Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy Monday!

Okay, so I think that Sean is holding his temper quite well and is amazingly patient. Snaking the drain didn't work, liquid plummer didn't work, using a special sink plunger didn't work, my idea of blowing with a straw really hard didn't work (and was not thought highly of). Sean had to call off of work and is getting ready to cut the pipes in the basement. Oh, if only we had eaten the brownish/purple semi stinky hamburger instead of me putting in the disposal. ** Note to all fellow bloggers. Raw meat should under no circumstances be put down the drain!**

I think that Lura and the boys will be coming over today, so maybe she will have some great suggestions. Sean always appreciates Lura's suggestions!!!

Above is a picture of Gabe at Chuckie Cheese. He looks so sweet!!! I love him to pieces.

We only had one minor injury over the weekend. Big accomplishment for this family! Apparently Jonathan was climbing up the slide as Caitlin was going down, so he ended up with a bloody forehead. Just a small gash in his eyebrow. I am still not sure what happened. We enjoyed playing out in the yard - flying kites, using squirt guns, swinging, playing ball, planting a tree. It was a fun weekend.
Gabe spent Saturday with Amy, Scott and the girls along with 75,000 others at the Ohio State spring football game. He had a blast. My dad was a huge OSU fan and held season tickets as long as I can remember. I was dragged to games every fall -as a young girl I could have cared less. I just liked going to the Spaghetti Warehouse after! When Sean and I got married my dad would take him and drop my mom and I off at a mall to shop and have girl time. It was lots of fun! Not having sons he really enjoyed Scott and Sean!
I received a great card from Jamie on Friday! Thanks Jamie!!!!! By the way - I am really not a total dingbat. Lura informed me this morning that you are all having the great scrapbooking adventure next weekend! Have fun next weekend!
I need to go and shred papers (I have way too much fun doing that) and get some cleaning done. I also have to find a nice picture of Lura as a thank you for the toilet shot of me! Happy Monday everyone!!!


Crystal said...

sounds like your spirits are a bit higher now!! I hope Sean is able to fix the disposal soon!

Char said...

Hope the disposal is fixed soon!
Shredding is so much fun! I love doing it too. haha
Happy Monday to you too!

Cheryl said...

I for one would love to see some pictures you have of Lura. I hope your disposal is fixed without Sean losing his temper. Stuff like that is so frustrating. I'm glad you had good weekend!!