Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I don't like change. I don't like the empty chair at my parent's house. I don't like that my dad wasn't there to buy a firetruck for Luke. I don't like that I don't have my dad there to talk to when things are a mess. I don't like that I don't have my dad there to talk to when things are good. I don't like that I don't have a relationship with my mom and sister the way I did with my dad. I don't like that I will never hear "Love you kid" again from my dad. I don't like that I feel so empty.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Our Terrific Saturday!!!!!!
The first three pics are out of order, but I couldn't figure out how to move them!!
Cheryl and me! Our farewell shot, of course taken by ourselves!
So Cheryl is sporting the huge hat and I'm the one getting the look by the lady in the background?
I managed to take this photo while going backwards down the escalator without causing injury to myself or those around me!
Giddy with excitement in the car on the way down.
Sean was thrilled that I kept taking pictures to document our excitement.

When I had said on FB that I sounded like Bea Arthur, Kevin said "that's funny - I woke up looking like Johnny Depp!" This was how I was greeted by him.
I had asked if they were going to wear the puckhat so we would know it was them. We thought it was an amazing coincidence to see some kid wearing a puckhat! We are so quick to catch on....
Lunch was a bit loud, not from us but from the lovely purple haired singer in the lobby. We enjoyed chatting over yummy food and getting to know each other.
Me and Ryan. I have never eaten in a restaurant with such a well behaved child!

Me and Kevin. Not the most flattering shot of me, but Kevin looks great!
Ryan was devastated to see me go. He is hiding the tears here - can't you tell!!

When I had said on FB that I sounded like Bea Arthur, Kevin said "that's funny - I woke up looking like Johnny Depp!" This was how I was greeted by him.

Me and Kevin. Not the most flattering shot of me, but Kevin looks great!

Saturday was a great day! After 2 years we finally got to meet Cheryl, Kevin, and Ryan. We had planned on it for about 2 months, so the excitement had been building! I was a bundle of nerves - I worried so much that they would think I was a big dork (I think they did, but I think they were okay with it ;) ) and they would wonder why they wasted their time driving all they way to Columbus! Well my nervousness was unwarranted, I had a ball. Cheryl is as sweet and fun in person as she is online and Kevin is one of the funniest people I have ever met! My only complaint was the fact I was sick :( and didn't feel 100%. Well that and the American Idol Reject singing outside the restaurant! I think Cheryl secretly loved her singing. We talked and laughed over lunch, wandered through the mall and then went to Toys R Us and did some shopping. I wish we had longer to spend together, but look forward to many more visits in the future! Including the swim in your sweatsuit party!!! I love you, Cheryl and Kevin and am so glad we finally got to meet!!!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I really have nothing to blog about. It's the same old same old here. After this weekend I should have some fun news and pictures! Then I will have some exciting posts.
Here are some photos from Thanksgiving. We spent the evening at my mom's with my grandparents, Aunt Lol and Uncle Jimmy, and cousins then we went to Jim and Carol's to see some of Sean's family. I am looking forward to Christmas and getting to spend time with family again.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I went to the dr. today after a week of not feeling well. I have a bad sinus infection which wasn't getting better with the otc meds so I now have a prescription antibiotic which will hopefully knock it out.
When they did my weight it said I had gained 14 pounds in 2 weeks. WHAT???? Really??? I wanted to cry. Dr. Johnson said it was a result of fluid retention from two of the meds I am on and should go away soon. So meanwhile I get to finally meet Cheryl and Kevin with a bloated belly and puffy face. Hooray.
I am going to increase my fluid (water) intake and increase my exercising to see if that helps. I feel so heavy and generally unwell. It really stinks.
The kids had their Christmas program yesterday and did a really good job. I have some cute pictures of my angels to post later on.
I am going to eventually get Christmas cards and pictures out. I feel bad that I haven't done it yet, it just doesn't seem like Christmastime yet. Maybe once I get that done it will help!
Hope you all have a great day, I am off to the pharmacy!!
When they did my weight it said I had gained 14 pounds in 2 weeks. WHAT???? Really??? I wanted to cry. Dr. Johnson said it was a result of fluid retention from two of the meds I am on and should go away soon. So meanwhile I get to finally meet Cheryl and Kevin with a bloated belly and puffy face. Hooray.
I am going to increase my fluid (water) intake and increase my exercising to see if that helps. I feel so heavy and generally unwell. It really stinks.
The kids had their Christmas program yesterday and did a really good job. I have some cute pictures of my angels to post later on.
