Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Belated Easter!

Let me just start by saying that when a good friend, Lura, calls you and starts the conversation with "If you think it's a good idea, it's not" LISTEN TO HER!!!
Our egg dyeing day was pretty much a disaster. The triplets had more dye on themselves than on the eggs, most of the eggs ended up broken, and my table is several different colors (although each day they get lighter). To top it all off, we had no camera! Amy called me to say that when they got home they couldn't find Scarlett's eggs, which she worked so hard on. Turns out that their slightly dense, overweight beagle, Shiloh, had eaten them.
The next day I thought we should frost Easter cookies. Even though I have the depo shot, I am chalking that idea up to crazy PMS. Luke ate the frosting and put none on the cookies, Johnny frosted his body and Caitlin would frost her cookie, lick it off and then refrost it. Gabe did super as did Sean and I. Although Sean's frosting picture of the Easter Bunny ended up looking pornographic and I wouldn't allow the kids to eat it. He really wasn't trying for that look either.
Friday night Jonathan woke up around 1:00 and started throwing up. He would sleep for a few minutes and then throw up again. This lasted all night and part of the next morning. He was fine Saturday afternoon, but the rest of us were queazy. We did watch the Fantastic 4 and it was actually pretty good!
Easter Sunday we were all sick. The E.B. still came and hid eggs and left baskets. We missed church, going to our families, and all the Easter day fun, but I don't think we much cared at that point!
Monday everyone was better so I took the trio to school, and then Gabe and I went to see Meet the Robinsons in 3-D with Amy and the girls. Cheryl's review was right. I thought it was a
really fun movie and Gabe and the girls seemed to enjoy it. We all looked funny in the huge 3-D glasses and the kids were a riot trying to grab the things flying off the screen!
Tuesday we went to Kellie's (Gabe and I) to hang out and play some games with Kellie and Tanis. I think I gained a little respect when I finally won the pre-school level bubble blaster game. Hey - it's a big deal for me! When we got home Gabe was drooping a little, but we still ended up meeting my mom, sis and the twins for lunch. By the afternoon I ended up calling the doctor because Gabe wasn't acting himself.
He has been out of sorts for few weeks and yesterday they decided to do some lab work. When the doctor mentioned this Gabe started in screaming and sobbing. He even went so far as to grab onto me and yell"Please, I'm begging you....don't make me go!" over and over. Being the ever patient mother that I am, as soon as we got to the car I lost it! I was so embarrassed by his production in the dr's office and let him know that. Then I felt really crappy. He was just scared. We went and picked up my mom for support and then drove to the hospital for blood work. He did super! That night around 9:15 the dr's office called to let us know he has MONO. And an ear infection and is having growing pains. He is out of gym, his favorite, for 6 weeks and can't play rough at recess. I have yet to break the news to him.
I called Kellie to let her know since we have spent a lot of time with Tanis lately. I will post about our trip to Pizza Hut later. While we were on the phone a cascade of water came down the stairs. I hung up and ran upstairs to find Jonathan and Luke had dumped buckets and cups of water in the hall and down the stairs. I cleaned it the best that I could and laid towels down, but the carpets are still soaking wet! Aaargghhhh!
At 4:00 this morning Caitlin came into our room, climbed into our bed and threw up. I woke up and found that Luke was sleeping on top of me and had wet his pants! Caitlin threw up several more times, including on Luke which got his brace for his shoulder messy. So we tossed her in the tub, cleaned up the boys, changed our sheets and laid there unable to sleep. Caitlin ended up throwing up more and Luke wet his pants AGAIN! The joys of parenthood.
So Caitlin is home with me, Luke and Jonathan are at school, Gabe is at the museum with Amy, Carmen, Scarlett and my mom for the hands on Egyptian exhibit (the dr. said he could still go) and Sean is working. Tomorrow Gabe and I are supposed to go to Chuckie Cheese, we will see how he feels.
I hope that you all didn't fall asleep reading this and that you have a great day!!!!


Crystal said...

FALL ASLEEP??? Girlfriend it made my head spin!! ha ha You life makes me lose my breath! I wish I could lighten the load for you somehow! You are great at keeping your sense of humor about it all, as usual! I don't think I could handle what you go thru on a daily inspire me!

kellerie said...

you know, even though i'd already heard most of that, reading it still makes my head spin. so, what fun adventures do you have planned for the rest of the week?

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my goodness

i am a wimp when ONE child in my house is really are a strong woman

i am glad you are in our sister program...enjoy the need it

Cheryl said...

Oh my goodness, it never stops for you. I was vomited on a few times this week too but only by one child. You poor thing, well things after to up from here right. Good luck!!!