Monday, September 22, 2008

We are meant to be box dwellers!

I am so frustrated! The box is gone to change the text color!!!! That is not why I am frustrated, I just happened to notice that. We looked at a place today that was decent, nothing great - but liveable. They don't want to rent to us because there are too many of us! Then I find out that renting through a complex or realtor requires you to have a credit check done. We have to pay for it AND we filed bankrupcy and are being foreclosed on. We don't have credit right now! What in the world are we supposed to do?
To top off my afternoon the kids and I ran to Wal Mart to get some groceries. We went through a lane that was right next to the self check out. Luke kept going over and pushing the HELP button so it would call the lady over. Then he kept changing the language to Spanish so you would hear this lady talking in Spanish. Then he noticed the baby ahead of us so he stood there loudly going "WAA WAA" so he could upset the poor little baby. I am trying to wrangle him and the other 3, unload the cart, reload the cart and get my check ready. So the couple in front of us was a hispanic man, white woman and their baby. We were behind them on the way out of the store and Luke kept yelling "Spanish" over and over. The couple kept looking at us and I was mortified. He was just repeating the register not referring to them, but they didn't know that. And wouldn't you know it, they were parked right next to us!!! When we got in the car I let Luke know how rude he was and that I didn't like his behavior. He kicked me out of his band club. Seriously, that is his response. "Fine Mom, you are out of my band club!!!" I didn't even know he had one!
He got no dessert and spent time in the corner. I don't think that affected him at all.
I hope that you all have a pleasant night. I hope we do at this house!!!
Thank all of you who so nicely gave me your addresses. I appreciate it. Now I can mail Cheryl's card that has been sitting here so long all the news is outdated!!!!


Cheryl said...

yay a card!! i love your cards!!! I am sorry you are having such a hard time finding a new place to live. I wish i could help! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! Seriously anything!!

kellerie said...

i saw a house for rent today. i'm going to stop after school to see if it's worth letting you know about.

hang in there! it HAS to get better sometime, right?

btw, you can be in my band club!

Char said...

Oh how embarrassing!! haha! Sorry about that. Ok, advice - DO NOT go to the store with the children. Go while they are at school, or leave them with grandma until they can behave themselves in public. LOL!
I'd invite you to join my band club, but I don't have one. Sorry!
Good luck with the house hunting.

Carrie said...

How embarassing! I would have laughed if I were with you. Sorry!

I have a secret club if you want to join.