Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We were clothed...but now naked again Tuesday

The kids are finally asleep. Yay me! It was a chore tonight.

Gabe did awesome at swimming lessons. He worked on diving, only one major belly smacker that left him red and hurting, and then he went off the BIG high dive twice! This is a huge accomplishment for him. I am so proud. I am so in need of a camera. I'll draw a picture of it later for you all to see his moment of glory!
I think I may break down and go put oone on layaway at least.
The triplets were little fish in the water. They are getting so fearless...good and bad. Oh, Sean was fearless too. I can't forget about him! I was very proud of him too.

I didn't have to do Ed's nightime herpes medicine. ha ha, that still makes me laugh. That poor cat! I think he got it from a loose neighbor kitty, but my mom insists that the vet says it's a normal, non loose kitty thing for a cat to get. I'll go back in the a.m. to medicate him.

We have a family reunion this Sunday at my mom's. It is my dad's extended family. They are all nice people. But boy oh boy, are there some weirdo's. I'll take a disposable camera with me so you don't have to rely on my drawings. The following weekend is the family reunion of my maternal grandma's family. I think those people are even stranger. Our next reunion isn't until September and that is my maternal grandpa's. (And Lura, if healthy enough, the dog killers will be there!) Aren't you glad you know all that? NO QUIZ though.

Tomorrow at 8 a.m. think of me. I get my cast off. Pray it is good news!!!

I need to run...laundry calls.


Lura said...

Call me, I'll be up till at least midnight!

Crystal said...

Nighty night girlie! I will say a pray for you. I hope your wrist is all better.

Wow, that's alot of family reunions! We have some weirdo's in our fam too don't we Sonya and Cheryl??

(Actually they are two of the weirdos) shhh don't tell them I said that!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Lura needs to get more sleep.

Weird family members are just regular people with different "problems" than we have.
Usually harmless.

Crys I do not even have to speak on my behalf here...if people know you.

Jamie said...

Well I'm glad no one from my family comments on here, I'm sure they'd have their stories to tell!! I really hope everything is ok when they take the cast off, can't wait to hear. It's so nice when the kids take to the water. Abby is still freaked out about it being in her face, so we're working on that. Well have a great day.

Carrie said...

Glad to hear your getting your cast off!

Believe me, my family is full of weirdos. I think my immediate family is the only normal ones. I have some crazy stories. Matt's family is very strange too. Have fun at the reunions despite being in weirdoville.

kellerie said...

i'm so glad that my family is normal! :)

Cheryl said...

I don't think there is a normal person in our family.

Glad the cast is coming off.

Good job Gabe on the high dive, very brave.