Saturday, June 30, 2007
Another Saturday Night lalalalalala...
Lura and I had our garage sale. Woo hoo, was it a stinker. There were hardly any people, we had 7 helpers, Lura made me cry (she's gonna hit me!) and it took us longer to pack up than to set up. We had fun visiting though. Thursday night she came over to set up and we got to laugh and talk with no kiddos. I guess that makes the stinky sale worth it! We had it from 9 - 5 and I tink made enough to almost cover the cost of the ad. As of yesterday we had both boycotted HAVING garage sales ever again. Who knows what next month will bring.
Friday evening Gabe had his last swim lesson. He did awesome and has improved so much! He can actually swim, not just the flailing arm dogpaddle!!!
After swim lessons we went to a goodbye bar-b -que for my nephews. Cory leaves for Paris Island on Sunday for several months of Marine boot camp. He is excited...we are all nervous!
Mike leaves on the 20th for army boot camp, but we all decided last night that we will have another goodbye bonfire for him. Sean's sis and bro in law live on a dairy farm. We took the kids to look at the cows, Luke tried to feed one some hay and accidentally shoved it up the cow's nose! It was too funny. I don't know who was more surprised, Luke or the cow! They also just got in about 35 chickens which then had 60 babies! We didn't see the babies, but the triplets got to be terrified by the chickens. They squwaked like crazy and ran in circles, the chickens, not my children. They have goats and sheep, but we are going out next week to see them. Maybe I will take my camera so I don't have to draw pictures of everything. My nephew grilled out chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs and shrimp. It was so good! On Sean's side I am a great- aunt, so 3 of my 5 great nephews and nieces were there. I have 13 neices and nephews on his side and most were there too. My sister in laws are in the middle of a huge fight, again, so I was the only one of us three talking to everyone. It was awkward. I hate when they fight, but it is frequent. You'd think after 9 years I'd be used to it! It was a fun night, someone there took lots of pictures and we got home around 11:00.
I watched a movie last night, "She's having a baby." I thought it was the one with Molly Ringwald, but this was with Kevin Bacon and one of the Baldwin's. It was pretty good, except she didn't have her baby until the very end. She wasn't even pregnant until the last half hour! I guess I don't get why they called it that. I have to admit I shed a few tears during the show.
I didn't get to sleep until around 3. I couldn't for some reason. I got up around 7 and cleaned my kitchen while everyone slept. It needed it!!! The reat of the fam got up around 9 and we got ready and headed to Lowe's - flowers and lumber for the clubhouse, Pat Catan's for cross stitch floss and then to Toys R Us. We got Gabe a new bike and Gabe is thrilled. We pick it up tomorrow. It is a cool looking Jeep one. Green and silvery. He is going to learn to usethe hand brakes this week. Oh My. I had better stock up on band aids!
Then, we came home and I baked a gazillion snickerdoodles for tomorrow's reunion while Sean and the kid's were outside working on the clubhouse. It went well until a guilty looking Jonathan came in to tell me that he had just dropped Daddy's brand new box of roofing nails in the grass. Sean is not happy. Then the muddy kids came in to help me plant flower pots and had a dirt fight in the kitchen. I cried. I cleaned it up, mopped the floors and then Luke was misbehaving while holding a glass of lemonade and dropped it on the floor. Mopping #2 occured.
We are trying to get them to sleep, unsucessfully I might add, and Sean and I are losing our patience. Have a good night!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Food For Thought
A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle waslonger than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy manshuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.The Lord said, "You have seen Hell. He led me to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand.""It is simple" said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
No need for a title...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
We were clothed...but now naked again Tuesday
Gabe did awesome at swimming lessons. He worked on diving, only one major belly smacker that left him red and hurting, and then he went off the BIG high dive twice! This is a huge accomplishment for him. I am so proud. I am so in need of a camera. I'll draw a picture of it later for you all to see his moment of glory!
I think I may break down and go put oone on layaway at least.
The triplets were little fish in the water. They are getting so fearless...good and bad. Oh, Sean was fearless too. I can't forget about him! I was very proud of him too.
I didn't have to do Ed's nightime herpes medicine. ha ha, that still makes me laugh. That poor cat! I think he got it from a loose neighbor kitty, but my mom insists that the vet says it's a normal, non loose kitty thing for a cat to get. I'll go back in the a.m. to medicate him.