I am going to eventually get Christmas cards and pictures out. I feel bad that I haven't done it yet, it just doesn't seem like Christmastime yet. Maybe once I get that done it will help!
Hope you all have a great day, I am off to the pharmacy!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's the most wonderful time of the year........
I am really dragging so this will be a short post, but at least something new.
This month is proving to be very busy for us. First we had our night out with Kellie and Brian which was fun and delicious, then we had church, Gabe's sunday school classes mac and cheese fundraiser, then birthday dessert at my mom's. The triplets have their Christmas Program for school on Thursday, then on Sunday we have the Church program. All four of my kids have solos and Gabe has a speaking role!
We have our annual Christmas party at Rhonda and Jeff's, Holiday baking with Lura, and perhaps what I am most excited about -
On the 19th Sean and I are driving to Columbus to meet Cheryl and Kevin!!!! I am so excited!!! I will make sure to take lots of pictures and do a big post! This was what I told Sean I wanted for my birthday and it is actually happening! Woo Hoo!!!! It is going to be so neat to meet these wonderful people that I have grown to care for so much and love to pieces in person!
Christmas Eve is always super busy - We have the traditional potato soup dinner at my mom's, church, which this year will be with Sean's family, and then Christmas Eve celebration with his family at Rhonda's. We usually host it, but our house is too small for the growing family!
Add to that 3 places we need to be on Christmas day and we are busy!
We have done virtually no shopping, so I still need to get busy with that, but all of the presents that are being made are almost done and I am so tickled with them! I have to have a few things matted and framed, but that won't take long. Thankfully a friend of my mom's has a slew of matting supplies and a cutter, so she does it for me for free!
I need to finish my coursework as well and start a serious job hunt. So things are busy, but going well.
I am medicated right now on some Benedryl sinus, so if this makes no sense that is why!
I will do a more exciting post in a bit, but for now this will have to do! Love to you all!!! :)
This month is proving to be very busy for us. First we had our night out with Kellie and Brian which was fun and delicious, then we had church, Gabe's sunday school classes mac and cheese fundraiser, then birthday dessert at my mom's. The triplets have their Christmas Program for school on Thursday, then on Sunday we have the Church program. All four of my kids have solos and Gabe has a speaking role!
We have our annual Christmas party at Rhonda and Jeff's, Holiday baking with Lura, and perhaps what I am most excited about -
On the 19th Sean and I are driving to Columbus to meet Cheryl and Kevin!!!! I am so excited!!! I will make sure to take lots of pictures and do a big post! This was what I told Sean I wanted for my birthday and it is actually happening! Woo Hoo!!!! It is going to be so neat to meet these wonderful people that I have grown to care for so much and love to pieces in person!
Christmas Eve is always super busy - We have the traditional potato soup dinner at my mom's, church, which this year will be with Sean's family, and then Christmas Eve celebration with his family at Rhonda's. We usually host it, but our house is too small for the growing family!
Add to that 3 places we need to be on Christmas day and we are busy!
We have done virtually no shopping, so I still need to get busy with that, but all of the presents that are being made are almost done and I am so tickled with them! I have to have a few things matted and framed, but that won't take long. Thankfully a friend of my mom's has a slew of matting supplies and a cutter, so she does it for me for free!
I need to finish my coursework as well and start a serious job hunt. So things are busy, but going well.
I am medicated right now on some Benedryl sinus, so if this makes no sense that is why!
I will do a more exciting post in a bit, but for now this will have to do! Love to you all!!! :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
I just got an email that I received 92% on both my mid term and final! I couldn't be happier with those grades! I am almost done!!!!!!!! :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I am so close to being done with my course! I just finished up a midterm yesterday and the final this morning for another section. I have a project to do and then I will have one more section! I am so excited! I can't wait to get a job and start working. How crazy is that?! Most people want to stay home, but I can't wait to be able to contribute financially to our family. When I get a job we will be able to save for a house again, Gabe will be able to get his orthodontic work started (we are just waiting for the finances- 15oo dollars down and 150 monthly! His total is over $5500.00~) and Sean won't have to carry the burden of finances alone.
I just hope that someone will see what an asset I will be and hire me! I am going to ooze confidence when I walk in to an interview. They will want to hire me on the spot!
I just hope that someone will see what an asset I will be and hire me! I am going to ooze confidence when I walk in to an interview. They will want to hire me on the spot!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday's Playdate

Too much fun for Gretchen!
