Friday, May 25, 2007

Potty Talk

The day started out okay. I slapped on the Wal Mart bags and shaved my legs and then my wonderful husband washed my hair for me! My 4 minute showers w/ kids adjusting the water temp. are a thing of the past.
Then I went to Lura's mom's to be a hinderance at their garage sale. I learned that I am a great bag holder! I was only able to stay about an hour, but traffic was pretty steady. Hopefully we made decent money.
I managed to do a bit of grocery shopping by myself. We were out of Diet was an emergency!!!
Things kind of went downhill after Sean left for work. Jonathan went to the bathroom (#2) and didn't tell me. He came up to me with brown fingers and said "Mommy it's #2" It was all over him, his legs and feet, the carpet... I scrubbed him as best as I could and then the carpet. As I am doing that Luke went upstairs, took off his underwear and tinkled into the basket of clean laundry that I worked so hard on yesterday. WHY????? When I asked him that he told me that he cleaned it up - with Daddy's underwear. At this point I called Lura and sobbed.
After we hung up and the kids were done in time out Luke went out to the kitchen, got an egg out of the fridge and smashed it on the counter and dishwasher.

I have 2 casts on and limited finger use - None on my left hand!!! Don't they understand it?

After I cleaned it up I got online and downloaded SuperNanny's application. I am seriously doing it girls. I don't think there are any options left.

Now they are all sleepingf and I am watching Law & Order.
Have a good night!!!!

Love and hugs to you all.


Crystal said...

Oh you poor thing! I feel bad for you, I really do! I just can't imagine going thru all that you go thru everyday! It's okay to sob to your friends, we all do that from time to time! It's what friends are for.

Wow, you are filling out the Supernanny application??? I have never watched that show, I watch Nanny 911! Let us know if you are chosen cause I definitely want to tune in! ha ha

Unknown said...

I knew you were ready to sob when I got off the phone during the tinkle part. I have to get there, so I can do whatever it is being there will help. Now I feel bad that I did take a moment to call to check on you later..but Andrew did not go to sleep until 11.

Amanda said...

Vic- you need to get here so we can have Godiva Ice cream and cheesy movie night!!!

Cheryl said...

Oh girl, I hope you get chosen. I like Super Nanny, she seems to be affective. I hope things get better for you. I pray for you everyday.

I think the kids can smell weakness.

Unknown said...

If that is all I need to do then I am there, any choices for movies..we might have to have Valutime ice cream instead if we have to have a pay cut for a while. But I promise to do it, it might also have to be a kid movie marathon..but we will make it work.

kellerie said...

i just got paid my yearbook stipend - I'll spring for the good ice cream!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh wow. Look, i have an idea. We all need to go on the supernanny website and nominate joke. If enough of us do it...they will pay attention. i love jo frost and she will do wonders for you.

Cheryl said...

Can you nominate other people? I'll do it!