Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Humpty Dumpty, Tonsils and more...

Here is the pic. of Gabe as Humpty Dumpty. I couldn't find the standing up one. He really loved this costume. Unfortunately he had chocolate milk at school and spilled it down the front of him so it was ruined.

Caitlin has to be at the hospital at 7 in the am. She is scheduled for surgery at 9 and we will be spending the night there. We bought her a care bear puzzle and disney princess color wonder marker set, so she should be entertained for awhile. I am nervous, but know that God will keep her safe. I just hate the whole general anesthesia thing.

I get my cast put on at 7 tomorrow also. A reminder of my stupidity. I think I will get blue.

The boys are leaving for my mom's for the next 3 days. After the afternoon we have had I am ready to ship them off! I have got to mop my floors and wash the furniture. We had another baby powder disaster. I thought putting it on the fridge out of sight was a good enough idea. Johnny climbed up and found it and shot it all over the dining room....again. I have pitched the powder.

I hope to try and paint my toenails purple tonight. I think the color will cheer me up. Thank you Crystal!!!!!

I won't be blogging again until after we get home from the hospital, so everyone have a super week.


Cheryl said...

Good luck. I know Catlin will be fine, I will pray for her, and you too. Keep us updated and let us all know if we can help somehow.

Crystal said...

My prayers are with you both as well! I will be thinking about you both and waiting to hear that everyone is okay and getting healthy. Lots of love to you and your fam! I'll miss you!

Crystal said...

Oh and I can't wait to see those purple piggies!!!! ha

Crystal said...

I love that costume! So creative!

Char said...

Hope all goes well today!
That picture of Gabe is adorable in his costume. I love it.

Crystal said...

I'm praying for you guys!!! Hope everything is calm and going smoothly!