We had a playdate to celebrate Thanksgiving last Wednesday. I am trying to bring healthier snacks, as Luke's weight is really getting out of control. We had fruit and cheese kabobs, which the kids seemed to love, Kellie and Tanis made muffin letters and Lura made homemade rolls. They had a good time playing together and we enjoyed spending grown up time also. I think that we even managed to be a little helpful in getting Victoria prepared for Thanksgiving at her house. Enjoy the pics of our day!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Why oh why would I think taking the kids by myself to get haircuts was a good idea? Let alone taking them to the local beauty school to save a few bucks. Caitlin, Gabe, and Johnny were perfect and look fantastic. Luke still looks the same. I was mortified and never plan on going back again!
He refused to get in the chair and screamed when I told him to. So I got him calmed down and told him they would only use scissors, not clippers. He was okay with that so he climbed up in the chair. They tried to put a paper around his neck and he ripped it off twice and then grabbed the comb out of the ladies hand. Oh boy.
Then I took him out of the chair and I told him he was being disrespectful and would not be getting a haircut. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. I took him to the chair by the door and stood there with him. I had 3 papers to fill out for the others and he began kicking off his shoes. So I took them. Then he started kicking up the carpet, standing in the chair, knocking in to the wall and banging the gumball machine. I grabbed him several times to make him stop and at one point he screamed at the top of his lungs "Stop it You are hurting me!!!!" The nice gentleman across from Luke received several apologies and shot me several "Your life is pathetic" glances.
I didn't know what to do. I was trying to hold him while taking care of the others and he was screaming at the top of his lungs so I asked if they would mind if we stood outside where I could see through the window. He dropped to the floor kicking and screaming and I had to drag him outside.
I was mortified.
I sat him down hard on the porch and told him he had better stop with the screaming which made it worse. So I remembered I had Sean's phone and I called my mom to see if she could come and get Luke so I could be with the others.
When she got there and he was still screaming, I went in and apologized to everyone there and thanked them for the fantastic haircuts the other 3 got. They look wonderful!!!
My mom took Luke so I could take the 3 to the dollar tree to choose something and then we traded. I brought Luke home to sit in time out for a long time and she took the others to McDonalds. Luke will be eating a peanut butter sandwich.
What should I have done differently? I was at a loss. I know what I would have done if it had been just him, but I had 3 others there. I couldn't go and sit in the car and leave the others and I certainly couldn't leave Luke in the car alone. I also couldn't let the others leave mid haircut.
I had no one available to go with me, and I should not have had to take anyone.
I just want to crawl under the covers and cry. I am mortified beyond belief by this whole thing.
He refused to get in the chair and screamed when I told him to. So I got him calmed down and told him they would only use scissors, not clippers. He was okay with that so he climbed up in the chair. They tried to put a paper around his neck and he ripped it off twice and then grabbed the comb out of the ladies hand. Oh boy.
Then I took him out of the chair and I told him he was being disrespectful and would not be getting a haircut. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. I took him to the chair by the door and stood there with him. I had 3 papers to fill out for the others and he began kicking off his shoes. So I took them. Then he started kicking up the carpet, standing in the chair, knocking in to the wall and banging the gumball machine. I grabbed him several times to make him stop and at one point he screamed at the top of his lungs "Stop it You are hurting me!!!!" The nice gentleman across from Luke received several apologies and shot me several "Your life is pathetic" glances.
I didn't know what to do. I was trying to hold him while taking care of the others and he was screaming at the top of his lungs so I asked if they would mind if we stood outside where I could see through the window. He dropped to the floor kicking and screaming and I had to drag him outside.
I was mortified.
I sat him down hard on the porch and told him he had better stop with the screaming which made it worse. So I remembered I had Sean's phone and I called my mom to see if she could come and get Luke so I could be with the others.
When she got there and he was still screaming, I went in and apologized to everyone there and thanked them for the fantastic haircuts the other 3 got. They look wonderful!!!
My mom took Luke so I could take the 3 to the dollar tree to choose something and then we traded. I brought Luke home to sit in time out for a long time and she took the others to McDonalds. Luke will be eating a peanut butter sandwich.
What should I have done differently? I was at a loss. I know what I would have done if it had been just him, but I had 3 others there. I couldn't go and sit in the car and leave the others and I certainly couldn't leave Luke in the car alone. I also couldn't let the others leave mid haircut.
I had no one available to go with me, and I should not have had to take anyone.
