Today was one of those days when I would have given my kids away to anyone who came over. Gabe was well behaved and was rewarded by being allowed to go to Valley Beach early with Amy. The triplets should have been taped to the corners and had to spend their day in Time out. I found Johnny and Caitlin in the bathroom filling the OJ pitcher with water and spilling it everywhere. Caitlin somehow banged her head on the door and needed ice. I gave her a frozen popsicle in a plastic sleeve which she tore open and got all over. Then I gave her a bag of ice cubes, but there was chocolate on the bag from who knows what and she had a tantrum because of that. (Vic can agree as she was on the phone). So I gave her the other bag which was quite large. Later my feet found the puddles of melted ice cubes in the living room, front room and dining room. They sat down and turned on Jacks big music show, so I decided to bake my bread. I measured out the honey and set it at the back of the counter and when my back was turned Luke put his hand in it and then dripped honey all over the fridge door, dishwasher door, countertop, floor and himself. While I was getting him cleaned up Caitlin came out and stepped in it. I got to the kneading part when I heard the washing machine start. Luke had turned it on and all that was visible of Jonathan were his legs hanging out the top of it. I yanked him out and Luke climbed up..........and so on. I finally got them out and settled and went to clean up honey when the dryer started. Luke and Jonathan were back out there. I turned off the dryer and put them back in the corners. I went back to cleaning and out walks Luke with an empty pop tart box filled with water running out the seams and all over the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen floors. I got that all cleaned up and finally Sean got home.
He saw I was frazzled so he got the kids in their swimsuits and got his on and they left for VB. I should have gone. I went out to switch laundry and it was still damp, so I restarted the dryer. I was cleaning in the living room when I heard this bang and the dryer stopped. After I had calmed myself down and did some rational reasoning that it was not an intruder, (broad daylight people. I need help!) I went out to check. When I opened the door I found that there was no lint trap. I fished around in the clothes and found it mixed in the towels. Later Jonathan told me Luke did it and Luke told me Jonathan. So I decided not to touch the dryer again until Sean told me it was safe. My oven timer beeped so I got out butter to melt in the microwave to brush on the top of the bread. I put it in the microwave and nothing happened. Then numbers started flashing and it made a weird sound. So, I made do and decided to wait until Sean got home for that too. Yay. The bread turned out beautifully, completely from scratch. The dryer has a busted belt and the microwave is completely shot. It is only 2 years old. Luke nuked a knife for about 4 seconds last night, but that shouldn't have done it.
Now Lura can be happy...I have been calling her so she can listen to my dryer as hers is busted. Now that will be up to somebody else. Sean can fix the dryer, but not the microwave. I have no clue what lesson we are to learn from this. Maybe we rely too much on modern day conviniences. I don't know.
I am going to remain positive. I can line dry and use my stove, unless that breaks next! I think we have a poltergeist that follows us. Did I mention that last week (I think it was) I was standing in my mom's kitchen talking to her and the leg broke completely off her coat rack and it fell over. It didn't fall off, the wood split! I was near it, but not touching it!!!! People aren't going to let me come over anymore!
Have a good night!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My how I've changed....
Happy Belated Birthday Kellie...

This is my very belated birthday tribute to Kellie. She is one of those rare finds in friends. I have known her practically forever it seems. We have had quite a wild ride in our friendship! I wouldn't trade it for anything!! I have an old scrapbook where we wrote memories down many years ago. I lost count at 197. We have been through so many things together - good and bad. One summer we spent the longest week of my life as counselors at Muscular Distrophy camp together with her sister Robyn. We got in trouble, had a fight (we have maybe had 3), and had lots of laughs. We were each others Homecoming Dates one year (thanks for the corsage and dinner), I was with her when she got her first speeding ticket (note to all...the dyslexic defense does NOT work), she taught me how to drive (just left out the part about NOT driving over the cement barriers in parking lots)...I could go on and on. I was privaledged to be her maid of honor at the most beautiful wedding! (I am sorry about the toast). Kellie is a super friend, advice giver, shoulder to cry on. She has also proven over the years to be extremely patient, forgiving, and thoughtful. At Kellie's bachelorette party we both had a bit too much to drink and jumped over Lake Erie together, played hide and go seek in a seedy neighborhood, and I think we tried to be our own parade. I can remember one time when I was very angry at her though. After she and Brian were married, Kellie accepted a teaching job in Texas. It was a hard goodbye. I missed them incredibly and turned my sadness to anger at her to deal with it better. I still feel bad about it, but we overcame that. Kellie and I have done quite a bit of traveling together, Canada, New York City, Georgia... there are so many fun adventures I could share. I can't fathom what life would be like without her! My toilet papering accomplice, War Stories telling, sock hunting, prank phone calling friend!
Check out her blog - it's Kellerie's World - on my list of favorites.
Happy Belated Birthday Kellie! I love you my friend!!!!!
Trying something new.
Today I am going to clean my house. I am determined to get one room completely done so I can take a picture and post it. If I drew it I could cheat and make it look cleaner that it is. I am hoping the kids will cooperate.
That is not the something new.
That would be that I am making 2 loaves of Honey Wheat Bread today. I looks and sounds delicious. You don't use a bread pan, you shape it into round loaves and bake it on a cookie sheet. Yay Sil Pat! That would be my pan liner that Martha Stewart uses that I absolutely love. Martha doesn't actually use mine, she has her own, this would be one like the one she uses. I guess you could have figured that out without me explaining!
I have filled 3 bags of recyclables so far this week. Go Me! I try to recycle everything that I can. Norwalk doesn't recycle glass, but I will check out the Erie place Vic suggested.
Oh, this would be for the people up here...the trio's party can't be Sunday. Could you guys do Saturday? Leave me a comment and let me know! Bethy moved Scarlett's party to Sunday and it is causing all sorts of problems!!!!
For those who wondered, Beth is leaving her baby with the man she is marrying on August 9th for at least 9 weeks. No one knows him that well and I admit to being less than comfortable with the idea. I am trusting that God will keep them safe. What craziness!
I went to Wal Mart a few days ago and had to cut my trip short. It was the strangest thing. I went down an aisle and wasn't paying to much attention. I looked up and there was a man in front of me. He had his back to me, but it could have been my dad's identical twin. They say we all have a doppleganger. I paniced and turned and ran away. Okay, I walked briskly away. It was just too weird. It was one of those moments where I wanted to whisper "Dad" and see if he turned around. I can't really explain it, he looked just like my dad! Sean said he had the same thing happen and thinks it was definately the same guy. I almost cried in WalMart, but held it until I got outside.
Well, if I am going to clean I need to go and get a Diet Coke! I am really determined. Keep me accountable guys, ok??
That is not the something new.
That would be that I am making 2 loaves of Honey Wheat Bread today. I looks and sounds delicious. You don't use a bread pan, you shape it into round loaves and bake it on a cookie sheet. Yay Sil Pat! That would be my pan liner that Martha Stewart uses that I absolutely love. Martha doesn't actually use mine, she has her own, this would be one like the one she uses. I guess you could have figured that out without me explaining!
I have filled 3 bags of recyclables so far this week. Go Me! I try to recycle everything that I can. Norwalk doesn't recycle glass, but I will check out the Erie place Vic suggested.
Oh, this would be for the people up here...the trio's party can't be Sunday. Could you guys do Saturday? Leave me a comment and let me know! Bethy moved Scarlett's party to Sunday and it is causing all sorts of problems!!!!
For those who wondered, Beth is leaving her baby with the man she is marrying on August 9th for at least 9 weeks. No one knows him that well and I admit to being less than comfortable with the idea. I am trusting that God will keep them safe. What craziness!
I went to Wal Mart a few days ago and had to cut my trip short. It was the strangest thing. I went down an aisle and wasn't paying to much attention. I looked up and there was a man in front of me. He had his back to me, but it could have been my dad's identical twin. They say we all have a doppleganger. I paniced and turned and ran away. Okay, I walked briskly away. It was just too weird. It was one of those moments where I wanted to whisper "Dad" and see if he turned around. I can't really explain it, he looked just like my dad! Sean said he had the same thing happen and thinks it was definately the same guy. I almost cried in WalMart, but held it until I got outside.
