Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Everyone went back to school and work today. I have a housefull of laundry and sick germs and kid messes to clean up. It seems like the sicker they are, they more destructive they are! I probably have a trash bag worth of garbage flung all over the house! Oh well, small price to pay for happy, healthier kids!
Sean and I did a monster shopping trip this morning. I should have enough groceries to last me for probably just a week! We had to get lots of lunchbox items, and I am trying a healthier menu for dinners this week. Tomorrow Sean and I get marinated steak salads. yum! I promised the kids we would make cookies tonight too. I think we are making gingersnaps.
Caitlin had a rough night last night. She has been crying a lot about going to school. She likes it just fine but she says she misses me too much. She won't go to sleep unless I hold her hand and stay with her. I feel really bad as she is the one that always was my good sleeper! I think it is probably just some separation anxiety. I got her puzzle done this morning. I will take a picture of it and post it later. It was a bear!
Do you guys think I am silly for painting her room knowing that we will not be staying here? She really wants a girl room. Right now it is bright blue with trucks and trains and planes. Actually the remnants of them, the trio started ripping the wallies off! If we are here until next year, she could enjoy it for awhile. She is such a girly girl and keeps talking about her princess room. I don't want to spoil her, and I am working on wall art for the boys as well, so it is not just her, but they don't need their room repainted.
I have an hour left of free time before I go and get the kids. I am going to leave early and get a paper and diet coke and relax in the car line!
Have a great day!


Cheryl said...

I enjoy sitting and reading in the carpool line too. I don't think it is dumb to paint her room as long as you have the time. She will be happy!

kellerie said...

i think it's great you're going to give her a princess room. who knows how long you'll be there, so go for it! if you need help, let me know.

Debby said...

Heck yes paint that room. I bet she will love it. Do you want a picture of a princess, I can take a self portrait. ha ha

Char said...

I agree with the first 3 blog buddies! Go for it! Paint away!

Carrie said...

I think you should go ahead an paint her room. She'll love it for as long as you are there.

Crystal said...

I don't think it's silly at all to paint her room.....why not!? Enjoy it!