Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I was hit with a stupid stick

Have you ever seen those hair remover wands in the store? I think they are called the Finishing Touch or something. I picked one up a few months ago at Rite Aid and had used it once or twice. Not as great as you might imagine it to be.
This morning I saw a few stray hairs in my eyebrows and decided to take care of them. We were in the car and I used the visor mirror (first mistake). Somehow I managed to shorten my left eyebrow about a half inch shorter than my right one. Sean swears it is not that noticable. Then my hand slipped and I cut off my eyelashes on my left eye!!!! I guess it is not as bad as I think and Sean only laughed for about 5 minutes when he looked at me.
I was only going after a few stray hairs!
Oh well, it's only lashes and I guess that I can get falsies if I really want too.


Cheryl said...

Seriously...you cut off your eyelashes? Oh you have to show us pictures, we'll tell you if it's noticeable. You poor girl.

Crystal said...

ha ha Oh Amanda, you are too much!!!! At least you didn't injure yourself! you could have cut your eye or something so be thankful it was just your lashes.......stay away from sharp objects from now on because you are just too accident prone! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

This story will make you feel better. i had a stupid boyfriend once who asked me to light his cigarette (no I didn't smoke but i could light one) on the gas stove and when I leaned down to light it, I burned off my bangs...no kidding. I looked like an idiot!

So you aren't so dumb now!~

Char said...

Oh no!! haha! Hmmm... yes, show us a picture! :)

kellerie said...

didn't your sister once burn off her eyebrows on the grill? maybe this talent runs in the family!

Lura said...

'Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with old nonsense.'
--Ralph Waldo Emerson