Well, if I am going to clean I need to go and get a Diet Coke! I am really determined. Keep me accountable guys, ok??
Monday, July 30, 2007
Frontyard Fun

Although Caitlin was a little x-rated (the girl does NOT like clothes!) we had fun playing in the front yard. Gabe had a blast on his bike, he doesn't tire quickly most days, and the Luke, Caitlin and Johnny would clap and cheer everytime he rode by. I think it puffed his chest out a bit! Gabe started showing off for them and they ate it up!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Today was a quiet Saturday. We hit a few garage sales this morning and went to a local farms produce stand where we got delicious sweet corn and red potatoes. I used them for dinner tonight with really, really good chicken that I made. Sean did more work in the upstairs bathroom. I can't wait until it is done! I should be able to paint this week. The floor is done, the baseboard is up and the sink should go in next week.
Gabe went to an Akron Aeros ball game tonight with my sis's family and some people from church. It is a yearly outing and he has gone every year since he was three. My dad and mom started taking him so it is special for Gabe. Apparantly while there he lost another tooth! He called to tell us and we decided that he should bring it home and we would leave it for the tooth fairy tomorrow night. He was so ecited!
We dropped off some clothes for great nieces and nephews at my sister in laws tonight and I got to see my niece Beth. She is the short haired, pierced girl in the photos. She is getting married in a few weeks and then leaves for Basic training on August 27th. Yes, that will be 3 of my nieces and nephews that have entered the military this summer. She is leaving behind a one year old daughter and new husband. I pray for her safety and for her new family. She is a beautiful girl and incredibly strong - inside and out - so I know she will do well. The only thing is her tendancy to get a bit mouthy. I think they will cure her of that real quick!
Oh, How could I forget!!! I think that when Lura got rid of Godiva, she sent her to my house. I was cross stitching on the couch last night, thankfully with a sheet on my lap. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and when I checked it out it was a big spider! I shreiked for Sean and when he smooshed it all these little black dots started racking around. I assume those would be babies being carried on it's back. EWWWWWWW! I had trouble getting relaxed after that. But No panic attacks!!!!
I want to thank you all for your kind words. I have a horrible self-image, but I am aware of it and getting help for that. I also recognize that I am a doormat and I don't speak my mind. Again, I am getting help for it. You guys are fabulous women and I am honored to call you my friends. I love you guys dearly and Thank the Lord for each and every one of you.
Good Night.
Gabe went to an Akron Aeros ball game tonight with my sis's family and some people from church. It is a yearly outing and he has gone every year since he was three. My dad and mom started taking him so it is special for Gabe. Apparantly while there he lost another tooth! He called to tell us and we decided that he should bring it home and we would leave it for the tooth fairy tomorrow night. He was so ecited!
We dropped off some clothes for great nieces and nephews at my sister in laws tonight and I got to see my niece Beth. She is the short haired, pierced girl in the photos. She is getting married in a few weeks and then leaves for Basic training on August 27th. Yes, that will be 3 of my nieces and nephews that have entered the military this summer. She is leaving behind a one year old daughter and new husband. I pray for her safety and for her new family. She is a beautiful girl and incredibly strong - inside and out - so I know she will do well. The only thing is her tendancy to get a bit mouthy. I think they will cure her of that real quick!
Oh, How could I forget!!! I think that when Lura got rid of Godiva, she sent her to my house. I was cross stitching on the couch last night, thankfully with a sheet on my lap. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and when I checked it out it was a big spider! I shreiked for Sean and when he smooshed it all these little black dots started racking around. I assume those would be babies being carried on it's back. EWWWWWWW! I had trouble getting relaxed after that. But No panic attacks!!!!
I want to thank you all for your kind words. I have a horrible self-image, but I am aware of it and getting help for that. I also recognize that I am a doormat and I don't speak my mind. Again, I am getting help for it. You guys are fabulous women and I am honored to call you my friends. I love you guys dearly and Thank the Lord for each and every one of you.
Good Night.
Friday, July 27, 2007
What I got from therapy this week......
One of the things I am working on in therapy is learning how NOT to be a doormat and how to put my foot down. I am so afraid of conflict that I rarely speak my opinion, even when I want to. Lura witnessed this today with a discussion we were having. I am trying really hard to overcome this, it is just really hard for me.
Dr. K. sent me home with several notes she took during our session and I wanted to share.
"I am afraid of losing relationships if I respect myself or of not being taken seriously or hurting people. I have an automatic emotional response of guilt and choose to hold on to that guilt after the fact. I think I am responsible for others' feelings, and that they will read into things the same way I would - "I am a horrible person."
I really need help with this. By not standing up for myself I am suffering negative consequences. I am unhappy and it is having a negative effect on my family. I don't like being this way.
I have been this way as long as I can remember. I know some of it has to do with my poor self image. I am trying really hard to work on this and hopefully overcome it.
Dr. K. sent me home with several notes she took during our session and I wanted to share.
"I am afraid of losing relationships if I respect myself or of not being taken seriously or hurting people. I have an automatic emotional response of guilt and choose to hold on to that guilt after the fact. I think I am responsible for others' feelings, and that they will read into things the same way I would - "I am a horrible person."
I really need help with this. By not standing up for myself I am suffering negative consequences. I am unhappy and it is having a negative effect on my family. I don't like being this way.
I have been this way as long as I can remember. I know some of it has to do with my poor self image. I am trying really hard to work on this and hopefully overcome it.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
7 OF THESE ARE TRUE ONE IS FALSE...Guess which is the wrong one. (I am such a follower)
I don't know if I should be offended or flattered!!! ha ha
1. I am a seven year college freshman. (I have enrolled and begun 7 times just never finished.)
This be true. I be smart.
2. I got very drunk before giving the toast at a wedding.
This is also true. I am very sorry Kellie and Brian! I won't kick your a*%, Brian!
3. My great grandfather was friends with Sitting Bull.
This one is also true. If I can get my hot little hands on it, I will post a picture.
4. When my great aunt died her calling hours fell on Halloween so since she had an amazing sense of humor we dressed her in a shirt that read "This is my Costume."
Okay, this is the false one. Her calling hours were on Halloween, she did have a fabulous sense of humor, but the "this is my costume" shirt was Lura's idea. She was being a wonderfully supportive friend and cheering me up.
5. In High School I was voted Best Sense of Humor.
This was true. I don't get it....
6. I received a detention almost every single day of high school.
This is true. My father and our band director both saw to it that I didn't have too many free afternoons. I would like to point out that Lura and Kellie were usually the reason I got the detentions. Thank you very much.
7. I used to have a small drinking problem.
This one is also true. Thankfully being pregnant with Gabe solved that.
8. My aunt was murdered.
Unfortunately this is true. My Aunt Rosamond (sctually great-aunt) was a raging alcoholic and was murdered in Cleveland by a boyfriend in the 50's or 60's.
I don't know if I should be offended or flattered!!! ha ha
1. I am a seven year college freshman. (I have enrolled and begun 7 times just never finished.)
This be true. I be smart.
2. I got very drunk before giving the toast at a wedding.
This is also true. I am very sorry Kellie and Brian! I won't kick your a*%, Brian!
3. My great grandfather was friends with Sitting Bull.
This one is also true. If I can get my hot little hands on it, I will post a picture.
4. When my great aunt died her calling hours fell on Halloween so since she had an amazing sense of humor we dressed her in a shirt that read "This is my Costume."
Okay, this is the false one. Her calling hours were on Halloween, she did have a fabulous sense of humor, but the "this is my costume" shirt was Lura's idea. She was being a wonderfully supportive friend and cheering me up.
5. In High School I was voted Best Sense of Humor.
This was true. I don't get it....
