I am very, very angry at the moment. The monsters in my children have come out to play. I just finished cleaning up the broken bulb from the decorative lamp that Jonathan got down and then dropped on the floor. Not only did I have shattered glass everywhere, but the kids brought home glitter projects from school so it was hard to tell what was glass and what was glitter. Then as I am in the middle room I hear laughter and find the triplets on the couch with the empty value sized 625 q-tip box and q-tips thrown all over the room. They are in there right now still working on picking them up. I refuse to do it. As I am trying to get them to listen about picking them up I see Gabe with the hard plastic hammer hitting the trio and telling them to pick up. So he is now in his room for a time out. I am still cleaning up baby powder, there is a fine dusting of it all over the house. The kids are fine and breathing okay. I did check out the baby powder warnings, thanks! My laundry is out of control as kids have wet through countless times, thrown up on sheets and towels, etc. I spent a long time sorting and putting clothes into loads in baskets. I asked Gabe to get the laundry off the floor in the living room. Somehow he took that to mean dump out the sorted loads from the baskets in the kitchen into a big pile in the laundry room. AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!
It will get better, I know it will get better....I just keep repeating this to myself.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Smells better in smaller doses...
The title refers to baby powder. Jonathan walked into the room awhile ago white from head to toe. He found the baby powder that was put up and covered himself and the floor with it. He had white hair, clothes, skin,lips... I couldn't find the camera either. It took awhile to clean the mess up, and the house reeks of baby powder which smells a lot better in smaller doses.
Notice the red lettering. Notice that Jonathan is home with us. Any guesses as to why?!
He has the chicken pox! He is handling it just fine, except for throwing up a few times this morning. I doubt that was chicken pox related though.
Well, everyone have a good day.
Notice the red lettering. Notice that Jonathan is home with us. Any guesses as to why?!
He has the chicken pox! He is handling it just fine, except for throwing up a few times this morning. I doubt that was chicken pox related though.
Well, everyone have a good day.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sunday Funday
We had such a fun night tonight. We went over to Kellie and Brian's and had a cookout. The kids had an absolute ball. I am so happy that Tanis and our 4 get along so well. There was a little apprehension with the pugs, Jonathan calls them Scamp and The Other Scamp. They are still not sure of what to make of the dogs that snort and wheeze. The trio had better get used to them as we are dog sitting for several days this summer!
After our delicious dinner Kellie and I decided to show off our excellent atheltic abilities. We tried a little badminton (no matter that they didn't have a net. I am not sure if one would have helped much.) While we may not make the Olympic team, we had fun and that's what matters! The game ended when I made a great slide on the grass but unfortunately missed the birdie. I did have a super landing pose though; on my back with my legs straight up. I think I scored points for creativity. We attempted only a few shots of basketball before being reminded of why we were not on the High School's team many years ago. I think a few more practice sessions and Kellie and I could play badminton in public without too much embarassment. Okay, maybe not.
The 4 kids had fun playing in the boxes that the ladders to their new pool came in. We can't wait to go swimming this summer! I wonder how all the kids will do. There were only minor injuries for Tanis and Luke. Face it, they are going to get their mother's grace. Poor kids.
Thanks Kellie and Brian for a fun night. We needed the break :)
Yesterday Crystal and I did 20 questions for each other and I learned a lot about my NSSS! We have a lot in common and I can't wait to finally meet her. I feel that I am getting to know her a little better each week. By the way, Have a super duper Monday Crystal!!!
I hope that you all had fun scrapping. I am jealous that I missed out on the fun, but look forward to our retreat this summer!
Have a great night girls.
After our delicious dinner Kellie and I decided to show off our excellent atheltic abilities. We tried a little badminton (no matter that they didn't have a net. I am not sure if one would have helped much.) While we may not make the Olympic team, we had fun and that's what matters! The game ended when I made a great slide on the grass but unfortunately missed the birdie. I did have a super landing pose though; on my back with my legs straight up. I think I scored points for creativity. We attempted only a few shots of basketball before being reminded of why we were not on the High School's team many years ago. I think a few more practice sessions and Kellie and I could play badminton in public without too much embarassment. Okay, maybe not.
The 4 kids had fun playing in the boxes that the ladders to their new pool came in. We can't wait to go swimming this summer! I wonder how all the kids will do. There were only minor injuries for Tanis and Luke. Face it, they are going to get their mother's grace. Poor kids.
Thanks Kellie and Brian for a fun night. We needed the break :)
Yesterday Crystal and I did 20 questions for each other and I learned a lot about my NSSS! We have a lot in common and I can't wait to finally meet her. I feel that I am getting to know her a little better each week. By the way, Have a super duper Monday Crystal!!!
I hope that you all had fun scrapping. I am jealous that I missed out on the fun, but look forward to our retreat this summer!
Have a great night girls.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jamie you are the greatest!!!!
A thousand apologies to you Jamie, the greatest NSSS!!! I am so tickled with the Alan Alda poster! I wrongly assumed someone else sent it and you didn't get the credit you deserve!!! You made my day!
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!
Water, pokes and Alan
Today I had a major clean fest. I got my kitchen almost completely done, including moving out the big cabinet. I put the one my great grandfather made in there instead and moved all the food to higher cabinets out of the kids reach. So far so good.
I went and had some tests run this afternoon. Loads of fun. One was an ultrasound (No, I'm not pregnant). I drank a ton 1 1/2 hrs. prior and my bladder was still basically empty. So they made me drink 2 huge glasses of water and then wait another 40 minutes. I thought I was going to float away!!! Thankfully I was full and they were able to do the test. Also I had labwork done. Is it bad when they groan when they see you coming and then fight over who has to draw your blood? It only took about 10 minutes and 2 pokes, this was a huge deal! I have no veins to speak of and it is a royal pain to draw blood or do an IV. I usually end up with a pick line or triple lumin. Both are done by a trained nurse from Toledo. The triple lumin goes in your jugular and has to be stitched into place. Loads of fun, but you don't know its there after about a day. Let's pray there are no more hospital stays in my future!!!
That was the major excitement in my life today. How sad!!! Oh...I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT. SOMEBODY... I THINK IT WOULD BE SOMEBODY THAT RHYMES WITH DURA- SENT ME AN ALAN ALDA POSTER IN THE MAIL!!!! I AM SO EXCITED AND I CAN'T WAIT TO HANG IT UP! Sean says the bedroom is out of the question. Maybe over the toilet? I hear that is prime picture hanging space these days. But then Alan Alda would see my bare behind everytime I sat down. That is just creepy.
