Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ahhh..the Hoff!

I have 10 minutes - Gabe is pacing to go to the library to sign up for the reading program! Too bad Jacob won't be there to handle it!

Apparantly those 2 sentences are all I had time for. Gabe is all signed up and has started reading his little head off! I love his enthusiasm!!! I am now watching America's Got Talent and must admit I have developed a bit of a crush on David Hasselhoff. By no means has he replaced Alan Alda, but he's a close second. What a hottie.

Today I bought a bathing suit. I am not thrilled with it and I doubt you'll see me in it, until Cheryl's pool party that is! :) I also got 2 pairs of shorts and a blouse. Then I found Incredibles underwear for $3.99 a 3-pack! For Luke and Jonathan...not me! I've decided after seeing myself in shorts, that I really need to diet. P-U.

I tried my best to make yesterday a fun day for Gabe. My sis dropped off her 5 year (7 days til they're 6) girls at 8:30 a.m. so I had to adjust plans to include them. We had breakfast and then took the trio to daycare. All 3 big kids went in with me as Carmen and Scarlett attended there up until last year and wanted to visit. It was fun for them to see their old teachers but hectic to say the least. After we went to the bank and I was needing a diet coke, so I got the 3 of them 9:15 sodas. Dr. T. would have a fit! Then we took a vote on going to the library or Auntie Lura's. AL won so we headed over to her house, about 20 minutes away. After playing there for an hour or so and with only one minor injury, we headed to the Country Market and got some bulk items. I got self rising flour to make Lura's beer bread. I'll let you know how it tastes. I got each of the three kids hand dipped ice cream cones and we headed back to Norwalk. On the way home I was entertained with knock-knock jokes and riddles. "knock-knock...shoes...I'm wearing shoes" and "why did the vampire cross the road? Because he got naked and jumped in the back of a car." I said a prayer for safety on the way home before we left Greenwich. I was so glad I did as a baby deer darted out in front of us. I had to slam on the brakes and swerve. Everything not belted in or attached flew to the front. We were all scared but not hurt, including the deer. We went to my mom's and McDonalds, the girls went home and Gabe and I baked bread and cleaned up some. I thought we had a fun day. He was good until 3:00 and then started in with anger and attitude. When I discussed it with Dr. K today she said that ADHD kids don't handle transitions well and that he went from non stop activity and fun to pretty much nothing. I am going to have to work on that. Tomorrow we are spending the day at Valley Beach. Hopefully he'll be happy with that! He was there for 4 hours today.

Oh how could I forget to mention my guests! We have Kellie and Brian's 2 pugs, Kooky and Scamp for the week. For a house that has never had dogs it its quite a change! We are enjoying it though. They are entertaining and if Kellie, who is in Vegas for her 10 year anniversary (sorry about the toast), is reading this they are fine!!!

Today my dad would have turned 67. It's hard to believe he's been gone for almost 4 years. I miss him. I think Gabe is having a little sadness. We have been discussing feelings because he has seen me crying lately. Maybe he and I will go visit by ourselves tomorrow.

Have a good night everyone. Love and Hugs to you!!!!


Unknown said...

I am so sorry I forgot today, I know there really is nothing for me to do...but if there is anything

Cheryl said...

I really have to wonder about your taste in men. I mean I let Alan Alda slide, he is funny but dAVID hASLEHOFF. (I hate CAPS lock) Seriously. Oh honey you need to get out more. I'm glad you had a good day with Gabe.

Jamie said...

No, I definitely don't get the Hoff. I"m glad you had some good times though. Sorry about your sadness. I wish I knew what to say, but I stumble with words. I hope you can find joy in remembering your Dad, and sharing those memories with your babies.

SamandSawyersMom said...

the hoff? Oh I would rather make love to John Kerry and I loathe him.

Lura said...

I don't know what you like about him. I used to think he was cute, but after seeing the drunk video of him, that all wore off!

Crystal said...

I'm glad that you got some special time with Gabe.....that's so important esp for the oldest child. Too bad the incredibles undies weren't for you, you'd look hot in them I bet!

David Hasslehoff??? UHM, Have you been drinking???

Amanda said...

Ha ha Crystal! I can try on the Incredibles and see what Sean thinks. I doubt I'll post a picture though.