6. I received a detention almost every single day of high school.
This is true. My father and our band director both saw to it that I didn't have too many free afternoons. I would like to point out that Lura and Kellie were usually the reason I got the detentions. Thank you very much.
7. I used to have a small drinking problem.
This one is also true. Thankfully being pregnant with Gabe solved that.
8. My aunt was murdered.
Unfortunately this is true. My Aunt Rosamond (sctually great-aunt) was a raging alcoholic and was murdered in Cleveland by a boyfriend in the 50's or 60's.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The top picture is of Brian and Kellie and Sean and I at our failed Scavanger hunt. Kellie and Brian look nice and happy. Sean and i look like death warmed over. I had 80 chins and look scary! At least we got a picture out of the whole fiasco. Not a flattering picture, but a picture.

Yesterday we went to play at Kellie's house with Tanis and their nephew Alex. There were two injuries, but none of them to me! or my kids! But poor Tanis!!! I felt, and feel horrible! I bought the kid stickers last night to mail to him. They say head wounds are bad bleeders and they are right!
I started Harry Potter on Monday night around 5:30 and was done by 3:15 a.m. Tuesday. I wasn't able to read without interuption - of course - but still managed to get it read quickly. I could hardly bear to put it down. What an awesome book!!!!! I am going to reread the ending again and then start at the first one with Gabe. I hope you all who read it Enjoy it!!!
Sean got the floor laid in the upstairs bathroom and it looks so nice. I will draw a picture later so you guys can admire his handiwork. He is doing an amazing job! Unfortunately the downstairs potty was a used "Gift" from my parents when they redid theirs and it has leaked underneath enough that our floor is buckling. So that will definately have to be the next project.
Tomorrow I think we are going to Valley Beach with Kellie and kids. I am dreading putting on my suit, but think it will be a losing battle for me. Am I right Kellie?
I guess that is it for now. Have a good night, Love ya all!
Take A Look Back Tuesday
Sunday, July 22, 2007
You can't judge a book by it's cover

Since you all know Sean and all our kids, I have decided to introduce you to the rest of my family. I am starting with my sister - in - law Michele's children. They range in age from 21 to 4. Plus there are 3 grandchildren (Yikes! I am a great-aunt), but I couldn't find my fuzzy blue album with their pictures.
Notice my title, You can't judge a book by it's cover. That fits these kids to a T! They are full of piercings and tatoos, one has dyed her beautiful hair Jet Black, and the three oldest have all had babies as teenagers. Most people would look at them and immediately decide they are "bad" kids by appearance alone. I hate to admit it, but I probably would have 9 years ago.
These six kids are some of the kindest, most loving, funniest and sweetest children you'd ever want to meet. I am so proud of them and love them all. That doesn't mean there aren't some disappointments and moments I'd like to erase, but who doesn't have those? I wish you all could meet them and know them like I do. The boys don't hesitate to hug me and say "I love you Aunt Amanda" even in front of their friends. They have taught me the importance of looking past appearances and getting to know the person inside! What a valuable lesson and gift. I admire the way they embrace their uniqueness and the self-confidence they possess.
They are not perfect, there are times when I leave a family gathering and wonder what on earth they were doing, saying and/or thinking. But I feel lucky to be a part of their lives and am thankful they are a part of my children's lives.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Flashback Friday...

The year is 1997 (notice the straight leg jeans!). The girl is me!
The one shot was taken in Washington during a not so wonderful visit to see my paternal grandmother. She passed away later that year, so I was glad I went to see her one last time.
The other one was taken at a rest stop on the way to Michigan. My friend Mel and I made a potty stop, saw this weirdo guy playing video games there and asked him to take a picture posing like Superman. It was around 2 in the morning and we were wired. I think this is one of the most unflattering photos of me ever taken. And I am willingly posting it. Go me!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Our Medical Update...
Gabe has a firey ear infection for sure. He is on antibiotics and drops. He has been draining a bloody fluid (hence the red) for over 12 hours now. It has finally slowed down. How fun. I am even more congested than I was this morning and ready for bed. Unfortunately three of the four kids are not ready for me to go to bed. I guess that's part of being a mom!
I was hoping to watch Big Brother tonight but again other plans have been made for me. Maybe I'll catch reruns of Full House, Cosby and MASH later on! I have so much laundry to do. I think I should rethink the whole use a towel only once theory. I just can't bring myself to reuse towels. I think it feels gross.
I lead such an exciting life!
Sean was given a case of brand new decorative mini grapevine cornucopias at work today. Afew weeks ago he came home with a case of masking tape! That's one of the fun things about summer break. I don't know what I am going to do with them all, but I thought dried flowers would be real pretty in them. Maybe all of you will receive cornucopias in the mail this fall! This is your only warning!!!!!
I am hoping to make it to VBS tomorrow. The kids are counting on it and I think I am too. I am still not sure if we are going yet. I can go with a snotty nose and stuffed up chest, but if Gabe's ear is still a mess I don't want him to go. Here's a church story for you all....
It was one of my first Sunday's taking communion when I was in junior high. At our church you go down to the front of the church and kneel at a communion rail. I was wearing a tan ankle length skirt with two rows of white ribbon at the bottom. I had gotten it at the Limited and loved it. I had paired it with the most hideous safari shirt that had these screeching howler monkeys all over it. I thought the shirt was "hot" oh boy, what was I thinking? I was also not a small girl. I was husky. (or huffy, according to my bike.) Anyways...we walk down in front of the 300+ people and when the minister says to we kneel and accept communion. After that is done he tells you to "rise". I rose and in the process stood on the back of my skirt and it pulled down and I exposed my granny pantied butt to the entire congregation. I could have just died.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I only mooned people once or even twice, but I went through a very awkward 8 years or so. I think more people in this town saw my underwear than my face!
I did survive, barely!
I need to go do some laundry...Have a great night.
I was hoping to watch Big Brother tonight but again other plans have been made for me. Maybe I'll catch reruns of Full House, Cosby and MASH later on! I have so much laundry to do. I think I should rethink the whole use a towel only once theory. I just can't bring myself to reuse towels. I think it feels gross.
I lead such an exciting life!
Sean was given a case of brand new decorative mini grapevine cornucopias at work today. Afew weeks ago he came home with a case of masking tape! That's one of the fun things about summer break. I don't know what I am going to do with them all, but I thought dried flowers would be real pretty in them. Maybe all of you will receive cornucopias in the mail this fall! This is your only warning!!!!!
I am hoping to make it to VBS tomorrow. The kids are counting on it and I think I am too. I am still not sure if we are going yet. I can go with a snotty nose and stuffed up chest, but if Gabe's ear is still a mess I don't want him to go. Here's a church story for you all....
It was one of my first Sunday's taking communion when I was in junior high. At our church you go down to the front of the church and kneel at a communion rail. I was wearing a tan ankle length skirt with two rows of white ribbon at the bottom. I had gotten it at the Limited and loved it. I had paired it with the most hideous safari shirt that had these screeching howler monkeys all over it. I thought the shirt was "hot" oh boy, what was I thinking? I was also not a small girl. I was husky. (or huffy, according to my bike.) Anyways...we walk down in front of the 300+ people and when the minister says to we kneel and accept communion. After that is done he tells you to "rise". I rose and in the process stood on the back of my skirt and it pulled down and I exposed my granny pantied butt to the entire congregation. I could have just died.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I only mooned people once or even twice, but I went through a very awkward 8 years or so. I think more people in this town saw my underwear than my face!
I did survive, barely!
I need to go do some laundry...Have a great night.
Just a quickie...
I wanted to address the Harry Potter issue real quick before Children's Service's is notified. I have read all of the books several times. The first one I feel is safe for Gabe. I have discussed it with several people who agree. I won't go past the first book with him until we feel he is ready and if he doesn't like the first book, that's fine - we'll stop. I will let him decide on that one. I think he will really enjoy it.