We have a family reunion this Sunday at my mom's. It is my dad's extended family. They are all nice people. But boy oh boy, are there some weirdo's. I'll take a disposable camera with me so you don't have to rely on my drawings. The following weekend is the family reunion of my maternal grandma's family. I think those people are even stranger. Our next reunion isn't until September and that is my maternal grandpa's. (And Lura, if healthy enough, the dog killers will be there!) Aren't you glad you know all that? NO QUIZ though.
Tomorrow at 8 a.m. think of me. I get my cast off. Pray it is good news!!!
I need to run...laundry calls.
Halfway naked Tuesday...
I took the kids to the res. and we played on the playground. I pushed the trio on the swings, cheered Gabe as he was a monkey, and opted out of trying the slide this time. Last time I injured my body and my pride.
After the playground we walked over to a bunch of pine trees and collected lots of pinecones. When we got home we painted them with different colors and are going to krylon them and I told them we'd display them in a large glass vase I have. They are pretty, my kids hands were prettier. Gabe is going to Valley Beach w/ Amy and the girls. The rest of us are going around 5:00.
We just had an hour + power outage that affected all of Norwalk and part of Bellevue. Unofficially we heard that a man hit a pole. Hopefully the paper will have the story tomorrow. It got really stuffy really fast. I am glad it's fixed, whatever happened. I hope if it was an accident that everyone is okay.
Thankfully I had toast cups and Chicken salad for lunch so I didn't need to worry about cooking.
I spoke with my m-in-law for a minute. She informed me that both my nephews have been placed as Scouts. Or it's also called bait and switch. They are leaving for Basic this month and will apparently be going overseas after Basic is done. I pray for their safety. Cory is Marines and Mike is Army.
I think after Gabe leaves the trio and I may run out for a bit. I'll finish my day later.
Um...Char....are you wearing any clothes yet?!
Naked Tuesday
Have a good day!
Monday, June 25, 2007
It is so late...
I am planning a fun-filled day with the fearsome foursome tomorrow. Hopefully every one behaves and we can have fun. Today wasn't what I was hoping for. I'll post tomorrowe afternoon and let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll buy a camera so I don't have to draw pictures! Don't get your hopes would be a disposable one.
Have a good night!
Why are my kids morbid?
I am going to my mom's twice a day to help her give Ed, her cat, his medicine. He has herpes in his eyes. Hee hee, I am so mature. The doctor said it is common in cats and he has three types of medication - drops in his ears, cream in his eyes, and a caulk type substance we shoot in his mouth. I told Sean he should call his doctor and tell him he thinks he got herpes from his mother in law's cat! I just reread that and it was a lot funnier when Sean and I were tired and laughing like loons. Ed (who's name is Edison) was named after Edison High School whose colors are Orange and Blue because Ed has one orange eye and one blue one. There will be a quiz at the end, so I hope you all remember that.
Yesterday was our asst. minister's last day at church. It was a tear filled, but wonderful service. Afterwards there was a brunch, which my mom and Phyllis (my mom and dad have been friends with them for 32+ years) put on. It was wonderful. We are really going to miss Pastor Edna and her family. She had twin boys a year older than the trio, so we got her hand-me-downs and she had a son a year older than Gabe. She also had two girls that Amy taught. They were at our church for 8 years. I am not thrilled with what I have heard of her replacement, but trying to be positive and give him a chance.
Gabe lost a tooth last night. The tooth fairy left him a Gold Dollar. He was very excited and woke us up at 4 a.m. to tell us. The library just called, I thought it would be about the DVD I still have from last fall and am too embarrassed to return, but they were calling to tell us that Gabe won a dessert from McDonalds in the drawing. Again he is excited!
I am hoping to have a garage sale this Friday. Lura - let me know if you want to. We need to sell Gabe's bike that he doesn't like, and get him a new one. He has picked out a fire engine red Schwinn Mongoose. Hopefully he'll be able to get it on Saturday. Sean and I have decided we are getting the triplets bikes for their birthday in August. They love riding their trikes but are starting to outgrow them.
Wednesday I should be getting my cast off. I am looking forward to it more than you know. As for the questions regarding the Nanny - I am still working on the application. I got stuck, put it aside and then forgot about it. I have to return my therapists phone call...maybe she wants to see me for free! :) I received a grow your own therapist from Lura on my birthday. It's like the cat I gave Crystal. Well I grew him and all he does is sit there. He doesn't talk, Lura. Maybe you should get your money back. AND he doesn't give stickers!