Have an awesome night!!!
I went and had some tests run this afternoon. Loads of fun. One was an ultrasound (No, I'm not pregnant). I drank a ton 1 1/2 hrs. prior and my bladder was still basically empty. So they made me drink 2 huge glasses of water and then wait another 40 minutes. I thought I was going to float away!!! Thankfully I was full and they were able to do the test. Also I had labwork done. Is it bad when they groan when they see you coming and then fight over who has to draw your blood? It only took about 10 minutes and 2 pokes, this was a huge deal! I have no veins to speak of and it is a royal pain to draw blood or do an IV. I usually end up with a pick line or triple lumin. Both are done by a trained nurse from Toledo. The triple lumin goes in your jugular and has to be stitched into place. Loads of fun, but you don't know its there after about a day. Let's pray there are no more hospital stays in my future!!!
That was the major excitement in my life today. How sad!!! Oh...I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT. SOMEBODY... I THINK IT WOULD BE SOMEBODY THAT RHYMES WITH DURA- SENT ME AN ALAN ALDA POSTER IN THE MAIL!!!! I AM SO EXCITED AND I CAN'T WAIT TO HANG IT UP! Sean says the bedroom is out of the question. Maybe over the toilet? I hear that is prime picture hanging space these days. But then Alan Alda would see my bare behind everytime I sat down. That is just creepy.
Have an awesome night!!!
4 women and 10 kids!

Vic had this on her blog and I love this picture. I couldn't remember if I ever posted it, but it makes me smile. On this day Vic and I went to McDonald's and ordered 9 Happy Meals plus grown up food! We had a fun indoor picnic. I think this was the last time we had a huge playdate like that. It was June 2006. Girls - we need to do it again!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Why is it still Wednesday!!!!
I am going to scream.....my three youngest will not go to sleep! I am trying all my Supernanny techniques and nothing is working. I am ready to ship them off somewhere. Maybe Crystal needs a special NSSS gift. I can make airholes. Hmm, just a thought!
Luke is doing fine today. I found a new spot on his cute little bottom during bathtime. Victoria is discussing coming with her kids this weekend for a pox party. If I knew that one of my kids only had to get an infectious childhood illness for her to visit, I would have exposed them a long time ago! My pediatrician strongly frowns upon intentional exposure. Given the choice I wouldn't do it to my kids, but I think it's one of those personal parenting decisions. Any thoughts?
The trio has had a thing with spilling liquids lately. On purpose, I might add. I am getting increasingly frustrated with this. I don't want to go back to solely sippy cups, it is nice to not have to scrub out spouts, but I don't know how to make it less fun to drink out of a regular cup.
Luke got ahold of a water bottle today and dumped all 12 oz. on the carpet for no reason. I can't keep them out of the kitchen. They can climb any gate, even double gates. We have a kids lock on the fridge - no good. There is nothing I can do! Even if I take away cups there is still the fridge, tub and sinks.
Gabe brought home a 102% on his spelling test. I am so proud of him!!! This is a huge improvement from last year. We try and make the studying a bit more fun and it seems to work. I am also using positive reinforcement with him and that makes a big difference. He is still struggling with reading, but is passing all of the tests. Sometimes barely passing, but has gotten steadily better over the year. I am encouraging "fun" reading and he has been doing quite a bit. If you read Charity's blog, you'll know what a fan of the Magic Tree House series he is!
Gee, I think this is one of those days that I can call normal. Nothing too zany happened. It's kind of nice.
Tomorrow I go for a few tests at the hospital. Wish me luck!!!
Luke is doing fine today. I found a new spot on his cute little bottom during bathtime. Victoria is discussing coming with her kids this weekend for a pox party. If I knew that one of my kids only had to get an infectious childhood illness for her to visit, I would have exposed them a long time ago! My pediatrician strongly frowns upon intentional exposure. Given the choice I wouldn't do it to my kids, but I think it's one of those personal parenting decisions. Any thoughts?
The trio has had a thing with spilling liquids lately. On purpose, I might add. I am getting increasingly frustrated with this. I don't want to go back to solely sippy cups, it is nice to not have to scrub out spouts, but I don't know how to make it less fun to drink out of a regular cup.
Luke got ahold of a water bottle today and dumped all 12 oz. on the carpet for no reason. I can't keep them out of the kitchen. They can climb any gate, even double gates. We have a kids lock on the fridge - no good. There is nothing I can do! Even if I take away cups there is still the fridge, tub and sinks.
Gabe brought home a 102% on his spelling test. I am so proud of him!!! This is a huge improvement from last year. We try and make the studying a bit more fun and it seems to work. I am also using positive reinforcement with him and that makes a big difference. He is still struggling with reading, but is passing all of the tests. Sometimes barely passing, but has gotten steadily better over the year. I am encouraging "fun" reading and he has been doing quite a bit. If you read Charity's blog, you'll know what a fan of the Magic Tree House series he is!
Gee, I think this is one of those days that I can call normal. Nothing too zany happened. It's kind of nice.
Tomorrow I go for a few tests at the hospital. Wish me luck!!!
Way Back Wednesday (a mem. of Flashback Fri.)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I'm writing in red because it's the color of spots. The spots on Luke. The dr. confirmed today he has chicken pox! He had the immunization but still got breakthrough chicken pox. They appeared this morning. Again, my life must have been too dull. I can only pray that all 4 don't get them!!!! So far it's not too bad. Luke barely itches and I have started him on a schedule of Children's Benedryl. He will just be home for at least the next week and a half. Oh my!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
A Great Idea...
I think that it would be a lot of fun to all get together this summer. I know that I would love to meet everyone in person that I have gotten to know and love through blogging. Just wondered your guys' thoughts on this. Just think of the new material we'd have for our posts!
Happy Monday!
Okay, so I think that Sean is holding his temper quite well and is amazingly patient. Snaking the drain didn't work, liquid plummer didn't work, using a special sink plunger didn't work, my idea of blowing with a straw really hard didn't work (and was not thought highly of). Sean had to call off of work and is getting ready to cut the pipes in the basement. Oh, if only we had eaten the brownish/purple semi stinky hamburger instead of me putting in the disposal. ** Note to all fellow bloggers. Raw meat should under no circumstances be put down the drain!**
I think that Lura and the boys will be coming over today, so maybe she will have some great suggestions. Sean always appreciates Lura's suggestions!!!
Above is a picture of Gabe at Chuckie Cheese. He looks so sweet!!! I love him to pieces.