Also - Gabe's eardrum ruptured early this morning. For those who have never been through it with a kid it sounds worse than it is! He is still draining lots of bloody fluid and we have a dr.'s appt. But he is in a lot less pain. I was hoping around 3 this morning that it would happen as he was miserable and neither one of us slept much! When it ruptures it releases all the pressure that is built up and gives relief. I am assuming he will go on antibiotics this afternoon when we see the dr. He is also complaining of a stomachache. Poor Kid. :(
As for me, I have no voice and a fever. Just a bad summer cold, I think. My sunburn is fading and the poison ivy is finally drying up on my arms. If it would everywhere else I'd be golden!
That's all for now...I need to go and tend to my kiddos.
Also - Gabe's eardrum ruptured early this morning. For those who have never been through it with a kid it sounds worse than it is! He is still draining lots of bloody fluid and we have a dr.'s appt. But he is in a lot less pain. I was hoping around 3 this morning that it would happen as he was miserable and neither one of us slept much! When it ruptures it releases all the pressure that is built up and gives relief. I am assuming he will go on antibiotics this afternoon when we see the dr. He is also complaining of a stomachache. Poor Kid. :(
As for me, I have no voice and a fever. Just a bad summer cold, I think. My sunburn is fading and the poison ivy is finally drying up on my arms. If it would everywhere else I'd be golden!
That's all for now...I need to go and tend to my kiddos.
Monday, July 16, 2007
VBS with possible PMS
I am cranky...that's why it's possible pms. I don't know if I have it or not, but if I say I do I can eat chocolate without too much guilt.
Today was my first day of VBS. I was supposed to have 10 kids and ended up with 18. That means that many more kids came to VBS, so that's good - but that also means THAT many more kids came to VBS! I am so intimidated by people (that includes kids), so this is a good thing for me. It went okay. We had music, crafts, snack, games and storytelling. My sister is the director this year, so I am biased, but I thought it was really well done. However, during crafts, a boy in my group that is not a particular favorite of mine (I shouldn't say that) gave a blow by blow, detailed description of a car crash he saw and a guy got killed. It was not something to be shared. He didn't get that. Then he came and got me during snack because he plugged the toilet and there was a spider in it. He also tapped the microphones non stop during music. Victoria, you will howl when I tell you who's kid it is!
Gabe is in my group at his request. I don't know if this is good or not. He stayed glued to my side all morning. I want him to participate and have fun. We talked about it, but I think he is having "mommy issues" right now. We cuddled on the couch tonight for awhile. He has a bad earache ( I think from all the swimming. He has had 2 sets of tubes) and I made an appt. for him tomorrow. With the tubes we can't ignore complaints. We are hopefully borrowing the first Harry Potter book from Kellie this week and he and I are going to read it together. Due to his night terrors I don't think we'll move past book one for awhile, but I think he will like it. It also opens more to discussion about fantasy and reality. We have frequented the subject often. Not because he can't distinguish, but he has soooo many questions.
Sean and I are hoping to take Gabe and our nephew Jake to COSI this weekend. I don't know if it will happen or not, but I hope so. We promised him a trip there when he mastered riding his bike. He is quite a pro now!
We had a good time at birthday parties this past weekend. Gabe went to a friend from school's party where they had 2 magicians and balloon animals. He came home with Batman's mask painted on his face. He loved it! I took a picture so you won't have to rely on my drawings. I just need to develop the film. The rest of us went to my cousin's baby girls first birthday. I got quite a sunburn, but the kids had fun. Luke is now convinced that my sister has a laser in her eye that is triggered by tugging her ear. He was amazed by her for over an hour.
Jonathan is recovering from the toilet accident. He goes for his recheck tomorrow. I think it looks so much better. The poor boy.
I need to go to bed...I just thought I'd ramble at you all for awhile. Have a great day!!!! (night, too)
Today was my first day of VBS. I was supposed to have 10 kids and ended up with 18. That means that many more kids came to VBS, so that's good - but that also means THAT many more kids came to VBS! I am so intimidated by people (that includes kids), so this is a good thing for me. It went okay. We had music, crafts, snack, games and storytelling. My sister is the director this year, so I am biased, but I thought it was really well done. However, during crafts, a boy in my group that is not a particular favorite of mine (I shouldn't say that) gave a blow by blow, detailed description of a car crash he saw and a guy got killed. It was not something to be shared. He didn't get that. Then he came and got me during snack because he plugged the toilet and there was a spider in it. He also tapped the microphones non stop during music. Victoria, you will howl when I tell you who's kid it is!
Gabe is in my group at his request. I don't know if this is good or not. He stayed glued to my side all morning. I want him to participate and have fun. We talked about it, but I think he is having "mommy issues" right now. We cuddled on the couch tonight for awhile. He has a bad earache ( I think from all the swimming. He has had 2 sets of tubes) and I made an appt. for him tomorrow. With the tubes we can't ignore complaints. We are hopefully borrowing the first Harry Potter book from Kellie this week and he and I are going to read it together. Due to his night terrors I don't think we'll move past book one for awhile, but I think he will like it. It also opens more to discussion about fantasy and reality. We have frequented the subject often. Not because he can't distinguish, but he has soooo many questions.
Sean and I are hoping to take Gabe and our nephew Jake to COSI this weekend. I don't know if it will happen or not, but I hope so. We promised him a trip there when he mastered riding his bike. He is quite a pro now!
We had a good time at birthday parties this past weekend. Gabe went to a friend from school's party where they had 2 magicians and balloon animals. He came home with Batman's mask painted on his face. He loved it! I took a picture so you won't have to rely on my drawings. I just need to develop the film. The rest of us went to my cousin's baby girls first birthday. I got quite a sunburn, but the kids had fun. Luke is now convinced that my sister has a laser in her eye that is triggered by tugging her ear. He was amazed by her for over an hour.
Jonathan is recovering from the toilet accident. He goes for his recheck tomorrow. I think it looks so much better. The poor boy.
I need to go to bed...I just thought I'd ramble at you all for awhile. Have a great day!!!! (night, too)
Maybe sad news...maybe not...depends on if you like me or not!
Once again I published my title before I had any post written. What a dork I am.
Well, this is sad news for me....maybe for you all too. Maybe you'll be happy, I don't know.
I'll stop beating around the bush, unless you all like being kept in suspense.
This may be one of my last posts. Sean and I have decided to cancel our internet and television as a way to cut costs. It won't be permanent, but I don't know how long. This means no more MASH, I just discovered how to IM and now I won't be able to do that (Oh Crystal what will we do?!), no more reading blogs and learning all about you guys that I have grown to love in the past few months. It may be later this week or it might not be until the end of July. I am sad about it, but I will survive. I will survive. Just as long as I do something something something..... I don't know the words. sorry. Sing along if you do!
Anyways...I am rambling. I will try and post some great pictures and words of wisdom before I have to be done. You all know I am full of it! ha ha.
Oh and maybe Lura can keep you all updated on my injuries! I know you set your clocks by them! Love you guys!
Well, this is sad news for me....maybe for you all too. Maybe you'll be happy, I don't know.
I'll stop beating around the bush, unless you all like being kept in suspense.
This may be one of my last posts. Sean and I have decided to cancel our internet and television as a way to cut costs. It won't be permanent, but I don't know how long. This means no more MASH, I just discovered how to IM and now I won't be able to do that (Oh Crystal what will we do?!), no more reading blogs and learning all about you guys that I have grown to love in the past few months. It may be later this week or it might not be until the end of July. I am sad about it, but I will survive. I will survive. Just as long as I do something something something..... I don't know the words. sorry. Sing along if you do!
Anyways...I am rambling. I will try and post some great pictures and words of wisdom before I have to be done. You all know I am full of it! ha ha.
Oh and maybe Lura can keep you all updated on my injuries! I know you set your clocks by them! Love you guys!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday the 13th strikes again!