I am only joking people. I didn't really expect him to talk to me. yeah, that's right.
Well now that you've had your fill of my exciting life, go and have a super day!
*Bonus Question*
Why is my mom's cat named Ed?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Just a brief one...
One out of three ain't bad.
Friday, June 22, 2007
I am so glad it is Friday as it means 2 days with Sean home. The triplets were quite hard to handle today and I about lost it several times. No stickers for me!
Somehow Luke found (with his feet) a bun with ketchup all over it that was on the living room floor, stepped on it and left a trail of ketchup prints. I still don't know why it was on the floor. Jonathan went potty and then must have squatted so it got on the insides of his feet and left me a trail of #2 prints. Caitlin spilled water every chance she got and managed to dump half her lunch into her lap.
We went to my mom's this morning so I could help give the cat his medicine. He isn't a cooperative patient, and they got into everything they could at my mom's house.
I took them to Valley Beach today where I got to spend time chatting with my friend Tracey, which was nice, but they were maniacs there. Johnny almosted pantsed me twice!
Luke was a fireman today. He rode an 18 inch firetruck everywhere ( it was not made to be a ride on toy!) and talked into an old cb radio that he fastened to his pants. He was cute.
Both boys had to potty in the car and they were only in underwear...long I had them tinkle into a 42 oz. McDonalds cup. They thought it was the coolest but then Caitlin got upset because I didn't let her.
Gabe was at Amy's most of the day today. We met up with him at Valley Beach this afternoon. He never ceases to amaze me with his constantly improving swimming skills.
I made noodles for dinner and dumped boiling water down my leg as I was draining them. Ouch. Sean grilled wonderfully delicious chicken for dinner. Gabe hated dinner and pouted his way through the meal. We tried our best to ignore it, but it just put a damper on the table. Caitlin did not spill her milk today!!!! Luke did.
The kids are all finally sleeping and I have a bajillion loads of laundry to do. Plus I am trying to get my house clean. It's never going to happen!!!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Things I have learned today...
*At 9:41 tonight we should be able to see the space station. Sean and I looked. I saw about 4 space stations. I don't think there are 4 of them.
*Elisabeth and Rosie are no longer friends (I doubt they ever were).
*People have really interesting refrigerators.
*Because it says tear free it doesn't necessarily mean it.
*When you have a cast on and cannot fasten your bra w/o help and you try anyways and get
stuck for a lengthy period of time with your good arm stuck behind your head, just the thought
of having to call someone on the phone for help can cause an anxiety attack!
*Spaghetti and Chicken Parmesian is not a meal to serve when you weren't planning on baths.
*Blenders come with lids for a reason.
*Some kids can't comprehend that people are buried with their heads attached.
My list could go on. I finally heard from the dr.'s. My right wrist isn't broken. Yay! I have to baby it to see if that makes the swelling go down. It still looks pretty bad.
My kids have been a real challenge this week. I am not giving up - I refuse to - but I may lose all sanity by the end of the month.
I haven't gotten a sticker fact I called yesterday and put my appt.s on hold. We are trying to cut expenses and I felt that was one I could cut. We'll see! If anyone wants to give me a sticker, feel free! I am performance driven after all.
I am hoping when I wake up I will have NO black eye. I was trying to cover my eyes so I didn't have to see something gross on TV (I know....I'm how old?!) Anyways, I only succeeded in punhing my eye with my cast. Ouch!
Kellie deserves a pat on the back as she got her grad project done. Way to go Kelllie!
Gabe is doing awesome at swim lessons. He swam alone, the correct way for several yards last night. Then he jumped off the diving board repeatedly. I am so proud of him. He is such a great kid. And you should see the tan he has!!! He wears sunscreen and gets it applied every couple of hours, but is turning quite brown. He is so handsome. Can you tell I'm a proud mama?!
I need to go to bed. I'll post tomorrow.
Love you guys!
Coming Attractions
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Quick Update
I just returned from my dr.'s appt. She was concerned with the swelling and general appearance so I had to go and have x-rays done. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to be recasted!!! Hopefully they will call me soon and let me know.
I am still going with the idea of it's supposed to look this way as it heals.
