Friday, May 11, 2007

Why I am not a bank robber and other obvious things...

Here is an odd Flashback Friday. My roommate Annie and I wondered what we'd look like if we were to become bank robbers. As you can see, we wouldn't have been very successful. I chose this to post after seeing the news report about the man who tried to rob a gas station wearing women's panties on his head and using a gun styled cigarette lighter!

Anyways, Isaiah is home and doing much better. He was being a goofball when I spoke with Lura last. It was good to hear him laughing and being silly.

My inlaws are on the way over so I can have a little help with the crew. I am going to run to rITE aID AND GET MY FILM DEVELOPED....DARN CAPS LOCK so look later for purple nails and blue arm.

Caitlin is doing so-so today. She is really uncomfortable thugh and hates taking her meds.

My mom in law is here so I am going to run....


Crystal said...

That picture is a hoot! ha ha

I can't wait to see the purple piggies and nails! Tell Caitlin I hope she feels better soon! Glad you have some help! Have a great weekend!

Crystal said...


Char said...

That is hilarious, but I agree with Crystal, SCARY!
Sorry Caitlin isn't feeling well. I hope she gets better soon. Is she only allowed to eat ice cream? That's what I always thought when you get your tonsils out. hehe ;)

SamandSawyersMom said...

I hope she feels better.i am so behind in the blog world.

Cheryl said...

I find the picture a little scary too. I am also behind in blog world but I am now getting caught up.