We only had one minor injury over the weekend. Big accomplishment for this family! Apparently Jonathan was climbing up the slide as Caitlin was going down, so he ended up with a bloody forehead. Just a small gash in his eyebrow. I am still not sure what happened. We enjoyed playing out in the yard - flying kites, using squirt guns, swinging, playing ball, planting a tree. It was a fun weekend.
Gabe spent Saturday with Amy, Scott and the girls along with 75,000 others at the Ohio State spring football game. He had a blast. My dad was a huge OSU fan and held season tickets as long as I can remember. I was dragged to games every fall -as a young girl I could have cared less. I just liked going to the Spaghetti Warehouse after! When Sean and I got married my dad would take him and drop my mom and I off at a mall to shop and have girl time. It was lots of fun! Not having sons he really enjoyed Scott and Sean!
I received a great card from Jamie on Friday! Thanks Jamie!!!!! By the way - I am really not a total dingbat. Lura informed me this morning that you are all having the great scrapbooking adventure next weekend! Have fun next weekend!
I need to go and shred papers (I have way too much fun doing that) and get some cleaning done. I also have to find a nice picture of Lura as a thank you for the toilet shot of me! Happy Monday everyone!!!
I think that Lura and the boys will be coming over today, so maybe she will have some great suggestions. Sean always appreciates Lura's suggestions!!!
Above is a picture of Gabe at Chuckie Cheese. He looks so sweet!!! I love him to pieces.
We only had one minor injury over the weekend. Big accomplishment for this family! Apparently Jonathan was climbing up the slide as Caitlin was going down, so he ended up with a bloody forehead. Just a small gash in his eyebrow. I am still not sure what happened. We enjoyed playing out in the yard - flying kites, using squirt guns, swinging, playing ball, planting a tree. It was a fun weekend.
Gabe spent Saturday with Amy, Scott and the girls along with 75,000 others at the Ohio State spring football game. He had a blast. My dad was a huge OSU fan and held season tickets as long as I can remember. I was dragged to games every fall -as a young girl I could have cared less. I just liked going to the Spaghetti Warehouse after! When Sean and I got married my dad would take him and drop my mom and I off at a mall to shop and have girl time. It was lots of fun! Not having sons he really enjoyed Scott and Sean!
I received a great card from Jamie on Friday! Thanks Jamie!!!!! By the way - I am really not a total dingbat. Lura informed me this morning that you are all having the great scrapbooking adventure next weekend! Have fun next weekend!
I need to go and shred papers (I have way too much fun doing that) and get some cleaning done. I also have to find a nice picture of Lura as a thank you for the toilet shot of me! Happy Monday everyone!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Things are better today...
Even though my morning started out with Gabe telling me that Luke and Jonathan just dumped bubbles all over the living room floor (2 bottles) and when I went to fill the mop bucket with hot water I discovered that the garbage disposal had backed up into both sinks...things are going better.
Sean stayed home from church to fix it, cleaned out both traps and it still doesn't work. He has a snake (no, it's not a real living one) and will try again after the kids go to bed. What have I learned from this? You don't put 3 stinky hard boiled eggs and 3/4 lb. of raw hamburger and bowl of uneaten Barbie cereal down the disposal, forget about it so it sits there for hours and hours and then expect things to work. Sean has informed me that would be one of the reasons they make trash bags. Oops.
I have tried to be helpful in many ways lately and not many of my attempts are as appreciated as I thought they should or would be! I should make a list of ideas I think are great but have had bad outcomes and place it next to my bed so I see it first thing every morning!
I appreciate all of you and your advice so much. I was really touched by so many of the things that were said, especially by Cheryl's husband! and by all of you. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I have my days, like the one(s) last week where I feel so completely overwhelmed and hopeless. I just need to step back and look at the big picture and realize it is not so horrible. Parenting three 3 year olds and an 8 year old ADHDer is stressful and I will not be perfect at it, but I don't need to give myself a hard time for doing a hard job. I learned that in therapy!! I wouldn't trade in being a mom for anything, even when a child sneaks into the bathroom and turns the water too cold and throws jelly beans at me when I am in the shower (Jonathan did this on Friday). And I can laugh about it now. Or when they shut each other in the dryer just to see if they'll fit. Okay, maybe I would trade that one! I love my job and need to focus a little more on consistency...I will need major support on that one if you all don't mind. Thank you so much again.
The kids and Sean are outside playing with water guns and having a ball, except for Caitlin who doesn't like being wet today. I may go and take a quick nap! Hope those of you who went had a great time at the scrapbooking thingy!!! I look forward to pictures.
Side note to Crystal - Remember your morbid thoughts post? I told you I would share one of my thoughts. It proves what a paranoid lunatic I can be... The night Kellie, Lura and I went to our chocolate night I was emptying old prescriptions into the garbage disposal. Mine, Sean's, the kids...I had about 300 pills in there and decided to run it. I put a cup over the drain and turned the water and the disposal on. Poof! This cloud of pill dust shot up and I inhaled it. All over my tounge, in my nose... I immediately swished water and then drank a bunch. All I could think was "Oh my gosh, I just over dosed on 300+pills!) It was awful. I just kept rinsing and spitting. Sean happened to call right then and I told him what I did. He just laughed and said he doubted I injested enough to do anything. Some help! I was almost in a full blown anxiety attack! I went to get my purse and take an anxiety pill to calm me, but then thought "I can't it's just more pills!!!" I was so paranoid! Luckily Lura and Kellie showed up and managed to assure me that I wasn't going to die of a major drug overdose. If they hadn't gotten there I was going to call poison control! I believe they also pointed out that it is a darn good thing I am in therapy! What friends!! :) Am I not the biggest weirdo in the world?! I swear that I have this whole preoccupation with death because of my dad and sis in law dying so suddenly. At least I can laugh at myself and share these looney stories with you. So Crystal, I think your morbid thoughts are perfectly normal!! I don't know if that helps given who its coming from!!!
Sean stayed home from church to fix it, cleaned out both traps and it still doesn't work. He has a snake (no, it's not a real living one) and will try again after the kids go to bed. What have I learned from this? You don't put 3 stinky hard boiled eggs and 3/4 lb. of raw hamburger and bowl of uneaten Barbie cereal down the disposal, forget about it so it sits there for hours and hours and then expect things to work. Sean has informed me that would be one of the reasons they make trash bags. Oops.
