Thursday, April 5, 2007

My dad...

My dad passed away three years ago this June 19th from a massive heart attack. The ironic thing is that he had just been given a clean bill of health from his cardiologist. I was taking a bath when we got a phone call that my dad had been taken to the ER. I didn't sit in the tub again for over a year. The 19th is also the twins birthday, so we also celebrate that day. It helps to make it easier. My dad's birthday is June 12th, my parents anniversary June 17th, and he died on the 19th. The first anniversary, the 19th, also happened to be Father's Day. Boy did that stink. The son of our neighbor on the left was the first firefighter that responded and our neighbor on the right was one of the EMT's that responded. My dad taught Geometry and AP Computers at the High School, and eventually became Athletic Director. He coached every sport under the sun during his 30+ years teaching. I have so many memories growing up of going to all sorts of athletic awards banquets. I had my dad for a teacher as did Kellie, Lura, Victoria... My dad was the type of guy who would give up his Rocky Road double dip sugar cone to eat the gross bubble gum one that his daughter got. He patiently taught us fishing, driving, math (that one not so patiently), ice skating, badminton, canoeing, and countless other things. He had a temper, but never failed to say "I love you kid" every single day. He had a sense of humor like no other. Most people in Norwalk have a Jerry story, I have found that out in the years since his death. I also recieved stories from old classmates of his. I learned my father crowned the homecoming queen, was an alternate to West Point, held several academic and athletic honors, and many other things. My dad loved the Peanuts and could draw a mean Snoopy. Everytime I see that dog I think of dad. My dad was also the king of lectures. I received so many that eventually he just started numbering them. When I was at college my dad would write me letters and end with #38, #14, etc. They stood for study, don't spend your money foolishly, and so many more. Sometimes letters would come with a few lines of #38 at the end! Thanks for letting me talk about my dad. It helps with the hurt.


kellerie said...

the things I remember most about your dad (besides the ice cream in the driveway) was that he always seemed fun. even in class, which was math so I hated it, he always had a sense of fun about him. And, I remember his booming voice. it is funny how much gabe sounds like him!

Cheryl said...

Wonderful stories!!! We love hearing them.

Crystal said...

Oh it just warmed my heart to hear about your sounds like he was such a sweet and wonderful dad! Feel blessed that you had such a good and loving relationship with him and hold on to those memories.......I loved reading this post! I'm glad it helps you to talk about him!

Lura said...

Let's see an Easter Egg post!

Crystal said...

Amanda, go check Sonya's blog!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh wow, I missed alot of here not knowing you weree posting.

i can not even imagine how oyu must feel about losing your daddy. i wil.l be so devastated myself.

I think it is wonderful how many people have great things to tell you.

May God richly bless you even without your dad in your life but with his memories serving as him.

Crystal said...

Amanda, you are my sister, where are you?????