Yesterday Kellie called the Park and Rec and they told us to meet there at 11:00. So Kellie and Brian picked us up at 10:30 and when we got there there were no people, except custodians. We asked and they had no clue what we were talking about. So we waited around awhile...I asked the one woman to take our picture and then I remembered that Lura's sister in law is the parks and rec supervisor. So at 10:45 we call Lura and she calls Lynden who then calls Vicki - the girl in charge of the Midnight Madness. We didn't hear back but thought that maybe they met the old park and rec. So we drove across town and it was empty and pitch black. By the time we get back it is a little past 11. Vicki is there and said "Didn't they tell you it was canceled?" Uh no....when Kellie called that day we were told it was still on and to be there by 11:00. She apologized and said that we were the only team to sign up this year - Relay for life was going on at the same time - so they canceled it. Needless to say we were majorly bummed. Plan B was to go tho Relay for life and play games and donate our $ to charity. So we go there and all the games were done. Double Bummer. We then head back to the car, Kellie and I took our picture and we got back in the car to decide what to do. We called the local theater, closed. Called one in Sandusky, closed. Called the last one behind the mall and they had a 12:05 showing of the new Harry Potter. So we were able to make it there and see a movie. I have read all the books but never have seen the movies. Sean has neither read books or seen the movies. Kellie and Brian have done both. Even though I was a bit lost a lot of it, it was a good movie. I am going to borrow the first 4 from Kellie and Sean and I are going to watch them sometime soon. Then we came home. Sean and I left to go buy a fountain diet coke, much better than canned, from MCDonalds and then got mini subs from Dave's. After that we watched a bit of tv and zonked out about 4:15. I was still up by 9 something a rarin' to go. Sean slept until 10:30 and then we ran and got the triplets. Gabe is fishing at the res with some friends and their dad. He should be home in a few hours and then we are going to dinner at Sean's aunt and uncles. That should be interesting!
I hope you all have a good Saturday. I may post later tonight...
I hope you all have a good Saturday. I may post later tonight...
Friday, July 13, 2007
A real quickie...
I need to go to sleep and try to get a few minutes nap in me for our Midnight Madness tonight.
woo hoo!
I am excited.
The past few days have been rough ones here at the Crazy House.
Two things which will let you know just how things are going, and then I promise to post really big later tomorrow with Midnight Madness pictures.
1. Last night I was in an Oatmeal Bath (and I always think of Cheryl when I sit in my oatmeal bath. Is that Creepy Cheryl?!) and Johnny came in to go potty. After a few minutes I hear the lid slam and then Johnny comes around the corner whimpering and holding his private area. Turns out he slammed it between the toilet seat/lid and the toilet. His little penis immediately swelled up and the end turned so dark purple it was almost black. He also had what looked like a blood blister on it. Sean call the ped. who kind of chuckled and said if he can urinate to wait and bring him in to the office in the morning. If not, call back. We waited it out and Jonathan was able to tinkle. He slept with an ice pack. This a.m. I took him in to the office and they checked it over. It looks better, we go back Tuesday. Because of where he hit it they have to keep an eye on the urethera. Is there any guessing that he is definately my child??!!
2. I went to the dr. today with swollen eyes and a saggy face. He said that some of the poison ivy looks much better, some looks much worse and some is new. He also said I was rare. hmmmm.... I got another shot, more steroids and another prescription. Pray this goes away...I have not been this itchy before that I can remember and like I told appearance is starting to scare small children! It can't get much worse...and there is really no place on my body left to spread to. Oh and FYI..if you have poison ivy and use a body pouf- throw it away! That may be what spread it on me. MISERY!!!!
Have a good one girls. I will post tomorrow, so check me out!
woo hoo!
I am excited.
The past few days have been rough ones here at the Crazy House.
Two things which will let you know just how things are going, and then I promise to post really big later tomorrow with Midnight Madness pictures.
1. Last night I was in an Oatmeal Bath (and I always think of Cheryl when I sit in my oatmeal bath. Is that Creepy Cheryl?!) and Johnny came in to go potty. After a few minutes I hear the lid slam and then Johnny comes around the corner whimpering and holding his private area. Turns out he slammed it between the toilet seat/lid and the toilet. His little penis immediately swelled up and the end turned so dark purple it was almost black. He also had what looked like a blood blister on it. Sean call the ped. who kind of chuckled and said if he can urinate to wait and bring him in to the office in the morning. If not, call back. We waited it out and Jonathan was able to tinkle. He slept with an ice pack. This a.m. I took him in to the office and they checked it over. It looks better, we go back Tuesday. Because of where he hit it they have to keep an eye on the urethera. Is there any guessing that he is definately my child??!!
2. I went to the dr. today with swollen eyes and a saggy face. He said that some of the poison ivy looks much better, some looks much worse and some is new. He also said I was rare. hmmmm.... I got another shot, more steroids and another prescription. Pray this goes away...I have not been this itchy before that I can remember and like I told appearance is starting to scare small children! It can't get much worse...and there is really no place on my body left to spread to. Oh and FYI..if you have poison ivy and use a body pouf- throw it away! That may be what spread it on me. MISERY!!!!
Have a good one girls. I will post tomorrow, so check me out!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Oh titles are gone again. I actually had one for tonight too. It was to be "No Sticker Tuesday"
I know you all share in my disappointment. Personally I thought I deserved a sticker. I think she is still worried the stickers make me too "performance driven." Well duh...isn't that the point of rewards? Oh gee, I am pathetic......
WalMart was a bummer. I talked with the kids the whole ride there about what I expected from them and I thought I was clear, easy to understand and slightly entertaining. Apparently I wasn't clear as they were little stinkers. We stopped for fruit first and Gabe would not keep his hands to himself! He kept trying to pick up heavy watermelons and then went for the grapes and others. I know he has ADHD. I know I have to be a little more patient, but you'd think he had taken something, and as far as I know he has not been to Charity's at all! He was bouncing off the walls, touching everything and just being a pain! He has been consistant with his medication, but I don't know what his deal was. The triplets kept standing up, grabbing at things and yelling at the top of their lungs. I was so embarassed. Luke screamed "I want to go home" over and over. I was firm and I was consistant the whole time - yay me! We left the store and they were punished with having Sprout (a pbs channel) taken away for the day. I was going to take VB also, but it couldn't be avoided.
I felt really let down by their behavior. My sister called and was going to Dunham's already so she offered to take Gabe and get his shin guards. I was more than happy to let her do it. We also met my mom and Amy and the girls for lunch at Pizza Post. Again...awful! I won't go into it, but it involved Gabe crying over a quarter.
I got Jonathan new tennis shoes today. He couldn't wear the old ones anymore as they were pinching his toes. I had to buy a 12 1/2! Caitlin is still wearing 8's and 9's! They should last him for a few months, hopefully. Sean is a 14 and I am a 12 so I know my kids are out of luck in the foot area.
We just had dinner. The kids had wholesome and nutritious lunchables and fresh fruit while Sean and I had bbq pork sandwiches and fruit. It was nice to not have to cook!!!!
Have a good night. I need to supervise Time out.
I know you all share in my disappointment. Personally I thought I deserved a sticker. I think she is still worried the stickers make me too "performance driven." Well duh...isn't that the point of rewards? Oh gee, I am pathetic......
WalMart was a bummer. I talked with the kids the whole ride there about what I expected from them and I thought I was clear, easy to understand and slightly entertaining. Apparently I wasn't clear as they were little stinkers. We stopped for fruit first and Gabe would not keep his hands to himself! He kept trying to pick up heavy watermelons and then went for the grapes and others. I know he has ADHD. I know I have to be a little more patient, but you'd think he had taken something, and as far as I know he has not been to Charity's at all! He was bouncing off the walls, touching everything and just being a pain! He has been consistant with his medication, but I don't know what his deal was. The triplets kept standing up, grabbing at things and yelling at the top of their lungs. I was so embarassed. Luke screamed "I want to go home" over and over. I was firm and I was consistant the whole time - yay me! We left the store and they were punished with having Sprout (a pbs channel) taken away for the day. I was going to take VB also, but it couldn't be avoided.
