Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The kids have LOGOS today so I get to spend a couple of extra hours trying to pack. Boy did I ever become a pack rat over the past 8 years! I never realized how much junk I held onto. I did recycle the 3 page bill from the vet when we had our cat euthanized several years ago. I don't know why I held onto that, well I do, sentimental reasons! Our cats name was Beelzebub (again, we didn't name him) so it was funny to see "Beelzebub euthanized" on the bill.
I did finish my book. It is called "Where are you now?" by Mary Higgins Clark. I am normally not a fan of hers, but this book was awesome. There are too many names to keep straight so I won't use them, but here is a very short, kind of pathetic review:
It is about this guy who vanished 10 years ago and would call home every mother's day with a short "I'm okay" message. The parents and younger sister tried looking for him, then the father is killed on Sept. 11 in one of the towers. Th mother and sister still get the call every Mother's day. The 10th year he calls, the sister yells into the phone that she is determined she is going to find him. A note mysteriously turns up in the offering basket at her uncle's church during mass that says something to the effect of "Whatever you do don't look for me!" Of course that adds fuel to her desire to find him. Another girl goes missing and leaves a message for her father and brother saying she will call on Mother's Day. So, they figure it's tied into the disappearance of the other guy and think he has now staged his mysterious vanishing and kidnapped her. The police tie him into the disappearance of 3 other girls during the 10 years he has been missing. The sister sets out to clear her brother or prove his insanity as well as find him.
So many things happen along the way and many characters are introduced, but it is an excellent read. I recommend it for any one who likes a good mystery. I loved it!
So that's about all that is going on in Amandaland. I hope that you all have a great day!


Cheryl said...

i love mary higgins clark, i will have to read that one! thanks for the review.

Char said...

Sounds great!! Thanks for the review. I used to read her books, I may start up again.

Carrie said...

I like the name Beezlebub! Cute!

The book sounds really good. I'm going to look for it at the library.

Crystal said...

Wow, that sounds sooo good! I hate to read tho, it hurts my eyes so bad so I wonder if I can get it on tape