Sunday, April 22, 2007

Things are better today...

Even though my morning started out with Gabe telling me that Luke and Jonathan just dumped bubbles all over the living room floor (2 bottles) and when I went to fill the mop bucket with hot water I discovered that the garbage disposal had backed up into both sinks...things are going better.
Sean stayed home from church to fix it, cleaned out both traps and it still doesn't work. He has a snake (no, it's not a real living one) and will try again after the kids go to bed. What have I learned from this? You don't put 3 stinky hard boiled eggs and 3/4 lb. of raw hamburger and bowl of uneaten Barbie cereal down the disposal, forget about it so it sits there for hours and hours and then expect things to work. Sean has informed me that would be one of the reasons they make trash bags. Oops.
I have tried to be helpful in many ways lately and not many of my attempts are as appreciated as I thought they should or would be! I should make a list of ideas I think are great but have had bad outcomes and place it next to my bed so I see it first thing every morning!

I appreciate all of you and your advice so much. I was really touched by so many of the things that were said, especially by Cheryl's husband! and by all of you. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I have my days, like the one(s) last week where I feel so completely overwhelmed and hopeless. I just need to step back and look at the big picture and realize it is not so horrible. Parenting three 3 year olds and an 8 year old ADHDer is stressful and I will not be perfect at it, but I don't need to give myself a hard time for doing a hard job. I learned that in therapy!! I wouldn't trade in being a mom for anything, even when a child sneaks into the bathroom and turns the water too cold and throws jelly beans at me when I am in the shower (Jonathan did this on Friday). And I can laugh about it now. Or when they shut each other in the dryer just to see if they'll fit. Okay, maybe I would trade that one! I love my job and need to focus a little more on consistency...I will need major support on that one if you all don't mind. Thank you so much again.

The kids and Sean are outside playing with water guns and having a ball, except for Caitlin who doesn't like being wet today. I may go and take a quick nap! Hope those of you who went had a great time at the scrapbooking thingy!!! I look forward to pictures.

Side note to Crystal - Remember your morbid thoughts post? I told you I would share one of my thoughts. It proves what a paranoid lunatic I can be... The night Kellie, Lura and I went to our chocolate night I was emptying old prescriptions into the garbage disposal. Mine, Sean's, the kids...I had about 300 pills in there and decided to run it. I put a cup over the drain and turned the water and the disposal on. Poof! This cloud of pill dust shot up and I inhaled it. All over my tounge, in my nose... I immediately swished water and then drank a bunch. All I could think was "Oh my gosh, I just over dosed on 300+pills!) It was awful. I just kept rinsing and spitting. Sean happened to call right then and I told him what I did. He just laughed and said he doubted I injested enough to do anything. Some help! I was almost in a full blown anxiety attack! I went to get my purse and take an anxiety pill to calm me, but then thought "I can't it's just more pills!!!" I was so paranoid! Luckily Lura and Kellie showed up and managed to assure me that I wasn't going to die of a major drug overdose. If they hadn't gotten there I was going to call poison control! I believe they also pointed out that it is a darn good thing I am in therapy! What friends!! :) Am I not the biggest weirdo in the world?! I swear that I have this whole preoccupation with death because of my dad and sis in law dying so suddenly. At least I can laugh at myself and share these looney stories with you. So Crystal, I think your morbid thoughts are perfectly normal!! I don't know if that helps given who its coming from!!!


Cheryl said...

Girl you crack me up. You do so many silly and funny things. You really do have a great outlook on life!!

Crystal said...

Oh Amanda! That was hilarious what you did but I probably would have freaked out about it too, thinking I just overdosed or something.......I am very paranoid about that kind of stuff! ha ha I was laughing and thinking that could have been me so easily!

I am glad you are feeling better. Being a parent is tough for EVERYONE and we all have our moments. Just know that you are loved and we are here for you. You are doing a wonderful job keeping a good attitude and rollin with the punches........sometimes literally! ha ha I don't think I would have such a light hearted attitude with what you deal with everyday........keep your chin up and know that God is with you, helping you. Love ya!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh girlfriend, you are funny. I think everyone is right that we must have a good sense of humor while we parent. I just know, for me, I have to also keep in mind how my reaction will impact my children. What is funny to you all on my blog might be a serious problem I need to look into solving. It is almost always funy later. It is much easier to gain control while they are young. At least that is what older people tell me.
Good luck. We all love and support you.

Lura said...

I don't even want to know that you threw away perfectly good hamburger while we are over here eating ground turkey!!!

Char said...

Glad things were better yesterday. I hope that things are better today too! :)
I've clogged my disposal before and that is a disgusting thing to deal with. Although I only clogged it with potato skins and not raw meat - EW, stinky! :)
I did like what Cheryl's husband had to say. Everyone feels that way. I know I have posted before that I didn't feel like being a mom today.
I'm glad you didn't OD on crushed pill powder! :) By the way, the toilet is another good way to get rid of old pills. Just flush them down, but make sure they all go down!!!!!