Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gosh, my problems seem so little right now compared to what everyone else is experiencing. We did not sustain any damage from the storm, no limbs down - although a few trees blew down on our street, none near us. Our waterlessness is not due to the storm and while we have no heat, the temperature is nice so we don't need it.
I am so sorry for all of you who are experiencing loss of power and water. It is a huge inconvience and I pray that it is restored soon. I am so thankful that you all in southern Ohio (and those here too!) are safe and unharmed.

We are still looking for a place. We called about a few this morning, but only got machines. I assume that I will hear back this evening. I hope I do! We will be losing water for good very soon!
I packed up some dishes today and am working on misc. things as well. It is hard to pack up 8 years of 'living' - I don't know what else to call it. And it is so emotionally taxing and overwhelming. I feel lost and like everything is so out of control. I think that once we have a place to go I will feel much better.
My mom is taking us out to dinner tonight and the kids are staying with her, they stayed here last night and Luke was up with screaming fits. I woke up with him in bed next to me with his arms wrapped around my neck sound asleep. I think this is disrupting them so much, reguardless of how much we are trying to keep things 'normal.' Johnny would not go into school this morning and Sean had to walk him to his classroom. Caitlin cries for me at school and at my mom's. Gabe is acting out a little more than usual as well.It is so hard as a mom to watch my kids be upset.
It is only temporary, I know and things will be better than ever!
Have a good day.


Crystal said...

Girl, I can't imagine what you are going thru. Thank you for your concern for us down here, but I am also praying hard for you! I wish there was something we do to help!

Char said...

It'll get better when there is some structure and normalicy again. The kids probably don't know what to do with their confusion over what is happening so they are clingy and ornary. I know I get cranky when things are "unknown".
Have a nice dinner tonight! I bet you will find a place tomorrow!!!!! GOOD LUCK!

Carrie said...

That is so hard. I hope you will find a place real soon. It can only get better right?