Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm a very mad mommy...

I am very, very angry at the moment. The monsters in my children have come out to play. I just finished cleaning up the broken bulb from the decorative lamp that Jonathan got down and then dropped on the floor. Not only did I have shattered glass everywhere, but the kids brought home glitter projects from school so it was hard to tell what was glass and what was glitter. Then as I am in the middle room I hear laughter and find the triplets on the couch with the empty value sized 625 q-tip box and q-tips thrown all over the room. They are in there right now still working on picking them up. I refuse to do it. As I am trying to get them to listen about picking them up I see Gabe with the hard plastic hammer hitting the trio and telling them to pick up. So he is now in his room for a time out. I am still cleaning up baby powder, there is a fine dusting of it all over the house. The kids are fine and breathing okay. I did check out the baby powder warnings, thanks! My laundry is out of control as kids have wet through countless times, thrown up on sheets and towels, etc. I spent a long time sorting and putting clothes into loads in baskets. I asked Gabe to get the laundry off the floor in the living room. Somehow he took that to mean dump out the sorted loads from the baskets in the kitchen into a big pile in the laundry room. AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!

It will get better, I know it will get better....I just keep repeating this to myself.


Crystal said...

Wow, I would be a mad mommy too........that is just too much chaos at once!!!

Crystal said...

I will pray that things get better....I can't imagine how hard it must be.

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, the glass would be hard to clean up. could you vaccum it? Q-tipps are at least safer to throw on the floor????

Gabe was just trying to help...SM
Maybe he'll be a judge and needed to practice with his hammer.

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

Oh I would have been mad too. I hope today is better for you and you don't have any messy to clean up.