I just want to crawl under the covers and cry. I am mortified beyond belief by this whole thing.
Monday, November 16, 2009
1. We finally shelled out the big bucks and got a new printer/scanner/copier. $30.00 at Big Lots. We go for quality at this house! :) So far it is working well. I needed it for school papers and when we saw it was only 30, we snagged one. I don't do photo printing or anything, so it should last us awhile.
2. Conferences are over and I only cried at one! That was Gabe's. He is just having such a rough time and I feel so bad for him. I know that it will get better, I just have to be patient and understanding. Easier said than done!
3. Luke almost burned down the house, I burned my finger, and got scalded by hot water. I guess we should stay away from all Hot things here! But how can I stay away from myself? ha!
4. I made a pretty yummy cake for Saturday's get together at Rhonda's. Our next one is December 5th and it is going to be pretty big. We are actually getting a sitter this year so we can enjoy ourselves. Usually the kids are hanging all over us and acting like wild maniacs, so we are going to enjoy ourselves this year!
5. The baby shower went well for my niece. Unfortunately I couldn't find my camera, so there are no pictures to prove I went to a shower. You are just going to have to take my word for it.She is due December 31st and is having a midwife instead of a dr. It should be interesting as I think she is doing a whirlpool labor and possible delivery.
6. I am steaming away at my schoolwork. Right now I am learning the joys of coding. I can't wait to be done and get a job.
7. I went to Walmart tonight for a few groceries. The pancake mix was on the bottom shelf and pushed all the way to the back. So I got down on my hands and knees and crawled on the shelf to get a box. It went fine until I tried to stand up, stood on the bottom of my coat and then fell on my face. I am fine, just embarrassed!
2. Conferences are over and I only cried at one! That was Gabe's. He is just having such a rough time and I feel so bad for him. I know that it will get better, I just have to be patient and understanding. Easier said than done!
3. Luke almost burned down the house, I burned my finger, and got scalded by hot water. I guess we should stay away from all Hot things here! But how can I stay away from myself? ha!
4. I made a pretty yummy cake for Saturday's get together at Rhonda's. Our next one is December 5th and it is going to be pretty big. We are actually getting a sitter this year so we can enjoy ourselves. Usually the kids are hanging all over us and acting like wild maniacs, so we are going to enjoy ourselves this year!
5. The baby shower went well for my niece. Unfortunately I couldn't find my camera, so there are no pictures to prove I went to a shower. You are just going to have to take my word for it.She is due December 31st and is having a midwife instead of a dr. It should be interesting as I think she is doing a whirlpool labor and possible delivery.
6. I am steaming away at my schoolwork. Right now I am learning the joys of coding. I can't wait to be done and get a job.
7. I went to Walmart tonight for a few groceries. The pancake mix was on the bottom shelf and pushed all the way to the back. So I got down on my hands and knees and crawled on the shelf to get a box. It went fine until I tried to stand up, stood on the bottom of my coat and then fell on my face. I am fine, just embarrassed!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Isn't he just the cutest???

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Random Things
1.) I went to Toys R Us today and got Gabe Ghostbusters for his Nintendo DS. He will be so excited. My little one turns eleven tomorrow. I still remember his birth like it was yesterday! I'll post about that tomorrow.
2.) If I were to die today, I would want somebody to put together a slide show for my funeral of random photos from my life - and the people important and special to me, and have a recording of the song "Sunny Side Up" from the movie the Big Green. I absolutely love that song. I would also like the song "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. I don't plan on dying anytime soon, I just want to make sure that would be done! :)
3.) Everyday I love life a little more. Even on the worst days I can still find something to smile about. Sometimes it isn't until my head hits the pillow and my eyes are half closed, but I still do. It is important to never go to bed angry!!
4.) I have been making an effort to get more organized. It is amazing how nice it is to study in my room or read a book when I am not surrounded by clutter! I wish my kids would keep things organized!!
5.) I am so excited for Christmas. I have been working hard on presents and can't wait to give them away. I love making things for people - year round - but especially at Christmas.
6.) I am trying to get better at letter writing and card sending again. It brings a smile to my face when I get mail, so I like to do that for other people.
7.) I love the way my boys look with no front teeth! They are so sweet and have the cutest lisps!
8.) I am looking forward to a weekend full of family and friends. Two parties and a baby shower. :)
9.) My mom called and invited the kids and I as well as my sister and her girls to dinner last night. (Scott and Sean were working) We actually had a really nice time and the kids behaved pretty well!
