Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ding Dong One Cast is GONE!

I spent several hours at the hospital this morning, but for a good reason!!! My right cast is gone!!! It feels wonderful. I was grossed out by the skin peeling off and hanging from my wrist and hand. It looks like that should be painful, but really it isn't. It smells funny. Yuck. My only major complaint is how much it hurts! I told Sean that it didn't hurt this much when I first broke it! I am assuming since it has been locked into one position for 4 weeks it is going to be crampy and sore until it gets moving again. I have to wear a splint now, but can remove it to shower, potty (yay!) and sleep. I am scheduled to get the other cast removed on June 27th. Dr. K. said to bring my kids so they can watch him saw it off. They are so excited!

The picture with all the kids in it is from Vic's night at my house. It was neat as they acted like they had never been apart. They played together so well and hugged and chatted. I loved hearing their little excited voices! The other picture is of my fabulous foursome!

Sorry I don't have a long post today...maybe more tonight.

OH-CRYSTAL!!! Remember when I was so excited about something I made and was mailing you and then I lost it several times and it never got mailed and I felt like a big fat loser??? I MAILED IT TODAY! Let me know when you get it. I'm so excited about it, but you might think I am a big dork.


Crystal said...

Cute pictures! The kids look like they were having a good time!

YAY YOU!!! ONE DOWN, ONE TO GO!!!!Hey, did a plant pop up out of your cast??

Oh goodie, I just love mail!!! I will let you know when I get it........thank you!!!!!

Jamie said...

That's great, you're almost back to normal now. The pictures are great!! Hope the pain goes away soon, what a bummer.