Monday, September 29, 2008

How Tacky!!!!

So, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but it seems like every picture I post of myself I am in the same grey sweater. I don't even particularly like the thing either! Lura and I were joking about it the other day when I noticed it. I guess it is because I have limited choices in my wardrobe - I worry more about Sean and the kids having clothes and figure when I get a job then I will need them! I just laugh now everytime I see a picture of me in the sweater. How Tacky!

Luke and Sean are at the ped. for Luke's physical. I take Caitlin at 4 today for her's and then Johnny goes at 4 tomorrow. They get their kindergarten shots...whooppee!

We are sleeping tonight at my mom's and then I will come back to the house each day to do more packing. We hope to be completely out by the weekend. I just want it to be done! We have so much ueless crap in here that it is taking forever!!!!

That's all for now, I need to go get ready to go and meet my nieces. Maybe I will wear the gray sweater! ha!


Cheryl said...

I never noticed the sweater...that's funny.

I hope you have a great day and get a ton of packing finished!! Good luck, I wish you lived closer, I would help!

Lura said...

Are you ignoring me? Are you mad at me?

Crystal said...

I never noticed either but now that you pointed it out I will look for it! ha I hope you are getting alot done and are having a good week.

Char said...

I never noticed the sweater either. :) You look lovely no matter what you wear!!

kellerie said...

how about a nice pink sweatshirt instead?

Carrie said...

Oh my word girlfriend. Don't ever wear that gray sweater EVER AGAIN! :) YOu know I am just kidding.