Friday, September 19, 2008


That title's for you, Charity!
I definately have it!

In my Senior Year of High School, we got memory books. I wanted to share my What I see myself doing in 10 years. We can see if I was anywhere near close.

Self-Description- a thin, sucessful psychologist working in a major hospital. Long hair. NOPE!
Employed- an abnormal behavior psychologist. NOPE!
Salary- medium to high income. NOPE!
Residing in- a nice comfortable house. NOPE!
Marital Status- married or at least engaged (hopefully!) GOT ONE!
Children- one or planning on one to start with. WELL, I HAVE 4!
Vacationing at- a small, secluded beach, The Carribean, Australia, Europe, a horse park. WHAT'S A VACATION?

Well, I accomplished 2 out if the 7! That is better than none! There was also a spot to list the senior class friends you think you will still be in contact with. Lura was the top of that list. I think I got that one right too!
My favorite t.v programs were Home Improvement, Who's the Boss, Golden Girls, MASH, MTV, ER, Blossom and Shop Til You Drop. Mash, somethings never change!
In 1992:
Gas - $1.11 gallon
Jeans - $35.00
Album/Tape - $14.99/$8.99
Favorite Snack - $2.75 fig newtons
Favorite Magazine - Stare (free)
Candy Bar - $.45
Burger - McDonald's cheeseburger $.69
Domino's Lg. Cheese Pizza - $8.95

I would love to pay $1.11 for a gallon of gas!!!
Have a great day!


Cheryl said...

Oh that is neat to see! I may have to dig mine out,if I ever have time.

Crystal said...

ha I wish I had one of those from high school......that would be so cool to see what I was thinking back then..hmmm maybe not! ha I am still praying for you kiddo, hang in there!!!!

Char said...

Thanks for the title props! :)

That's neat to see!! How did today go?

Carrie said...

I remember right after 9/11/01 gas was REALLY cheap. It was down to
.97 cents at times. Of course, that was AFTER gas stations ripped people off that day because no one knew what was going to happen.

Lura said...

Well, at least the important goals you reached! Sean and me....