Have a good aftrnoon. Kellie....I hope you are doing your paper and not reading about my glorious life! You have less than 24 hrs. Am I obnoxious? That's what friends are for you know.
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm so depressed!!!!

It has been a good day, no major appliances broke, we have cool air from the window a/c and no one broke any bones. We just got back from the twins party. It was a nice family bbq. They loved their presents and it was fun watching Old Grandma and Carmen cream Amy at checkers. She is not a good loser. Tomorrow my mom is taking the 3 oldest kids for the morning. I may get to sleep in...although I won't count my chickens before they hatch. I think the distraction will be good for her. Vic and her boys are coming for awhile so I am looking forward to their visit.
I can't wait for the cast to come off and my wrists to heal. I have got to make a dr.'s appt. tomorrow as my right hand is still swollen and the pain is worse. Last night when I was doing laundry my wrist gave out and I accidentally dumped a whole bunch of detergent into the washing machine. My clothes were sparkling clean and they magically bubble in the rain.
I have nothing else to say.... I hope this makes you happy Crystal Bo Bystal!!!!
I also appreciate all the suggestions for the crayon removal. Crystal, thanks for all the research. I will be putting it to use today. Last night I scrubbed out the dryer as best as I could and have been washing all towels so if anything comes off it will only be on the towels. So far so good.
Carmen, Scarlett and Gabe are all at the library for the reading program now. We had an okay morning. I was going nuts by 7:50 so I packed up the kids and we went to the reservoir to play, visited the cemetary, went to my mom's and then came back home. That killed an hour and a half. We are working really hard on the idea of sharing. Tomorrow will hopefully go a bit better.
I have nothing else to post about right now...hope you all have a good day!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How Do I Get Black Crayon off clothes and my dryer?

Saturday, June 16, 2007
I went out to a few garage sales this morning. I wasn't going to, but boy am I glad I did! I got Gabe several brand new Gap shirts, tags still on for 50 cents each. I also got him 3 pairs of jeans and a jacket for 50 cents each. Then I found two twin size Peanuts (the Snoopy kind), vintage sheet sets for 2.oo each! I got a bag of a gazillion notecards and envelopes (look out all my blog buddies!) for 1.oo and 2 aprons for 60 cents. Oh and a clue game for a buck! Sean also got a brand new, tag still on Bass shirt that is really handsome. I was so tickled!
Gabe spent the night at Amy's and then spent the day at Valley Beach. We are going tomorrow after church. Tomorrow my mom is the lituragist so she will read the scriptures and do the call to offering. It would have been my parents 40th anniversary too. Then for Father's Day we go to a picnic at my Aunt Lol's with all the food cooked over their firepit. She does amazing bbq chicken and steak! It will be nice to see everyone. Monday night we have the twins 6th birthday party. I am excited to give them their presents! We got them a Backyardigans (it is age appropriate, I checked) backyard domino game and an air hockey game. I am going to be the cool one this year!!
I cleaned the kitchen and did a ton of laundry today and started on our bedroom. I can't believe how much stuff we have that is completely useless! I want a clean and organized home so much. I get so overwhelmed, even setting up to work in small increments. I just want organization and a clutter free life!
Monday will start my first full week with the triplets home all the time. No more day care! We had to pull them out for financial is so expensive, even when we got the reduced rate. I think that I can offer them a fun filled, educational , interesting and entertaining summer so I don't feel as if they are going to miss out by not being there. I, however may miss out with them not being there. :)
Have a great night and enjoy the day tomorrow.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday fun
Anyways, we got dressed and out the door by 8:45, picked up a small breakfast at Burger King and then drove to the reservoir where we picniced and played for over an hour. I took several pictures which will probably be developed tomorrow. The kids climbed all over the huge playset and were more daring with things this time. We were the only ones there so it was nice.
After that we drove through the cemetary to say "Hi" to grandpa and check out the pinwheels in Babyland. I know that's weird, but my kids love the decorations people put up in cemetary's. I try and explain each time why certain things are there, or at least why they might be. I hope I don't grow up with disturbed kids!