I felt really let down by their behavior. My sister called and was going to Dunham's already so she offered to take Gabe and get his shin guards. I was more than happy to let her do it. We also met my mom and Amy and the girls for lunch at Pizza Post. Again...awful! I won't go into it, but it involved Gabe crying over a quarter.
I got Jonathan new tennis shoes today. He couldn't wear the old ones anymore as they were pinching his toes. I had to buy a 12 1/2! Caitlin is still wearing 8's and 9's! They should last him for a few months, hopefully. Sean is a 14 and I am a 12 so I know my kids are out of luck in the foot area.
We just had dinner. The kids had wholesome and nutritious lunchables and fresh fruit while Sean and I had bbq pork sandwiches and fruit. It was nice to not have to cook!!!!
Have a good night. I need to supervise Time out.
Tuesday Morning
Yep that's it. I have Titles back and that is all I can come up with. Pathetic.
I am trying to wake up the kids so we can start our day. It is 8:20 and they are not budging, well Luke and Johnny are actually up. The other 2 are protesting Tuesday - at least Tuesday Morning.
I am taking all 4 grocery shopping for fruits and corn on the cob and chicken. I don't want to have to cook, so I am making some huge salads and Sean volunteered to grill anything. Anyone have any ideas for pork chops on the grill. Can you make them that way? Then we have to find Gabe new shin guards. He starts soccer camp tonight and I was just informed late last night that his one was ripped beyond repair! This may mean a trip with my fearsome foursome to a sporting goods store. Aaaahhhh!!! Hockey sticks, tennis rackets, football all understand my fears don't you?! Plus that would mean a half hour drive with directionally challenged Amanda at the wheel. I just need to remember that if there is no road to turn left on, you can't sit there with your left turn signal holding up traffic on a major road waiting for them to build one. I get so nervous driving with the kids. It's not their behavior, it's the fear of something happening. It's been worse ever since last year when a semi turned in front of us on a 2 lane road and we had to take a ditch at 55 mph to avoid crashing. We do say a prayer everytime we buckle in for a drive. Have any of you become more nervous since motherhood?
I think I may have Dr. K. this afternoon where I can tell her that once again it was pointed out I apologize too much. :) I am never going to get another sticker at this rate! DO YOU ALL KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE I GOT ONE???? I don't even remember!!!!
At some point the kids want to go to Valley Beach and Gabe has his camp... I am out of clean clothes for myself, the kids are okay on laundry. I think Lura will refuse to drive with me in the car if I don't get laundry done by Friday.
Well off I go to try and rouse the 2 refusing my pleasant Good Morning songs and suggestions. Wish me luck at the sporting goods store...
Have a good day!
I am trying to wake up the kids so we can start our day. It is 8:20 and they are not budging, well Luke and Johnny are actually up. The other 2 are protesting Tuesday - at least Tuesday Morning.
I am taking all 4 grocery shopping for fruits and corn on the cob and chicken. I don't want to have to cook, so I am making some huge salads and Sean volunteered to grill anything. Anyone have any ideas for pork chops on the grill. Can you make them that way? Then we have to find Gabe new shin guards. He starts soccer camp tonight and I was just informed late last night that his one was ripped beyond repair! This may mean a trip with my fearsome foursome to a sporting goods store. Aaaahhhh!!! Hockey sticks, tennis rackets, football all understand my fears don't you?! Plus that would mean a half hour drive with directionally challenged Amanda at the wheel. I just need to remember that if there is no road to turn left on, you can't sit there with your left turn signal holding up traffic on a major road waiting for them to build one. I get so nervous driving with the kids. It's not their behavior, it's the fear of something happening. It's been worse ever since last year when a semi turned in front of us on a 2 lane road and we had to take a ditch at 55 mph to avoid crashing. We do say a prayer everytime we buckle in for a drive. Have any of you become more nervous since motherhood?
I think I may have Dr. K. this afternoon where I can tell her that once again it was pointed out I apologize too much. :) I am never going to get another sticker at this rate! DO YOU ALL KNOW HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE I GOT ONE???? I don't even remember!!!!
At some point the kids want to go to Valley Beach and Gabe has his camp... I am out of clean clothes for myself, the kids are okay on laundry. I think Lura will refuse to drive with me in the car if I don't get laundry done by Friday.
Well off I go to try and rouse the 2 refusing my pleasant Good Morning songs and suggestions. Wish me luck at the sporting goods store...
Have a good day!
Monday, July 9, 2007
I hope this means that Carrie has hers back too! I don't know what happened...maybe the blog administrators thought I was abusing the Title privaledge. (Sp? just doesn't look right)
I need to complain. The poison ivy has spread everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! I have plans for a 3:00 oatmeal soak, I'll let you know if there is success. My right eye is puffing as it has spread there too. NO FUN!!!
I forgot a funny on Friday that happened after my drill incident. Sean and I were driving home from the hospital and he said "You know that Had a Bad Day song would fit you perfectly." No sooner did we pull into our driveway and that song came on the radio. What timing! I think they could have just filmed me for the video. :)
We are lazing around this afternoon. The trio is watching Barney (I know...) and Gabe is at the library. I am going to post this and then maybe lay down and try to nap if the kids will let me. They are waiting for Sean to get home as he has promised them outside play. I think he is going to start work on the swingset part of the clubhouse this week. Yay! I am looking forward to those.
Friday I may get a day out for a bit with Lura-Honey. We are going to try and get sitters and then venture down to Once Upon A Child to see if we can add anymore to the measly garage sale profits. A day out will do us some good! Not that I don't love being with my kids, but I need a break every once in awhile. Oh- and Friday night I am so excited for! Kellie, Brian, Sean and I are participating in Midnight Madness. It is done by the Park and Rec. From 11 pm to 7 am we are doing a scavengar hunt around town where we have to follow clues to get to each destination. None of us have ever done this so it should be interesting and loads of fun! Kellie has a camera phone and I have my pad of paper and pen so you should get to see some pics! I am really looking forward to it. There are only 5 teams and the winner gets a trophy. woo hoo!
I think if we can make it through the evening w/o a trip to the ER it will be great. Kellie and I are both a bit on the clumsy side. Sorry Kellie, but it's the truth. :)
Luke is going nutsy, so I need to run. Hopefully a nap for me. Have a good one!
I need to complain. The poison ivy has spread everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! I have plans for a 3:00 oatmeal soak, I'll let you know if there is success. My right eye is puffing as it has spread there too. NO FUN!!!
I forgot a funny on Friday that happened after my drill incident. Sean and I were driving home from the hospital and he said "You know that Had a Bad Day song would fit you perfectly." No sooner did we pull into our driveway and that song came on the radio. What timing! I think they could have just filmed me for the video. :)
We are lazing around this afternoon. The trio is watching Barney (I know...) and Gabe is at the library. I am going to post this and then maybe lay down and try to nap if the kids will let me. They are waiting for Sean to get home as he has promised them outside play. I think he is going to start work on the swingset part of the clubhouse this week. Yay! I am looking forward to those.
Friday I may get a day out for a bit with Lura-Honey. We are going to try and get sitters and then venture down to Once Upon A Child to see if we can add anymore to the measly garage sale profits. A day out will do us some good! Not that I don't love being with my kids, but I need a break every once in awhile. Oh- and Friday night I am so excited for! Kellie, Brian, Sean and I are participating in Midnight Madness. It is done by the Park and Rec. From 11 pm to 7 am we are doing a scavengar hunt around town where we have to follow clues to get to each destination. None of us have ever done this so it should be interesting and loads of fun! Kellie has a camera phone and I have my pad of paper and pen so you should get to see some pics! I am really looking forward to it. There are only 5 teams and the winner gets a trophy. woo hoo!
I think if we can make it through the evening w/o a trip to the ER it will be great. Kellie and I are both a bit on the clumsy side. Sorry Kellie, but it's the truth. :)
Luke is going nutsy, so I need to run. Hopefully a nap for me. Have a good one!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Hi guys!
I cannot sleep...too itchy and achey!
