Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why is it still Wednesday!!!!

I am going to three youngest will not go to sleep! I am trying all my Supernanny techniques and nothing is working. I am ready to ship them off somewhere. Maybe Crystal needs a special NSSS gift. I can make airholes. Hmm, just a thought!
Luke is doing fine today. I found a new spot on his cute little bottom during bathtime. Victoria is discussing coming with her kids this weekend for a pox party. If I knew that one of my kids only had to get an infectious childhood illness for her to visit, I would have exposed them a long time ago! My pediatrician strongly frowns upon intentional exposure. Given the choice I wouldn't do it to my kids, but I think it's one of those personal parenting decisions. Any thoughts?
The trio has had a thing with spilling liquids lately. On purpose, I might add. I am getting increasingly frustrated with this. I don't want to go back to solely sippy cups, it is nice to not have to scrub out spouts, but I don't know how to make it less fun to drink out of a regular cup.
Luke got ahold of a water bottle today and dumped all 12 oz. on the carpet for no reason. I can't keep them out of the kitchen. They can climb any gate, even double gates. We have a kids lock on the fridge - no good. There is nothing I can do! Even if I take away cups there is still the fridge, tub and sinks.
Gabe brought home a 102% on his spelling test. I am so proud of him!!! This is a huge improvement from last year. We try and make the studying a bit more fun and it seems to work. I am also using positive reinforcement with him and that makes a big difference. He is still struggling with reading, but is passing all of the tests. Sometimes barely passing, but has gotten steadily better over the year. I am encouraging "fun" reading and he has been doing quite a bit. If you read Charity's blog, you'll know what a fan of the Magic Tree House series he is!
Gee, I think this is one of those days that I can call normal. Nothing too zany happened. It's kind of nice.
Tomorrow I go for a few tests at the hospital. Wish me luck!!!


Lura said...

I would much rather clean out those little spouts than the messes you clean up! You know my thoughts on that though.

Crystal said...

I'm glad your day was a little calmer. I do have a question though, when your kids do the things they do, like dump the watter bottle in the floor, what kind of punishment do you give them for things like that??

I'm so happy for Gabe and his spelling test and his improved reading!!! THAT'S AWESOME GABE!

Cheryl said...

Good job Gabe!! That is awesome. I hope you have a wonderful. calm and dry Thursday!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

do you put the 102 percent papers up? I read that if your child doesn't normally get great grades and gets one that you plaster those puppies all over the house. Everytime, you pass one, you make reference to it. "Oh it makes mommy so happy to walk under that great paper". or whatever.

I second Crys' question, how are you reacting to water being spilled on purpose? My son is 4 and uses a sippy. We did go to the grown up looking sport's bottle types or the Starbucks cups but they are still sippys with spouts. I do make sure he knows HOW to drink regular though. He does it at school everyday too.

Jamie said...

We have gone to using regular cups at mealtime, but for in the car or just on the go in the house, even my 7 year old still uses some time of lidded cup to avoid messes. They do spill sometimes at the table, but with the hardwood floors it's easy to clean up.

Congratulations Gabe, good work!!!

I'm glad your day was smoother today, let's pray tomorrow is even better!!

Char said...

Yeah Gabe!!! Thats wonderful! Keep up the good work!

I bought Travis some of those cups with lids and straws that you are supposed to throw away. I bet I've had the same ones for over a year. He really likes his sports bottle type sippy cup still and he's 7. I don't really care. I'd rather he not spill things all over my carpet. Jacob is 11 and he sometimes spills things. No sippy for him though. hehe :)

Amanda said...

When they spill water I usually send them to time out and then clean it up. I tried several times to have them do it and it resulted in a bigger mess. I know that they should, but I don't know how to make it less of a "game" for them. They turn everything into a game. Gabe was never this way so I don't have past experiences to go by. I am open to suggestions.