Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Am I crazy or did all the print on blogger get much bigger?
Dropping off the kids this morning did not go all that smoothly. Luke refused to get out of the van, he screamed "Mom, Mom" over and over at the top of his lungs and everytime Sean got him a few feet away from the van he would run back sobbing. I couldn't get out and take him in because I looked, as Sean so nicely put it, like the bag lady from hell. So Sean, who was getting very frustrated, picked him up and carried the screaming kid across the parking lot and inside. It was late enough that he could take him to his room, where he eventually settled down. I got a progress note from Caitlin's teacher saying that she is doing great academically and everyday at 1:30 she cries for Mom. I thought it was supposed to get better each day! It would be much easier for Sean and I if they would get out in the carline each morning so we didn't have to park and walk them in, but Luke refuses to. Jonathan is excited to get to go back to school tomorrow. Hopefully he will go in without a problem!
Gabe just got home, I need to go and greet him and get his snack.
Oh Lura, you would be irrate if you saw what the kids have done to the house!!! I work on it a little each night, but boy oh boy......


Debby said...

Amanda, I am so sorry that Luke is going through that. Poor Cheryl went through it with Ryan and it was terrible. I didn't help, I just wanted to give him whatever made him stop crying. When he cried, I cried. If he wanted to go home then let him. But I realize that is not the way to handle it. I couldn't stand to see him cry. It was awful, he was so scared and he shook. So, don't ever let me be the one to drop your kids off at school. They would all come back home with me. I can't take the crying. Luckily my children never went through that because there wasn't any home schooling back then. I would have been known as the neighborhood jail bird. I probably would have gone to jail rather then make them go to school. I was not the strongest discipliner back then, I have gotten much better since. ha ha
I will say a prayer for your family. Your poor husband, that had to have been hard for him.

Char said...

Awww, poor you! I'm sorry they are crying. It'll be ok and they will soon WANT to be away from you and then you will want them to want you. :)
I'm glad Jonathan is diong much better now. That is wondeful news! You are a great mommy!!

Cheryl said...

I understand how hard it is. Unfortunately you just have to be consistent, when they finally realize the crying won't work they stop. it takes awhile and with 3 I don't know what I'd do. keep it up, it really does get better.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i didn;t know you were even blogging. I wanted to say thank you for the sweet card. It made my day!!

I say be as dry and unemotional as possible and simply place them where they need to go and leave. When they get home be as loving as you want. Then they will get nothing from that behavior. Even when they aren't being bad as they clearly aren't, they need to know that they aren't getting anywhere. With Sawyer we are going through this with a new church we are trying. We are on week 3 and I expect he will just leave us this week but I could be wrong. I hate every minute of it but it has to be done.

Good luck!

Carrie said...

I am sorry,but every time you refer to dropping the kids off...something else comes to my mind! I know its sick.

I really hope things start to get better for you and the kids. It can't get any worse right?

Crystal said...

Oh carrie! ha ha

Amanda, it will get better sweetie! They are bound to have separation anxiety for a little while, they are trying to adjust being separated from you, each other and adjust to the new experience of school.....think how tramatic that must be for them! You have to just keep sending them and they will adjust, it will take some time tho, you are doing a great job! love you!