Then we came home to do a quickie clean up as Amy and her girls were meeting us here with pizza and afterwards we went to VB. It was not crowded and the water was perfect! I sat ion the towels for the first 1 1/2 hours. One reason is I still have an arm casted, but the other was my silly, self-conciousness. I was so worried about how I looked and sat there feeling uncomfortable. Finally I basically said "screw it!" and waded in. Caitlin immediately started one of the worst tantrums I have ever witnessed. She kept screaming and telling me to get out. When she started pushing me and Pulling on my suit, which Johnny had already pulled down my top and my bottoms, my friend Tracy came a took her out of the water. Her screaming didn't stop and I decided to call it a day. Caitlin told me later that she didn't want me in the water, only on the towel. I don't was just crazy! We spent a little over 2 hours there. It was mainly a really fun time. The trio were little fishes and Gabe amazed me by doing the log roll many times and Jumping off the big dock. Wehave plans to go tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how Caitlin reacts.
When Sean got home I left the trio with him and Gabe and I ran to WalMart to get some dinner stuff. We had an indoor picnic w/ subs, chips, potato salad and cookies. Tomorrow we are grilling out and having corn on the cob and watermelon. Yum! Gabe was a super duper helper at the store and in return was able to go to Uncle Scott's ballgame and spend the night at their house. He was happy!
I am trying to get some big time cleaning done. I have got 1/2 the kitchen done and am feeling good about it. I want to get at least 4 more loads of laundry washed, dried and folded before bed and it is already 8:30. Tomorrow the dogs go home. We are sad but happy to see them go. They really haven't been any trouble, just very distacting. I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you our guests!
Oh- and as far as the dinosaur in the kitchen goes, I got Gabe, Carmen and Scarlett a package of dinos that when put in water grow to up to 600% the starting size. It is working well! Gabe is excited. I will take a picture of that.
Next week I will have Carmen and Scarlett for 4 days, plus Gabe, plus the triplets!!!! Amy is insisting on paying me and we can really use the money so I will be contributing financially to the house, if only for a week.
Well, I doubt the triplets are going to sleep anytime soon and I have 876 things to do. I hope that Sonya finds shoes, Crystal is having a happy weekend, Vic and Tim hear good news, Cheryl and co. return safely from Disney, Kellie and Brian from Vegas, Jamie has fun with her family, Charity keeps in touch with her new/old friends she met up with, Melodie and the boys have a safe trip up and maybe call, and Lura gets her house clean and then invites us over to play!!! Did I get you all in a good wish?
You are all in my prayers and I am thankful for all of you. Good Night!
Also I think you will all be happy to know that any attraction I had to David Hasselhoff is now gone. After all the nasty comments :) I have ended it. He took it well.
Have a gorgeous day!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ahhh..the Hoff!
Apparantly those 2 sentences are all I had time for. Gabe is all signed up and has started reading his little head off! I love his enthusiasm!!! I am now watching America's Got Talent and must admit I have developed a bit of a crush on David Hasselhoff. By no means has he replaced Alan Alda, but he's a close second. What a hottie.
Today I bought a bathing suit. I am not thrilled with it and I doubt you'll see me in it, until Cheryl's pool party that is! :) I also got 2 pairs of shorts and a blouse. Then I found Incredibles underwear for $3.99 a 3-pack! For Luke and Jonathan...not me! I've decided after seeing myself in shorts, that I really need to diet. P-U.
I tried my best to make yesterday a fun day for Gabe. My sis dropped off her 5 year (7 days til they're 6) girls at 8:30 a.m. so I had to adjust plans to include them. We had breakfast and then took the trio to daycare. All 3 big kids went in with me as Carmen and Scarlett attended there up until last year and wanted to visit. It was fun for them to see their old teachers but hectic to say the least. After we went to the bank and I was needing a diet coke, so I got the 3 of them 9:15 sodas. Dr. T. would have a fit! Then we took a vote on going to the library or Auntie Lura's. AL won so we headed over to her house, about 20 minutes away. After playing there for an hour or so and with only one minor injury, we headed to the Country Market and got some bulk items. I got self rising flour to make Lura's beer bread. I'll let you know how it tastes. I got each of the three kids hand dipped ice cream cones and we headed back to Norwalk. On the way home I was entertained with knock-knock jokes and riddles. "'m wearing shoes" and "why did the vampire cross the road? Because he got naked and jumped in the back of a car." I said a prayer for safety on the way home before we left Greenwich. I was so glad I did as a baby deer darted out in front of us. I had to slam on the brakes and swerve. Everything not belted in or attached flew to the front. We were all scared but not hurt, including the deer. We went to my mom's and McDonalds, the girls went home and Gabe and I baked bread and cleaned up some. I thought we had a fun day. He was good until 3:00 and then started in with anger and attitude. When I discussed it with Dr. K today she said that ADHD kids don't handle transitions well and that he went from non stop activity and fun to pretty much nothing. I am going to have to work on that. Tomorrow we are spending the day at Valley Beach. Hopefully he'll be happy with that! He was there for 4 hours today.
