Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Betser and the trio...

Vic, her mom and the kids came over yesterday. She has 3 yr. old twin boys and a 1 yr. old boy. We had a great time playing and it amazed me how well all 7 kids played together. Gabe did so well with all the little ones and was a big help. Victoria fed the kids (I attempted to help and ended up with peach juice in my cast) and bathed 5 of the 6 little ones. Caitlin opted out of bathtime fun. Tim had an interview and we are crossing everything and praying lots. It would mean they could move back to town instead of being 1 1/2 hrs. away!!! This weekend we can hopefully get together for a girls night out. Kellie has three students willing to babysit hers, mine and lura's. Vic would leave hers with Tim and we could all get away for awhile. We need it! I need to go slap on the old WalMart bags and shower. Have a good Day.


SamandSawyersMom said...

How nice!

How old are these students? They won't kill themselves after will they...SM???

Have fun together. I love my girl time. I do not get it nearly enough.

I love the nose picking child...which one is he?

Unknown said...

Oh, come on three kids, one nose picking one with hand in the pants and one saying cheese, how much better does it get?!

Amanda said...

High Scool girls, I hope not!

Johnny is the picker!

Jamie said...

That's great that you get to have some girl time! We all need it!!

Lura said...

Just as I pictured it! Ha ha.