Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It Was So Much Easier Then...

They are only a week old! Too young to climb, break things, rip important papers up, give each other 7-up shampoos (that was yesterday)... I miss this age! But then I think that at this age they are too young to run and jump into my arms, give kisses, say I Love You, sing sweet songs...
As much as I whine about all 4 of my kiddos, I would not give them up or away for anything! I couldn't scan the picture of Gabe that I wanted to, he looked like a heavier version of the triplets combined!!!!


Crystal said...

Oh, they were sooo tiny! Wow!

Cheryl said...

WOW how much did they weight? They are so cute and very alert.

kellerie said...

even though I vividly remember holding them then, I still can't believe how small they were!

Amanda said...

Caitlin was 3 lbs. 10 1/2 oz.
Jonathan was 3 lbs. 1/2 oz but dropped to 2 lbs. 7 oz.

They were born at 32 weeks, so in those pictures they should have been in my belly for at least 6 more weeks.

Unknown said...

Yes, but remember too that it took an hour and a half to feed each one and they needed fed every three hours, do the math....but I would not give up one moment of nursing for more then 40 hours a week at the beginning with mine either.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh I ditto the nursing comment. I miss it even though in my 13th month I was ready to quit. I loved nursing....

they were so sweet and tiny.