Monday, April 16, 2007

Because my night was going way too well...

Sean has been working on redoing our upstairs bathroom. I'll have to post a picture when it is done. Anyways, he is replacing the old cabinet sink with a beautiful pedestal one. All that is in right now is the pedestal until the floor gets done. Tonight I was in my bedroom taking care of Jonathan, who really enjoyed the beans they served at daycare today, when I heard this banging noise. Caitlin found Sean's hammer and beat the top of the pedestal. Chunks fell out and shattered all over the floor. I could have cried. I was already short tempered because Luke and Jonathan were purposely tinkling their underwear so they could keep changing. After the 2nd time I made them quit, and Luke scrubbed the toilet with his toothbrush and before we could stop him he put it back into his mouth! Gabe of course started not feeling well and the triplets refused to go to bed until after 10:00! I am exhausted and hope that they sleep through the night and no one wets the bed (or me, like Luke has done in the past!). Everyone have a good night!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh my gosh. Can you replace it?

That is it. i am coming in and super nannying those kids into shape. Give me a date and I will be there. They will not know what hit them. CHARTS, NAUGHTY SEATS EVERYTHING!!!!!

Amanda said...


Crystal said...

Oh my goodness! I don't even know what to say!

Char said...

Oh my gosh!! haha!
It's not funny to you though.
I hope you can fix the pedestal.
EWW on the toothbrush. That makes me gag. haha.