Monday, April 30, 2007

Smells better in smaller doses...

The title refers to baby powder. Jonathan walked into the room awhile ago white from head to toe. He found the baby powder that was put up and covered himself and the floor with it. He had white hair, clothes, skin,lips... I couldn't find the camera either. It took awhile to clean the mess up, and the house reeks of baby powder which smells a lot better in smaller doses.
Notice the red lettering. Notice that Jonathan is home with us. Any guesses as to why?!
He has the chicken pox! He is handling it just fine, except for throwing up a few times this morning. I doubt that was chicken pox related though.
Well, everyone have a good day.


SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my. you might want to call your doctor if it was REAL baby powder. we leanrned in our child care class that babies shouldn't be around powder with TALC in it anymore due to it causing tumors. They actually found talc inside tumors that were cut out. Just a thought...maybe you can do something if he ingested any.

Crystal said...

Good gracious Sonya! And you talk about me being paranoid! HA

I sure wish you would have gotten a picture of that......that would be funny to see! ha ha Hope the chicken pox are mild.

Cheryl said...

Oh I love the smell of baby powder though I don't think I would like it all the time or everywhere!! You poor girl I hope you get it all cleaned up!! Good Luck!!