Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I'm writing in red because it's the color of spots. The spots on Luke. The dr. confirmed today he has chicken pox! He had the immunization but still got breakthrough chicken pox. They appeared this morning. Again, my life must have been too dull. I can only pray that all 4 don't get them!!!! So far it's not too bad. Luke barely itches and I have started him on a schedule of Children's Benedryl. He will just be home for at least the next week and a half. Oh my!!!


Char said...

OH my gosh! Wow! haha! Well, I guess you'll have some one on one time with Luke. That'll be nice, won't it??
Here's hoping they all don't get it!

Cheryl said...

You have to be kidding. I can't believe you have another sick one and chicken pox of all things. I hope he feels okay and the week goes quickly for you. I am praying for the other 3 not to get it.

Crystal said...

MY GOODNESS!!! Amanda,I just can't believe all the things that happen to you! You poor thing! I am praying that the others don't get it too. Girlfriend, you definitely need to get away!!!!! The retreat will be good for you but probably not long enough! ha

kellerie said...

are you trying to set a record for the most illnesses in your house at once??
well, even if all four get it, it will be pretty mild - except for gabe, poor kid.