your time the past week helping with VBS in your spare time when you weren't at work having a state inspection.

Lura said...

Don't you feel better now???

Amanda said...

Kellie - DID i SAY KETCHUP? I meant red paint.

Lura - I don't feel better. Now I have tremendous guilt, no therapy and no sticker. Do you feel better?! :)

Lura said...

Not really. Pray for patience. I have absolutely none with Tyler right now!

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow lura never comments like that on my blog

lura, you'll live through it. i do it everyday with 5 or 6 (depending on the day) and 2 are twins too.

Oh amanda, has nanny called yet??

Crystal said...

New post please!

Lura said...

You don't hang your laundry though!

Cheryl said...

I think we should all take a posting break for like w eek and see if Crystal's head explodes.

Cheryl said...

I hope your weekend got better. Why is Kellie afraid of ketchup? yeah,heard from the Nanny yet?