I have tried to be helpful in many ways lately and not many of my attempts are as appreciated as I thought they should or would be! I should make a list of ideas I think are great but have had bad outcomes and place it next to my bed so I see it first thing every morning!
I appreciate all of you and your advice so much. I was really touched by so many of the things that were said, especially by Cheryl's husband! and by all of you. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I have my days, like the one(s) last week where I feel so completely overwhelmed and hopeless. I just need to step back and look at the big picture and realize it is not so horrible. Parenting three 3 year olds and an 8 year old ADHDer is stressful and I will not be perfect at it, but I don't need to give myself a hard time for doing a hard job. I learned that in therapy!! I wouldn't trade in being a mom for anything, even when a child sneaks into the bathroom and turns the water too cold and throws jelly beans at me when I am in the shower (Jonathan did this on Friday). And I can laugh about it now. Or when they shut each other in the dryer just to see if they'll fit. Okay, maybe I would trade that one! I love my job and need to focus a little more on consistency...I will need major support on that one if you all don't mind. Thank you so much again.
The kids and Sean are outside playing with water guns and having a ball, except for Caitlin who doesn't like being wet today. I may go and take a quick nap! Hope those of you who went had a great time at the scrapbooking thingy!!! I look forward to pictures.
Side note to Crystal - Remember your morbid thoughts post? I told you I would share one of my thoughts. It proves what a paranoid lunatic I can be... The night Kellie, Lura and I went to our chocolate night I was emptying old prescriptions into the garbage disposal. Mine, Sean's, the kids...I had about 300 pills in there and decided to run it. I put a cup over the drain and turned the water and the disposal on. Poof! This cloud of pill dust shot up and I inhaled it. All over my tounge, in my nose... I immediately swished water and then drank a bunch. All I could think was "Oh my gosh, I just over dosed on 300+pills!) It was awful. I just kept rinsing and spitting. Sean happened to call right then and I told him what I did. He just laughed and said he doubted I injested enough to do anything. Some help! I was almost in a full blown anxiety attack! I went to get my purse and take an anxiety pill to calm me, but then thought "I can't it's just more pills!!!" I was so paranoid! Luckily Lura and Kellie showed up and managed to assure me that I wasn't going to die of a major drug overdose. If they hadn't gotten there I was going to call poison control! I believe they also pointed out that it is a darn good thing I am in therapy! What friends!! :) Am I not the biggest weirdo in the world?! I swear that I have this whole preoccupation with death because of my dad and sis in law dying so suddenly. At least I can laugh at myself and share these looney stories with you. So Crystal, I think your morbid thoughts are perfectly normal!! I don't know if that helps given who its coming from!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
I just wanted to ask for some prayers. I am really struggling right now with mommyhood. I have had such a hard few days and I am just not wanting to be a mom right now. I love my kids more than anything, but I don't love their behavior. I don't know any effective form of discipline - nothing I have tried works. My kids are getting more and more out of control and I just feel so lost and helpless. The name calling, not listening, physical fighting, etc. are just wearing me out. My kids are so lovable and sweet when they want to be, but I feel they are just walking all over me right now. I don't know how to handle it anymore! I feel like I am completely failing at motherhood. I read over my last several posts and they are honestly pathetic. I am embarassed by how things are. I am really struggling and don't want my kids to suffer from my inability to parent effectively. I never could have imagined it would turn out like this. I always wanted to be one of those moms that has it so together and has kids that listen.
I just needed to whine a bit. I guess I should go clean and get ready for round 2 when the kids come home.
I just needed to whine a bit. I guess I should go clean and get ready for round 2 when the kids come home.
Cutie Pie Tanis

I stole these pics from Kellie's blog. I love the one of Tanis and the Triplets and it is fitting that one of them is naked, although usually it's Caitlin. I also love the one of Tanis and his daddy. Brian is actually smiling!!! Tanis and Caitlin will tell you that they are going to get married. (Luke informed me yesterday that he is marrying Grandma's dog) The four of them are such great friends and have the best time together!
The fun never ends!!
Two hours and 15 minutes until I drop the triplets off at my sister in laws to play, Gabe just left for school, Sean is at school...I might actually get some time to myself! After yesterday I need it.
I took the trio outside to play while Gabe stayed inside pouting and mad at me...he was sick so he couldn't. We flew a kite, played on the swings, ran around. I spent an hour being a fun mom. I figured that they would behave for the rest of the day since we had gotten to have fun outside.
Not too long after we got inside I discovered Caitlin and Jonathan "washing" the windows for me. With JUICE! When Jonathan saw me coming their way he grabbed the juice, squeezed it over Caitlin's head and then all down the front of my pants. After I got that cleaned up I went to change laundry as I am still doing towels from the great poop fest. Someone accidentally(?) pottied on the floor, I stepped in it (didn't know I had), the triplets all stepped in it and it was tracked all over the downstairs floors, the laundry, the carpet and the furniture. As I was loading the washer, Gabe came into tell me that Luke had gotten into the storage room and knocked over the big box of files. So I have that to clean up. I had spent several days organizing them - for nothing apparantly! The phone rang and it was Victoria, who sensed that I needed a break. The kids were playing quietly so I sat down to talk to her. Next thing I know I am fishing Fruity Pebbles out of the fish tank! For all who are wondering, Fruity Pebbles do NOT kill guppies or snails. While I was busy with that, I hear a noise in the kitchen. Luke had gotten back into the cabinet, climbed the shelves to get down the Family Size box of Fruity Pebbles and dumped them on the kitchen floor. I had just opened the box that afternoon. By the time I got there the kitchen floor was covered as was the laundry room and dining room. They were picking it up and throwing them at each other. Believe it or not, I think that I handled the whole thing quite well. As I was cleaning Caitlin was sneaking handfuls of the cereal out and throwing them in the living room. So when I discovered that, I had to clean the living room. She also decided to tinkle on the floor even though she had time to go to the bathroom. She just didn't want to.
I wish you could all be a fly on the wall here. As I was typing the above Luke walked in. He had just gone to the bathroom (in the actual potty) but then walked into the living room and #2 ed on the floor. He came in with his pants around his ankles and # 2 all over himself to let me know. I did get him and the floor cleaned up.
2 more hours!!!! Have a great day girls!
I took the trio outside to play while Gabe stayed inside pouting and mad at me...he was sick so he couldn't. We flew a kite, played on the swings, ran around. I spent an hour being a fun mom. I figured that they would behave for the rest of the day since we had gotten to have fun outside.
