Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another Day

I just opened the printer to print something for Sean and a green, ogre-sized Shrek peanut butter m&m rolled out. That could explain a lot of the problems we were having.

This morning after Gabe got on the bus I took the kids to B.King to meet my mom for breakfast. As we were sitting there, I looked over at Johnny and saw red spots all over his eyelids, forehead and nose. Oh no. The daycare refused to take him despite all my tempting bribes and we ended up at the dr.s office instead. Mind you I was there just yesterday with Gabe and Caitlin and I eacch had appt.s earlier this week too! Turns out he has Hand, Foot and Mouth. Oh - while we were in the exam room waiting to see Dr. T, he broke out on his hand! So now Jonathan is home with me at least until next week. The rash has to be completely cleared up before he can go back. It is highly contagious in kids so I will most likely have 2 or 3 others with it!!

I am still putting off x rays on my other hand. We think my left wrist may be fractured also and there is a bruise creeping up my thumb and it hurts like heck. This was the result of a laundry accident. I figure if the pain gets bad enough I'll go. F.Y.I. - even if your arm is in a cast it doesn't protect it from pain when you shut it in a car door. I found that out this morning.

Sean got his midterm grades back. He had a B+ on his English and a B in Sociology. It just stinks that he has to quit. He just left to turn in a resume for a job that would pay twice as much. PLEASE PRAY!!!!!

Jonathan just got super quiet, I need to go and see why. Yesterday it was because he emptied the vacuum canister on the carpet. Thankfully I had dumped out the glass already...this was still baby powder.

Have a good day!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh mercy me. You better get an x-ray. why have pain when you don't have to?

I am sure that Sean getting good grades made himfeel great, it would me too. Good for him. I hate that he has to quit too. i just prayed that he'd get the job.

Crystal said...

Amanda, goodness girl! I agree, go get that checked out. It's awesome that Sean got such good grades, it is sad that he has to quit school. Is there anyway he can do both?? I know he would never be home if did stressful that must be for you guys. I am praying for all of you too!

Amanda said...

It's not the time issue,it's the need to get a second job one.
We are really praying for this new job prospect. It would mean no second job and that we could get back on our feet really soon!

Cheryl said...

He will get the job!!! I just know it but I will still pray he does. Good grades, good for him. I hope he can continue school. Get the hand checked out but don't get matching cast if it is broken. Get like a lime green, make it really colorful!! I hope things get better, have a magical day.