I was going through some old stuff and found a portion of my 50 things to do before I die list. I thought you might get a kick out of it. I have not done much of my list and don't see me doing most of it, but I still thought it was kind of neat-o. I made this around 1996, so I was about 21.
1. Be Published.
2. Learn to Watercolor.
3. Get Married.
4. Have a family.
5. Have an "O".
6. Own my own business.
7. Go to a spa.
8. Go on a retreat.
9. Swim with the Dolphins.
10. Have sex on a beach.
11. Go on a Hot Air Balloon ride.
12. Read the entire Bible.
13. Water Ski.
14. Memorize an E.A.Poe work.
15. Love someone who loves me back, unconditionally.
16. Travel in the Outback.
17. Live in the country.
18. Own many animals.
19. Dance at a Ball.
20. Do a sidewalk chalk drawing in Paris.
21. Go on a wilderness adventure.
22. Perfect at least one piece on the piano.
23. Ride a donkey to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
24. Walk through an apple orchard in bloom with someone I love.
25. See an opera in Italy.
26. Refinish a table.
27. Go parasailing.
28. Get thin enough for a belly button ring.
29. Work a week for Habitat.
30. Volunteer at a mission.
31. Volunteer at a Children's Hospital.
32. Meet Darlene Diebler Rose.
I couldn't find the rest of the list, but I thought there were a few here that were doable. I will keep you updated on any I accomplish...
Have a good night!
I cannot sleep...too itchy and achey!
I was going through some old stuff and found a portion of my 50 things to do before I die list. I thought you might get a kick out of it. I have not done much of my list and don't see me doing most of it, but I still thought it was kind of neat-o. I made this around 1996, so I was about 21.
1. Be Published.
2. Learn to Watercolor.
3. Get Married.
4. Have a family.
5. Have an "O".
6. Own my own business.
7. Go to a spa.
8. Go on a retreat.
9. Swim with the Dolphins.
10. Have sex on a beach.
11. Go on a Hot Air Balloon ride.
12. Read the entire Bible.
13. Water Ski.
14. Memorize an E.A.Poe work.
15. Love someone who loves me back, unconditionally.
16. Travel in the Outback.
17. Live in the country.
18. Own many animals.
19. Dance at a Ball.
20. Do a sidewalk chalk drawing in Paris.
21. Go on a wilderness adventure.
22. Perfect at least one piece on the piano.
23. Ride a donkey to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
24. Walk through an apple orchard in bloom with someone I love.
25. See an opera in Italy.
26. Refinish a table.
27. Go parasailing.
28. Get thin enough for a belly button ring.
29. Work a week for Habitat.
30. Volunteer at a mission.
31. Volunteer at a Children's Hospital.
32. Meet Darlene Diebler Rose.
I couldn't find the rest of the list, but I thought there were a few here that were doable. I will keep you updated on any I accomplish...
Have a good night!
I think Carrie and I are jinxed. I still can't do a title either!!! Maybe we are just too cool and don't need them!
I just have time for a quick post.
Let's see -
*It looks like I'll be calling the dr. again tomorrow as the poison ivy is still spreading and has hit my face and my chest!!! Agony! I am really, really trying to maintain a good sense of humor about it all.
*My foot is doing well. It hurts, but it doesn't slow me down at all. I am sitting with it up and have ice on it. The darn tape isn't holding it closed though and that is kind of gross.
*The reunion went well. There was no drama and it was all people I didn't know. My grandma had a good time visiting and I talked to a lady who felt as uncomfortable as I did. I did discover that this side of my family really likes desserts. There were probably only about a dozen side dishes (mainly potato or pasta salads) and about 4 dozen desserts. No exaggerating either! It was a sweet lovers dream. But kids of disturbing. I didn't take anything, but I guess next year I'll take something with out sugar in it! They did have grilled chicken and hamburgers and hot dogs too so there was something other than junky foods. Caitlin threw a huge tantrum when we left, she was really tired, but Sean had to carry her out while she let out bloodcurdling screams! What fun.
That was pretty much our day. We missed church, I instead chose to join Crystal at hers via text message. I am SO SORRY!!! I was just being super supportive, ya know. I hope you all have a supercity night!
I just have time for a quick post.
Let's see -
*It looks like I'll be calling the dr. again tomorrow as the poison ivy is still spreading and has hit my face and my chest!!! Agony! I am really, really trying to maintain a good sense of humor about it all.
*My foot is doing well. It hurts, but it doesn't slow me down at all. I am sitting with it up and have ice on it. The darn tape isn't holding it closed though and that is kind of gross.
*The reunion went well. There was no drama and it was all people I didn't know. My grandma had a good time visiting and I talked to a lady who felt as uncomfortable as I did. I did discover that this side of my family really likes desserts. There were probably only about a dozen side dishes (mainly potato or pasta salads) and about 4 dozen desserts. No exaggerating either! It was a sweet lovers dream. But kids of disturbing. I didn't take anything, but I guess next year I'll take something with out sugar in it! They did have grilled chicken and hamburgers and hot dogs too so there was something other than junky foods. Caitlin threw a huge tantrum when we left, she was really tired, but Sean had to carry her out while she let out bloodcurdling screams! What fun.
That was pretty much our day. We missed church, I instead chose to join Crystal at hers via text message. I am SO SORRY!!! I was just being super supportive, ya know. I hope you all have a supercity night!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
I can't type a title in. I don't know why it won't let me. Oh well, I didn't have a good one anyways!
We had a good day today. Everybody left around 7:30 from the picnic at our house. Almost everyone came that we expected and I managed to fanagle (sp) two dinner invites out of people. I am oh so subtle. There was only minor drama when my sister in law Chrissy said to my other sis in law Michele "So I hear you may be still mad at me" in front of everybody. Totally inappropriate and uneccessary. These are the two that got into a minor physical altercation at Gabe's baby shower. Anyways a "heated" discussion ensued until Sean informed them that it would not happen at our house and they would be asked to leave if they didn't knock it off. Go Sean!!! I didn't want to witness any fighting so I went to the front porch with Rhonda and her husband Jeff while the kids played inside. It calmed down quickly, thanks to Sean, and I decided that next time I am handing out flashcards and you are only allowed to say what is written on them. That way I can control the mood and the conversation and keep it pleasant! I was told in therapy that I can't change how peopole act. I don't think that she thought about the flashcards! Wait till my next session! It wasn't bad, and despite the drama I think everyone had a good time. My nephew, his girlfriend and my neice showed up, I lost count of the number of piercings on them! They are good kids - just look a bit strange!
Tomorrow we have another reunion, after today's picnic and a birthday party last night. We are just party animals.
Gabe was supposed to go to the drive in with Michele and her family tonight but changed his mind at the last minute. He gets nervous about going to other people's houses for the night, even family.
I am going to go and try to relax. Maybe I'll have a more interesting day tomorrow to post about!
By the way, did you all notice I did not get injured today? I think it's a record!!!
Goodnight Everyone.
We had a good day today. Everybody left around 7:30 from the picnic at our house. Almost everyone came that we expected and I managed to fanagle (sp) two dinner invites out of people. I am oh so subtle. There was only minor drama when my sister in law Chrissy said to my other sis in law Michele "So I hear you may be still mad at me" in front of everybody. Totally inappropriate and uneccessary. These are the two that got into a minor physical altercation at Gabe's baby shower. Anyways a "heated" discussion ensued until Sean informed them that it would not happen at our house and they would be asked to leave if they didn't knock it off. Go Sean!!! I didn't want to witness any fighting so I went to the front porch with Rhonda and her husband Jeff while the kids played inside. It calmed down quickly, thanks to Sean, and I decided that next time I am handing out flashcards and you are only allowed to say what is written on them. That way I can control the mood and the conversation and keep it pleasant! I was told in therapy that I can't change how peopole act. I don't think that she thought about the flashcards! Wait till my next session! It wasn't bad, and despite the drama I think everyone had a good time. My nephew, his girlfriend and my neice showed up, I lost count of the number of piercings on them! They are good kids - just look a bit strange!