Not too long after we got inside I discovered Caitlin and Jonathan "washing" the windows for me. With JUICE! When Jonathan saw me coming their way he grabbed the juice, squeezed it over Caitlin's head and then all down the front of my pants. After I got that cleaned up I went to change laundry as I am still doing towels from the great poop fest. Someone accidentally(?) pottied on the floor, I stepped in it (didn't know I had), the triplets all stepped in it and it was tracked all over the downstairs floors, the laundry, the carpet and the furniture. As I was loading the washer, Gabe came into tell me that Luke had gotten into the storage room and knocked over the big box of files. So I have that to clean up. I had spent several days organizing them - for nothing apparantly! The phone rang and it was Victoria, who sensed that I needed a break. The kids were playing quietly so I sat down to talk to her. Next thing I know I am fishing Fruity Pebbles out of the fish tank! For all who are wondering, Fruity Pebbles do NOT kill guppies or snails. While I was busy with that, I hear a noise in the kitchen. Luke had gotten back into the cabinet, climbed the shelves to get down the Family Size box of Fruity Pebbles and dumped them on the kitchen floor. I had just opened the box that afternoon. By the time I got there the kitchen floor was covered as was the laundry room and dining room. They were picking it up and throwing them at each other. Believe it or not, I think that I handled the whole thing quite well. As I was cleaning Caitlin was sneaking handfuls of the cereal out and throwing them in the living room. So when I discovered that, I had to clean the living room. She also decided to tinkle on the floor even though she had time to go to the bathroom. She just didn't want to.
I wish you could all be a fly on the wall here. As I was typing the above Luke walked in. He had just gone to the bathroom (in the actual potty) but then walked into the living room and #2 ed on the floor. He came in with his pants around his ankles and # 2 all over himself to let me know. I did get him and the floor cleaned up.
2 more hours!!!! Have a great day girls!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Home With The Sickie...
Apparantly Gabe didn't want Dawson to be the only one home sick this week, so he decided to get sick last night. He is fevery and run down. The dr. said that his main mono symptoms would reoccur if we leet him get too tired, so he is home relaxing. Nothing major like what poor Crystal and her little one are going through! Our prayers are with you guys!!!
Caitlin had her dr.s appt. yesterday and is out of glasses now for good, maybe. At least until August 1st when we go back. The surgery overcorrected her eyes, so she doesn't need the glasses to keep them straight. He thinks that they will gradually fix themselves. An untrained eye shouldn't notice a difference. I am happy for her as she was really fighting about wearing the glasses lately. Turns out she was probably seeing worse with them on!
Luke and Jonathan are having major separation anxiety for some reason. I left Luke this a.m. at daycare sobbing and screaming for me. It broke my heart!
Sean is doing awesome at school. I am so proud of him. He is at Sociology right now. I don't envy him as I never have understood that class. I am praying that this quarter does not stress him out too much.
Sonya has inspired me to clean and I have been working so hard this past week. I am determined to declutterize (is that a word?) my home. The kids are opposite of that though. I never knew boys could put so many things in their pockets!
I have to run and tend to my boy. Have a great day everyone!
Caitlin had her dr.s appt. yesterday and is out of glasses now for good, maybe. At least until August 1st when we go back. The surgery overcorrected her eyes, so she doesn't need the glasses to keep them straight. He thinks that they will gradually fix themselves. An untrained eye shouldn't notice a difference. I am happy for her as she was really fighting about wearing the glasses lately. Turns out she was probably seeing worse with them on!
Luke and Jonathan are having major separation anxiety for some reason. I left Luke this a.m. at daycare sobbing and screaming for me. It broke my heart!
Sean is doing awesome at school. I am so proud of him. He is at Sociology right now. I don't envy him as I never have understood that class. I am praying that this quarter does not stress him out too much.
Sonya has inspired me to clean and I have been working so hard this past week. I am determined to declutterize (is that a word?) my home. The kids are opposite of that though. I never knew boys could put so many things in their pockets!
I have to run and tend to my boy. Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I was hit with a stupid stick
Have you ever seen those hair remover wands in the store? I think they are called the Finishing Touch or something. I picked one up a few months ago at Rite Aid and had used it once or twice. Not as great as you might imagine it to be.
This morning I saw a few stray hairs in my eyebrows and decided to take care of them. We were in the car and I used the visor mirror (first mistake). Somehow I managed to shorten my left eyebrow about a half inch shorter than my right one. Sean swears it is not that noticable. Then my hand slipped and I cut off my eyelashes on my left eye!!!! I guess it is not as bad as I think and Sean only laughed for about 5 minutes when he looked at me.
I was only going after a few stray hairs!
Oh well, it's only lashes and I guess that I can get falsies if I really want too.
This morning I saw a few stray hairs in my eyebrows and decided to take care of them. We were in the car and I used the visor mirror (first mistake). Somehow I managed to shorten my left eyebrow about a half inch shorter than my right one. Sean swears it is not that noticable. Then my hand slipped and I cut off my eyelashes on my left eye!!!! I guess it is not as bad as I think and Sean only laughed for about 5 minutes when he looked at me.
I was only going after a few stray hairs!
Oh well, it's only lashes and I guess that I can get falsies if I really want too.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Because my night was going way too well...
Sean has been working on redoing our upstairs bathroom. I'll have to post a picture when it is done. Anyways, he is replacing the old cabinet sink with a beautiful pedestal one. All that is in right now is the pedestal until the floor gets done. Tonight I was in my bedroom taking care of Jonathan, who really enjoyed the beans they served at daycare today, when I heard this banging noise. Caitlin found Sean's hammer and beat the top of the pedestal. Chunks fell out and shattered all over the floor. I could have cried. I was already short tempered because Luke and Jonathan were purposely tinkling their underwear so they could keep changing. After the 2nd time I made them quit, and Luke scrubbed the toilet with his toothbrush and before we could stop him he put it back into his mouth! Gabe of course started not feeling well and the triplets refused to go to bed until after 10:00! I am exhausted and hope that they sleep through the night and no one wets the bed (or me, like Luke has done in the past!). Everyone have a good night!
Many days ago Monday...

These are some of the pictures from our Chocolate Night. The armless manequin was outside the theater advertising the evening. I know, I don't get it either. Kellie and I are on the left and my belly looks really lumpy for some reason. I hope it doesn't really look like that. Lura and I are on the right peeking through the armpits. We are classy girls!
Gabe's tooth came out yesterday morning at breakfast. It wasn't nearly as bloody as the last one and we are very thankful for that. 10 more to go! He lost 2 teeth in the last week alone.