Oh how could I forget to mention my guests! We have Kellie and Brian's 2 pugs, Kooky and Scamp for the week. For a house that has never had dogs it its quite a change! We are enjoying it though. They are entertaining and if Kellie, who is in Vegas for her 10 year anniversary (sorry about the toast), is reading this they are fine!!!
Today my dad would have turned 67. It's hard to believe he's been gone for almost 4 years. I miss him. I think Gabe is having a little sadness. We have been discussing feelings because he has seen me crying lately. Maybe he and I will go visit by ourselves tomorrow.
Have a good night everyone. Love and Hugs to you!!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Crystal is Super dee Duper!!!
The first envelope was a beautiful prayer charm ith a sweet prayer inside. It is so pretty!
The second held an angel medallion that is in my purse to protect my family!! Sean thinks I should keep it in the van as he was not impressed with my driving today. He grounded me. I had to pull over. I did a donut. It's hard to drive with 2 bad arms.
The third envelope was a gift certificate from The Frog Store! Gabe and I poured over the catalog today. Still no decision. It is so hard to buy myself anything...I'd rather buy for Sean and the kids.
Crystal you are the best!!! Lots of hugs and love to you!!! I have been thrilled with the cards, e-cards and messages which have all come at the best time.
I have been blessed with 2 of the greatest NSSS. Jamie gave me a night out with Sean which couldn't have come at a better time and if I didn't post a Thank you to her I am a big loser! I hope I did, but if not THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! And now Crys has done this!
Gosh, I love you guys! Not for the presents - which are amazing and appreciated greatly- but for the friendship and support. I am so thankful the Lord chose to put you all in my life when He did. I don't mean to be sappy, but I am so touched. God Bless You!!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Valley Beach

By the way...
Just another fabulous Friday!
I have been cleaning this afternoon. We are getting ready for our guests next week. Kellie and Brian are going to Vegas for their anniversary (Happy 10 years!!! I am so sorry for the toast!!!) so we are dog sitting their 2 pugs. One is slightly obese and the other makes really weird noises.
No offense Kookie and Scamp. On another note, I ask if you would pray for Kellie's dad, Bill. He is having emerg. surgery today.
This a.m. I met my mom and 2 nieces at Burger King for a late breakfast and so the kids could play. We had a nice visit and did the puzzles together in the paper. That is one of my favorite things to do with my mom. My sister doesn't so it is something special for my mom and I.
Have a great day girls! I hope Crystal gets something fun in the mail today and that Jamie makes a few labels in my honor!!!!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Bargain Baby
My kids behavior in the store was another story. Can we say Nightmare? The worst was Luke who took off his shoes and then ran to the back of the store twice while I was paying. On our way out he took off towards the parking lot, scaring the pants off me, so I grabbed him and had to carry him w/ my casted arm across the parking lot. I got in the van, put on my belt and cried.
I was to angry to come home with them so we drove for a bit and ended up at the cemetary to visit my dad's grave. They all yelled Hi Grandpa as we pulled in the gates. To some it may be disturbing, but I think it's nice. They understand that Grandpa is in Heaven with God and this is just where his body is buried. They used to think his name was "Grandpa Buried" because that is what we said at the cemetary - this is where Grandpa's buried... I felt better after going.
Now we are just waiting on Sean to get home. He gets off at 8:00. I can't wait!!!
Happy Birthday to Kellie!!!!!!!! Keep your eyes open for your "tribute" which will be coming!!!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Just Wondering
I have been thinking about this today. It all confuses me.
Ding Dong One Cast is GONE!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I'm such a proud mommy...
Betser and the trio...

Monday, June 4, 2007
Ok-you win Vic!
3 of the greatest people you'd ever want to meet...

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
More Flasback Friday

The picture of Sean is when he was telling me that he had locked the keys in the car! It was dusk, February, and we were in a deserted park in Mohican!!! We were still dating at the time and he was so embarassed! Thankfully a ranger came by on the night rounds and got the lock popped.