Tomorrow we have another reunion, after today's picnic and a birthday party last night. We are just party animals.
Gabe was supposed to go to the drive in with Michele and her family tonight but changed his mind at the last minute. He gets nervous about going to other people's houses for the night, even family.
I am going to go and try to relax. Maybe I'll have a more interesting day tomorrow to post about!
By the way, did you all notice I did not get injured today? I think it's a record!!!
Goodnight Everyone.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Well girls, you're not going to believe this one...I just got back from the ER. Somehow this afternoon I knocked Sean's huge cordless drill off the dryer with a laundry basket. It fell 3 feet and the phillips head drill bit went right into the top of my foot. It also smashed across the top. We waited about an hour and then decided it should get looked at, plus I needed a tetnus shot. So they did x-rays, not broken just badly buised, irrigated the puncture and since it was too "dirty" to stitch they put glue and three steri-strips across it. I am on an antibiotic and some pain killers which my mom should be dropping off in about a half hour. Boy oh boy does it hurt!!! and Boy oh boy do I feel like a dork!
Have a wonderful evening. I plan on popping 2 pills and taking a nap!!! Hopefully it knocks out the pain!! ugh.
Have a wonderful evening. I plan on popping 2 pills and taking a nap!!! Hopefully it knocks out the pain!! ugh.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
A little relief...
The dr. gave me a shot in my hip and some pills. The itch has settled down a bit and is at least a little more bearable. I have never seen anything so weird. I have welts all over my arms, on my stomach and chest, behind my knees and on my thigh. I have a few on my face. I look weird. It could be worse...I just think of where it COULD be!
We had a good time walking in the parade yesterday. We were right in front of the Catholic School's band and it was nice to have some jazzy, snazzy music to listen too. We had over
$100 worth of candy to throw but still ran out before the end of the parade. I have no pictures, except one Lura took and if she posts it I will make her pay for my therapy for the next 2 months and will never wash Isaiah's tinkly clothes again. I am happy to draw you all a picture of how I looked, but I felt quite large and U-G-L-Y (I ain't got no alibi....). It was nice because it put Scott's name and face out there for elections. I would do it againif asked. I only pelted a few kids in the head with candy (there parents didn't look too mad and I don't think I cost Scott any votes)
Sean just came in and we are taking the kids for a to you all later!
We had a good time walking in the parade yesterday. We were right in front of the Catholic School's band and it was nice to have some jazzy, snazzy music to listen too. We had over
$100 worth of candy to throw but still ran out before the end of the parade. I have no pictures, except one Lura took and if she posts it I will make her pay for my therapy for the next 2 months and will never wash Isaiah's tinkly clothes again. I am happy to draw you all a picture of how I looked, but I felt quite large and U-G-L-Y (I ain't got no alibi....). It was nice because it put Scott's name and face out there for elections. I would do it againif asked. I only pelted a few kids in the head with candy (there parents didn't look too mad and I don't think I cost Scott any votes)
Sean just came in and we are taking the kids for a to you all later!
Cranky Amanda
Let me just say that I hate poison ivy! I just got a shot and prescription meds from the dr. as the rash is spreading all over me. I was up at 4:30 this morning dipping my arm in scalding water to try and kill the itch. I am cranky and no fun today.
I will post later when the shot kicks in and I am comfy again!
I will post later when the shot kicks in and I am comfy again!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I want my casts back!!!!
I want them back!!!!! Yesterday and the day before I spent hours weeding. I took off the brace so I could wear gloves and I washed my arms with soap and water as soon as I came in. I have POISON IVY down both arms! Oh, it is miserable. I haven't let Sean know because I am sure there will be an I told you so in there somewhere.
On the plus side my flowerbeds are looking really, really nice!
I have been cleaning like a mad woman all morning and that is what I am going back to now.
Happy July 3rd!
On the plus side my flowerbeds are looking really, really nice!
I have been cleaning like a mad woman all morning and that is what I am going back to now.
Happy July 3rd!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Just Another Manic Monday
The reunion was bad...don't ask. I will not post on it. Only 364 days until next years.
Sean, the kids and I went to Toys R Us yesterday to pick up Gabe's bike. It is amazing what one thing can do. He got on it and it was like he had been riding for years. This is the kid who has been trying unsuccessfully for over 3 years to ride w/o training wheels! His confidence was wonderful, he even did a few tricks! It was a new Gabe when he realized he could do it! We are so proud of him. And he is so proud of himself. I think it is great.
Later that night "cousin Rhonda" stopped over. She is Sean's cousin and the one responsible for Sean and I getting together. We had lost our friendship, but have been rebuilding it over the past year or so. It is a different friendship, but I wouldn't give it up. The kids love her, she has a son 2 yrs. older than Gabe and they get along beautifully. The trio only call her COUSIN RHONDA. They have to include the cousin everytime! After she left Sean put the first of two canapies (sp?) on the clubhouse roof and we did major yardwork. I weeded and pruned more than I ever have in my life!!! The kids played and bothered the neighbor. I apologized profusely, but he has numerous grandchildren and informed me that my kids could never bother him. Just wait! I am still on them to leave him be regardless.
This morning I got the kids up and dressed and took them to Lowe's where we got the 2nd canopy, a flag and some flowers. They were so well behaved...all 4 of them. I was shocked, amazed, flabbergasted... You can be sure that I praised them left and right about it too! Gabe read everyone one of his chapter books during the 20 minute ride there. It couldn't have been much better!! Even though it wasn't good to do financially, I rewarded them all with a Kids Meal from Wendy's. Kellie will have trouble believing this I'm sure, but we got lost on our way to Wendy's! I told the kids we were taking the scenic route. When we finally found Wendy's they asked if we could take the scenic route home!
When we got home I took them out back and planted six of the flowers and did an hour of weeding. We are now inside so the kids can lay down and rest as they are "very, very tired."
Gabe is playing at my sister's and I have got to clean my house since the 4th is Wednesday so we will have a gazillion people here to watch the parade.
Have a good Monday!
Sean, the kids and I went to Toys R Us yesterday to pick up Gabe's bike. It is amazing what one thing can do. He got on it and it was like he had been riding for years. This is the kid who has been trying unsuccessfully for over 3 years to ride w/o training wheels! His confidence was wonderful, he even did a few tricks! It was a new Gabe when he realized he could do it! We are so proud of him. And he is so proud of himself. I think it is great.
Later that night "cousin Rhonda" stopped over. She is Sean's cousin and the one responsible for Sean and I getting together. We had lost our friendship, but have been rebuilding it over the past year or so. It is a different friendship, but I wouldn't give it up. The kids love her, she has a son 2 yrs. older than Gabe and they get along beautifully. The trio only call her COUSIN RHONDA. They have to include the cousin everytime! After she left Sean put the first of two canapies (sp?) on the clubhouse roof and we did major yardwork. I weeded and pruned more than I ever have in my life!!! The kids played and bothered the neighbor. I apologized profusely, but he has numerous grandchildren and informed me that my kids could never bother him. Just wait! I am still on them to leave him be regardless.
This morning I got the kids up and dressed and took them to Lowe's where we got the 2nd canopy, a flag and some flowers. They were so well behaved...all 4 of them. I was shocked, amazed, flabbergasted... You can be sure that I praised them left and right about it too! Gabe read everyone one of his chapter books during the 20 minute ride there. It couldn't have been much better!! Even though it wasn't good to do financially, I rewarded them all with a Kids Meal from Wendy's. Kellie will have trouble believing this I'm sure, but we got lost on our way to Wendy's! I told the kids we were taking the scenic route. When we finally found Wendy's they asked if we could take the scenic route home!
When we got home I took them out back and planted six of the flowers and did an hour of weeding. We are now inside so the kids can lay down and rest as they are "very, very tired."
Gabe is playing at my sister's and I have got to clean my house since the 4th is Wednesday so we will have a gazillion people here to watch the parade.
Have a good Monday!
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