I took the triplets to the doctor for rechecks today and Luke got his brace off. He is so happy.
I was mortified as they stood there the whole time the dr. was in the room and said all the "bad" words they know...poopy, stupid, shut up, damage (their version of the d word), etc. The dr. said the best thing to do was ignore it and that it was worse with the 3 of them because there ARE 3 of them. They then called him Dr. Poopy and read him a book about shutting up poopy stupid. I could have screamed. It was one of those times you just want to pretend they aren't your kids. Kind of like the t-shirt "who are these kids and why do they keep calling me mom?"
On the way home Luke undid his seatbelt and refused to put it back on (He got in HUGE trouble!) When we got home Luke and Jonathan flooded the bathroom, Crystal I'll trade you no water for too much water! Apparently they were throwing water at the walls and into the toilet. They both came out of the b-room with wet hair, shirts, underwear and socks. I don't understand why they have such a fascination with water! Luke climbed into the tub, fully dressed, with Gabe again last night.
Sean managed to fix our back door today so now I can take the kids directly into the yard without having to walk around the garage. It was broken because Sean had to kick it in when I locked us out of the house. It wouldn't have been so bad, except it was the second time that day that I had done it! Oops. We are putting a key to the door out back so it doesn't happen again. Sometimes I think Sean is a saint for putting up with me. Especially after last night when I couldn't sleep and kept waking him up to entertain me. I am as bad as one of the kids! He told me to tell him a story, so I made one up about a boy who ate his scabs. Sean had the nerve to fall asleep during the exciting tale and I got mad. I don't know why I am sharing this...
I have a million loads of laundry to do and have to reflect on my guilt for not returning Lura's phone call in time to watch her boys. Thanks Lura!!! It's a good thing I have my appt. tomorrow.
I am rambling, sorry.
A note for Crystal...I hope that you have a better night tonight and that Daws starts feeling better. I am thinking of you and sending very happy and HEALTHY thoughts your way. Love ya!
When I Whine
Today, upon a bus, I saw a girl with golden hair
I looked at her and sighed and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and used a crutch
But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy
The lad who sold it had such charm
I talked with him a while, he seemed so very glad
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.
Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue
He stood and watched the others play
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew, he couldn't hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I would know.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, The world is mine.
I looked at her and sighed and wished I was as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and used a crutch
But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy
The lad who sold it had such charm
I talked with him a while, he seemed so very glad
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.
Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child with eyes of blue
He stood and watched the others play
He did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
And then I knew, he couldn't hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have 2 ears, the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I would know.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, The world is mine.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Tooth woes...
Gabe has a really loose tooth and keeps bleeding everywhere. We are on him to wiggle it like the orthodontist said. When this one falls out there are only 11 more to go and then he starts orthodontics. His upper jaw is too small, just like mine was, and there is no room for his permanent teeth. They are coming in crooked because of it. I worry about him getting teased at school and he is getting more uncomfortable, especially eating. I know the problems I had and still have. I don't want my baby to have to undergo those things too. We have faith in the dr. though and as soon as these teeth all fall out he can begin the process. By the time he goes to jr. high he should be through. I just hope that the triplets don't go through this!!!! I think if it happens I will go completely nuts!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Crystal Crystal Bo Bystal

Everyone meet my not so secret sister Crystal! Even though I have never met her in person, I feel like I know her from reading her blog. She has such a funny sense of humor and I love reading about her days. Plus she has the greatest smile! I love how Crystal can manage to fit such fun time into her busy days with her son Dawson. What a great mom she is to both of her boys.
I really look forward to meeting Crystal in person someday, but until then I will enjoy getting to know her better through her pictures and writing!
I wish Crystal a Happy, Happy Day and hope that she has a relaxing a fun weekend.
Flashback Friday
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Another Day in Paradise
Gabe and I are getting ready to leave for Chuckie Cheese, but I thought that I would take a minute to post. Last night was one of those neverending nights! Luke ended up sick. He threw up several times including into 3 bags of groceries that I had not had a chance to unpack. Talk about gross! Thankfully all the items were boxes wrapped in plastic that I hadn't opened yet to put away. So I spent a lot of time sitting on the kitchen floor cleaning things! Then he managed to wet his pants on the couch...twice! I refuse to put him back in pull ups at bedtime, so I take partial blame for that one. We wake him to potty, but apparantly we need to try Lura's raisin idea. Plus if we use the little boxes of raisins we have whistles and raisin revolvers to play with!
All three went to daycare today. Am I a horrible mother??? I needed a break and Luke was doing fine this morning. Jonathan is having nightmares during naptime there this week for some reason. He was inconsolable yesterday.
Sean has school tonight, so we may venture to Kellie's to play if everyone is still feeling good. I know that probably makes me weak, but I have no patience right now.
I need to clean my house and get organized...Okay, stop laughing I am serious! I am sure that Lura, Kellie and Victoria remember some of the cleaning parties we've had. I am really a lost cause!! I think the most memorable cleaning party involved a then 3 year old Gabe stripping naked and coming into the room dancing with a sock on his privates. Thankfully none of the trio has done that. But Gabe always had a thing with nudity. One day we were out front talking to Amy who was in the driveway and I heard a truck honk. I looked over and there was Gabe mooning a Fed-Ex driver!! He was 3 then too I believe. I don't know where he gets this behavior, because his mother has NEVER EVER been like that! :)
On that note, I am going to get ready to leave. I suppose since we will be in a public place, I should make sure my shoes are on the right feet and my clothes match! Have a good one!!
All three went to daycare today. Am I a horrible mother??? I needed a break and Luke was doing fine this morning. Jonathan is having nightmares during naptime there this week for some reason. He was inconsolable yesterday.
Sean has school tonight, so we may venture to Kellie's to play if everyone is still feeling good. I know that probably makes me weak, but I have no patience right now.
I need to clean my house and get organized...Okay, stop laughing I am serious! I am sure that Lura, Kellie and Victoria remember some of the cleaning parties we've had. I am really a lost cause!! I think the most memorable cleaning party involved a then 3 year old Gabe stripping naked and coming into the room dancing with a sock on his privates. Thankfully none of the trio has done that. But Gabe always had a thing with nudity. One day we were out front talking to Amy who was in the driveway and I heard a truck honk. I looked over and there was Gabe mooning a Fed-Ex driver!! He was 3 then too I believe. I don't know where he gets this behavior, because his mother has NEVER EVER been like that! :)
On that note, I am going to get ready to leave. I suppose since we will be in a public place, I should make sure my shoes are on the right feet and my clothes match! Have a good one!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Happy Belated Easter!
