Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Quick Update

We are having quite a thunderstorm right now. Luke is huddled beside me under a sheet! Caitlin and Johnny could care less. Gabe is at Amy's disappointed that swimming is ruined for the afternoon. :(

I just returned from my dr.'s appt. She was concerned with the swelling and general appearance so I had to go and have x-rays done. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to be recasted!!! Hopefully they will call me soon and let me know.
I am still going with the idea of it's supposed to look this way as it heals.

Have a good aftrnoon. Kellie....I hope you are doing your paper and not reading about my glorious life! You have less than 24 hrs. Am I obnoxious? That's what friends are for you know.


Crystal said...

I am praying for your wrist not to be recasted!

Uhm, you shouldn't be on your computer during a storm, lightening can come thru the computer and strike you! No, I swear it's true........I know a friend!

Char said...

LOL - Crystal!!! You crack me up!!!

I hope all goes well with the x-ray!

And Kellie - get busy on your paper!!

Unknown said...

Amanda uses a laptop...so no cords, please confirm the same is true about cordless phones...she has a bit of a phobia

Crystal said...

ha ha me too! I hide in the basement during storms! Yes, it's true, if there's no cord, your safe since there's nothing for it to travel thru!

Amanda said...

I did know a guy in high school who got struck by ligtening while on the phone. And my dad got struck while getting a hair cut with clippers a few months before he died. They have always wondered if that may have played a part in his death. I get paranoid about that. I'd hide in the basement also if it weren't so scary down there!

kellerie said...

Personally, I love storms, although I do take them more seriously now that I have a child.
and yes, I'm working on my project. actually, it's only 12:30, and I'm nearly done! no staying up till 4 tonight! :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

crys must use a lot of time and energy researching this stuff

Unknown said...

I LOVE storms...thunder or snow, so do my kids (mostly)b/c they see that I am not scared. Who got struck in HS? I think you are making that part up, though you are more then allowed to have the issues with your dad being struck. My mom knew someone in high school who was out golfing and got struck and killed, it was actually one of her really good friends.

Char said...

Did you know that if you are in an indoor pool and there are windows around you can still get struck by lightening? So if it's storming out side and you are inside in a pool, get out of the pool!
I'm OK with storms for the most part. It's the tornado's that scare me. I'm fine with thunder and lightening and all of that, but if there are tornado warnings I freak out. I have to really down play it for the boys though. They aren't really scared of storms thankfully. Last year when we were having all of those tornado warnings I was pretty scared and the boys could tell so they do get a little scared now if there is a tornado warning. I get a bunch of stuff together and put it in the bathroom under the stairs. I get a jug of water, snacks, wipey's, any pills we might need, cell phone, small radio, some pillows and I have the boys get their blankies and favorite stuffed animals. Our bathroom is tiny, but we've all been in it before in the middle of the night for tornadoes. I just hate them. It's hard to stay calm and cool for the sake of the kids when all you want to do is curl up in a corner and cry. haha
We don't have a basement. We have a crawl space but not one you can really get into for a tornado warning.

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

I hate storms. That was the one and only thing my house had to have when we were looking, a BASEMENT.

Lura said...

I love storms! Tim and I would go chasing after them before the boys. We want to see a tornado!

Crystal said...