Thursday, September 4, 2008

I really have nothing major to post about today so I thought I would ramble. Sean is sick in bed, we can't seem to shake it at this house. He has been throwing up all morning. I am avoiding him - not because I think he's gross (which, well, he kind of is today...), but I don't want to get whatever he has. I am starting to think that our house was built on the grounds of an old leprasy colony or sanitarium or something. All the sick ghosts are invading us. Great, now I freaked myself out. I am sure glad it is not dark out! I am armed with Lysol and a vacuum, so today is my cleaning day. Hopefully I can get rid of some of the pesky germs!
Last night Lura and the boys stopped over after their meeting. It was late, so my kids were in bed and didn't get to see their friends, but it was nice to see them for a brief moment. We were both sorry to have missed stitch and bitch at Vic's, but hopefully next time we will be there.
I made 8 more cards this morning. I am trying to use up my scraps and clear out one of my craft bins. They are nothing fancy, but I like them. I also took a bag of kid's books to the Goodwill and cleaned a section of the playroom. I figure on tackling the rest of it after a bit. I need to set aside some time to study this afternoon as well.
I am going to go ahead and paint Caitlin's room next weekend when Sean gets paid. Now she has decided on sparkly blue, like Cinderella's dress. I don't think I can find sparkly blue. I am hoping she will settle on pink with some blue accents.
Dropping the kids off did not go smoothly this morning. Caitlin cried in the parking lot, Johnny and Luke did inside. I said my goodbyes and walked away and Luke ran after me sobbing. I felt so bad leaving them there. I know it will get easier, it is just hard leaving them like that. I think they are all getting some separation issues. They do it more for me because I am with them all the time.
We are still at a wait and see to see if the teachers here are going to go on strike. They are not going to any of the meet the teacher open houses, Gabe's is tonight, but I am not going. It is for parent's only and if the teacher's are not there, who are we going to meet??? I don't know what is going to happen if they do strike. Do I send the kids or keep them at home? I guess having a sister who is a teacher, my parents both were and Sean works for the schools will help in making that decision. I hope it doesn't come down to that though.
I have really rambled about nothing, so I am going to go clean some more.
Have a good day!


Cheryl said...

there is stuff at home depot you can add to paint to make it sparkley!! but pink would be nice too.

hope sean feels better soon and you get those germs kicked.

I know exactly how it feels to leave a crying baby behind at school. It is heart wrenching and horrible but it does get better. They are probably having as much trouble leaving each other as you, which makes it worse. Poor babies, but IT DOES GET BETTER!!!

kellerie said...

the sparkly paint is pretty cool. i think it would make a great girly room.

i hope norwalk can avoid a strike. believe me, it is extremely unpleasant for all involved. if they do strike, DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS!!!!!!

Carrie said...

I hope dropping the kids off at school (no pun intended) gets easier. Olivia gets upset when I leave her sometimes, so I can only imagine when she goes to school. Although, I don't want to think about that yet.