Let me just start by saying that when a good friend, Lura, calls you and starts the conversation with "If you think it's a good idea, it's not" LISTEN TO HER!!!
Our egg dyeing day was pretty much a disaster. The triplets had more dye on themselves than on the eggs, most of the eggs ended up broken, and my table is several different colors (although each day they get lighter). To top it all off, we had no camera! Amy called me to say that when they got home they couldn't find Scarlett's eggs, which she worked so hard on. Turns out that their slightly dense, overweight beagle, Shiloh, had eaten them.
The next day I thought we should frost Easter cookies. Even though I have the depo shot, I am chalking that idea up to crazy PMS. Luke ate the frosting and put none on the cookies, Johnny frosted his body and Caitlin would frost her cookie, lick it off and then refrost it. Gabe did super as did Sean and I. Although Sean's frosting picture of the Easter Bunny ended up looking pornographic and I wouldn't allow the kids to eat it. He really wasn't trying for that look either.
Friday night Jonathan woke up around 1:00 and started throwing up. He would sleep for a few minutes and then throw up again. This lasted all night and part of the next morning. He was fine Saturday afternoon, but the rest of us were queazy. We did watch the Fantastic 4 and it was actually pretty good!
Easter Sunday we were all sick. The E.B. still came and hid eggs and left baskets. We missed church, going to our families, and all the Easter day fun, but I don't think we much cared at that point!
Monday everyone was better so I took the trio to school, and then Gabe and I went to see Meet the Robinsons in 3-D with Amy and the girls. Cheryl's review was right. I thought it was a
really fun movie and Gabe and the girls seemed to enjoy it. We all looked funny in the huge 3-D glasses and the kids were a riot trying to grab the things flying off the screen!
Tuesday we went to Kellie's (Gabe and I) to hang out and play some games with Kellie and Tanis. I think I gained a little respect when I finally won the pre-school level bubble blaster game. Hey - it's a big deal for me! When we got home Gabe was drooping a little, but we still ended up meeting my mom, sis and the twins for lunch. By the afternoon I ended up calling the doctor because Gabe wasn't acting himself.
He has been out of sorts for few weeks and yesterday they decided to do some lab work. When the doctor mentioned this Gabe started in screaming and sobbing. He even went so far as to grab onto me and yell"Please, I'm begging you....don't make me go!" over and over. Being the ever patient mother that I am, as soon as we got to the car I lost it! I was so embarrassed by his production in the dr's office and let him know that. Then I felt really crappy. He was just scared. We went and picked up my mom for support and then drove to the hospital for blood work. He did super! That night around 9:15 the dr's office called to let us know he has MONO. And an ear infection and is having growing pains. He is out of gym, his favorite, for 6 weeks and can't play rough at recess. I have yet to break the news to him.
I called Kellie to let her know since we have spent a lot of time with Tanis lately. I will post about our trip to Pizza Hut later. While we were on the phone a cascade of water came down the stairs. I hung up and ran upstairs to find Jonathan and Luke had dumped buckets and cups of water in the hall and down the stairs. I cleaned it the best that I could and laid towels down, but the carpets are still soaking wet! Aaargghhhh!
At 4:00 this morning Caitlin came into our room, climbed into our bed and threw up. I woke up and found that Luke was sleeping on top of me and had wet his pants! Caitlin threw up several more times, including on Luke which got his brace for his shoulder messy. So we tossed her in the tub, cleaned up the boys, changed our sheets and laid there unable to sleep. Caitlin ended up throwing up more and Luke wet his pants AGAIN! The joys of parenthood.
So Caitlin is home with me, Luke and Jonathan are at school, Gabe is at the museum with Amy, Carmen, Scarlett and my mom for the hands on Egyptian exhibit (the dr. said he could still go) and Sean is working. Tomorrow Gabe and I are supposed to go to Chuckie Cheese, we will see how he feels.
I hope that you all didn't fall asleep reading this and that you have a great day!!!!
Our egg dyeing day was pretty much a disaster. The triplets had more dye on themselves than on the eggs, most of the eggs ended up broken, and my table is several different colors (although each day they get lighter). To top it all off, we had no camera! Amy called me to say that when they got home they couldn't find Scarlett's eggs, which she worked so hard on. Turns out that their slightly dense, overweight beagle, Shiloh, had eaten them.
The next day I thought we should frost Easter cookies. Even though I have the depo shot, I am chalking that idea up to crazy PMS. Luke ate the frosting and put none on the cookies, Johnny frosted his body and Caitlin would frost her cookie, lick it off and then refrost it. Gabe did super as did Sean and I. Although Sean's frosting picture of the Easter Bunny ended up looking pornographic and I wouldn't allow the kids to eat it. He really wasn't trying for that look either.
Friday night Jonathan woke up around 1:00 and started throwing up. He would sleep for a few minutes and then throw up again. This lasted all night and part of the next morning. He was fine Saturday afternoon, but the rest of us were queazy. We did watch the Fantastic 4 and it was actually pretty good!
Easter Sunday we were all sick. The E.B. still came and hid eggs and left baskets. We missed church, going to our families, and all the Easter day fun, but I don't think we much cared at that point!
Monday everyone was better so I took the trio to school, and then Gabe and I went to see Meet the Robinsons in 3-D with Amy and the girls. Cheryl's review was right. I thought it was a
really fun movie and Gabe and the girls seemed to enjoy it. We all looked funny in the huge 3-D glasses and the kids were a riot trying to grab the things flying off the screen!
Tuesday we went to Kellie's (Gabe and I) to hang out and play some games with Kellie and Tanis. I think I gained a little respect when I finally won the pre-school level bubble blaster game. Hey - it's a big deal for me! When we got home Gabe was drooping a little, but we still ended up meeting my mom, sis and the twins for lunch. By the afternoon I ended up calling the doctor because Gabe wasn't acting himself.
He has been out of sorts for few weeks and yesterday they decided to do some lab work. When the doctor mentioned this Gabe started in screaming and sobbing. He even went so far as to grab onto me and yell"Please, I'm begging you....don't make me go!" over and over. Being the ever patient mother that I am, as soon as we got to the car I lost it! I was so embarrassed by his production in the dr's office and let him know that. Then I felt really crappy. He was just scared. We went and picked up my mom for support and then drove to the hospital for blood work. He did super! That night around 9:15 the dr's office called to let us know he has MONO. And an ear infection and is having growing pains. He is out of gym, his favorite, for 6 weeks and can't play rough at recess. I have yet to break the news to him.
I called Kellie to let her know since we have spent a lot of time with Tanis lately. I will post about our trip to Pizza Hut later. While we were on the phone a cascade of water came down the stairs. I hung up and ran upstairs to find Jonathan and Luke had dumped buckets and cups of water in the hall and down the stairs. I cleaned it the best that I could and laid towels down, but the carpets are still soaking wet! Aaargghhhh!
At 4:00 this morning Caitlin came into our room, climbed into our bed and threw up. I woke up and found that Luke was sleeping on top of me and had wet his pants! Caitlin threw up several more times, including on Luke which got his brace for his shoulder messy. So we tossed her in the tub, cleaned up the boys, changed our sheets and laid there unable to sleep. Caitlin ended up throwing up more and Luke wet his pants AGAIN! The joys of parenthood.
So Caitlin is home with me, Luke and Jonathan are at school, Gabe is at the museum with Amy, Carmen, Scarlett and my mom for the hands on Egyptian exhibit (the dr. said he could still go) and Sean is working. Tomorrow Gabe and I are supposed to go to Chuckie Cheese, we will see how he feels.
I hope that you all didn't fall asleep reading this and that you have a great day!!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
My dad...
My dad passed away three years ago this June 19th from a massive heart attack. The ironic thing is that he had just been given a clean bill of health from his cardiologist. I was taking a bath when we got a phone call that my dad had been taken to the ER. I didn't sit in the tub again for over a year. The 19th is also the twins birthday, so we also celebrate that day. It helps to make it easier. My dad's birthday is June 12th, my parents anniversary June 17th, and he died on the 19th. The first anniversary, the 19th, also happened to be Father's Day. Boy did that stink. The son of our neighbor on the left was the first firefighter that responded and our neighbor on the right was one of the EMT's that responded. My dad taught Geometry and AP Computers at the High School, and eventually became Athletic Director. He coached every sport under the sun during his 30+ years teaching. I have so many memories growing up of going to all sorts of athletic awards banquets. I had my dad for a teacher as did Kellie, Lura, Victoria... My dad was the type of guy who would give up his Rocky Road double dip sugar cone to eat the gross bubble gum one that his daughter got. He patiently taught us fishing, driving, math (that one not so patiently), ice skating, badminton, canoeing, and countless other things. He had a temper, but never failed to say "I love you kid" every single day. He had a sense of humor like no other. Most people in Norwalk have a Jerry story, I have found that out in the years since his death. I also recieved stories from old classmates of his. I learned my father crowned the homecoming queen, was an alternate to West Point, held several academic and athletic honors, and many other things. My dad loved the Peanuts and could draw a mean Snoopy. Everytime I see that dog I think of dad. My dad was also the king of lectures. I received so many that eventually he just started numbering them. When I was at college my dad would write me letters and end with #38, #14, etc. They stood for study, don't spend your money foolishly, and so many more. Sometimes letters would come with a few lines of #38 at the end! Thanks for letting me talk about my dad. It helps with the hurt.
A missing my dad kind of day...

I am really missing my dad today. I think the upcoming holiday has something to do with it. I thought I'd share some pictures that I like. Forgive the crookedness. I am still learning to scan.
The top left is my mom and dad in Hawaii, so is the tiki one. The top right is my dad giving me my first pizza, my sister Amy is kneeling in the chair. Far left is my dad reading to me, he loved to read. The bottom left is Amy, Dad and I. Can you tell I look like my Dad?
Most days I feel I handle things okay, but there are days when I really get down. My dad was always the one I would turn to when I needed to talk. He had such a big heart and his ears were always open. He wasn't perfect, but he always loved me...even when I was unlovable!
I 'm sad that my kids have to grow up w/o him. Gabe has great memories of him and will share those with the triplets. I love you Dad and I miss you !
Does this explain it?
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Why is it snowing????

Top left are the trio and Tanis. It is so cool to have pics like this that we can show them years from now. Tanis and Caitlin will tell you they are getting married (with no prompting from their mom's even). On the right is a picture of luke, Caitlin and Jonathan. I love them holding hands. The bottom left is Gabe with Caitlin, Carmen, Jonathan , Scarlett and Luke. He is the oldest and very proud of it. Carmen and Scarlett are my 5 year old twin nieces. The last picture is me in 1996. It is my inspiration picture for dieting because that is my thinnest.
It looks like a blizzard outside right now. I hope it doesn't stick, although the kids do. I was spoiled by the warm weather and don't want the snow.
The kids are driving me insane right now. They have tipped the couch over backwards (and then Caitlin sobbed because she thought they broke it), Luke tinkled in his stuffed Sesame Street chair "just because", Jonathan mocks everything I say...Gabe is at LOGOS so that is why he didn't make the insanity line.
I have been inspired to spring clean after reading Cheryl's blog. Okay, so I don't know if it is inspired or if I feel guilt. I haven't even made a dent yet. The trio got into a chunk of styrofoam from the grill and it crumbled all over. That stuff floats! Picture me chasing around little pea sized pieces of styrofoam with a broom that move when you breathe. Yeah, a real riot.
Tomorrow Sean and the kids have school, so I get the morning all to myself! I am really looking forward to it.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Life goes on...
Yesterday we went to the pediatician. Luke is in his brace for at least 2 more weeks. Ugh. At least he doesn't really mind. Jonathan needs a third round of antibiotics for his sinuses, but Caitlin is healthy. I went to the dr. yesterday and got news that test results showed definate food allergies. Now I get the fun of a day of shots! Oh well, I am happy that they are starting to figure stuff out and it does help to explain why I keep getting sick. The numbers were supposed tp be no greater than 234 (I don't have a clue what #'s) and mine were in the 500's.
Sean started classes yesterday. He is really excited and so am I. He is such a hard worker and I know will do super. Gabe was back at school and feeling better. He brought home an awesome report card! I am down with a bad cold. I don't sound like Bea Arthur, sorry Lura, but I think I have a sexy nasaly thing going. I'll call and let you decide! I am going to take a nap....
Sean started classes yesterday. He is really excited and so am I. He is such a hard worker and I know will do super. Gabe was back at school and feeling better. He brought home an awesome report card! I am down with a bad cold. I don't sound like Bea Arthur, sorry Lura, but I think I have a sexy nasaly thing going. I'll call and let you decide! I am going to take a nap....
Monday, April 2, 2007
Isn't he HOT????
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