10.) I only got stuck in the stall at Kohl's briefly while using the restroom. They should not make the doors open in!!! Thankfully no one else was in there!
2.) If I were to die today, I would want somebody to put together a slide show for my funeral of random photos from my life - and the people important and special to me, and have a recording of the song "Sunny Side Up" from the movie the Big Green. I absolutely love that song. I would also like the song "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. I don't plan on dying anytime soon, I just want to make sure that would be done! :)
3.) Everyday I love life a little more. Even on the worst days I can still find something to smile about. Sometimes it isn't until my head hits the pillow and my eyes are half closed, but I still do. It is important to never go to bed angry!!
4.) I have been making an effort to get more organized. It is amazing how nice it is to study in my room or read a book when I am not surrounded by clutter! I wish my kids would keep things organized!!
5.) I am so excited for Christmas. I have been working hard on presents and can't wait to give them away. I love making things for people - year round - but especially at Christmas.
6.) I am trying to get better at letter writing and card sending again. It brings a smile to my face when I get mail, so I like to do that for other people.
7.) I love the way my boys look with no front teeth! They are so sweet and have the cutest lisps!
8.) I am looking forward to a weekend full of family and friends. Two parties and a baby shower. :)
9.) My mom called and invited the kids and I as well as my sister and her girls to dinner last night. (Scott and Sean were working) We actually had a really nice time and the kids behaved pretty well!
10.) I only got stuck in the stall at Kohl's briefly while using the restroom. They should not make the doors open in!!! Thankfully no one else was in there!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I am blessed everyday. I have a wonderful family, better friends than anyone could ask for, a husband who loves me despite my many flaws, sticky kisses from my kids, etc. Every morning when I wake up I should count all the blessings before I get out of bed. Blessings aren't always material items as my list shows, but today I was blessed with a wonderful gift. A friend of my mom's sent over a beautiful red London Fog trench coat for me. She had bought it and never worn it.
Now coats are so hard for me to find. My monkey arms never fit the sleeves, the coat is usually to short and the shoulder span not ample. The woman who sent this coat is shorter than me and thinner, so I thought there was no prayer. It fit perfect in every way. It is beautiful!!
This is neat for a couple of reasons. For the past few years I have worn an old jacket of my dad's during the winter. It is not a winter coat, just a rain jacket, but it is all I had that fit. Plus I like wearing it because it reminds me of my dad. But it was not warm or stylish - not that I minded because it was dad's. Sean always felt bad on Sunday mornings because I had to wear it to church. I didn't mind, but he wanted me to have something pretty. Second, when my aunt Pat died I started wearing a red car coat of hers. I loved it and wore it until everything ripped and could no longer be sewn. I hated getting rid of it, but it was too worn to save. I have not found a red coat since then that fit or that I liked.
I am so tickled and I immediately sent a thank you note to her for her kindness. Her timing couldn't have been better! God does provide!!!
Now coats are so hard for me to find. My monkey arms never fit the sleeves, the coat is usually to short and the shoulder span not ample. The woman who sent this coat is shorter than me and thinner, so I thought there was no prayer. It fit perfect in every way. It is beautiful!!
This is neat for a couple of reasons. For the past few years I have worn an old jacket of my dad's during the winter. It is not a winter coat, just a rain jacket, but it is all I had that fit. Plus I like wearing it because it reminds me of my dad. But it was not warm or stylish - not that I minded because it was dad's. Sean always felt bad on Sunday mornings because I had to wear it to church. I didn't mind, but he wanted me to have something pretty. Second, when my aunt Pat died I started wearing a red car coat of hers. I loved it and wore it until everything ripped and could no longer be sewn. I hated getting rid of it, but it was too worn to save. I have not found a red coat since then that fit or that I liked.
I am so tickled and I immediately sent a thank you note to her for her kindness. Her timing couldn't have been better! God does provide!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Well.....here it is

I hate this. I never thought I would gain the weight back, but I did. I can only blame steroids a little, they started the gain, but poor food choices, lack of excercise, and depression continued it. I have little willpower and this picture shows it.
The top picture shows the weight I want to be again, the bottom picture shows the weight I never want to be again.
I have a long way to go, but hopefully will get there.
I need support, I need accountability, but I need to believe in myself!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Full Body Shot now available....
So Lura posted pics from Tanis' party with some full body shots of me. The pics are horrible and show my weight gain....but I am not begging her to take them down. I will post a few on here so you can all see where I am basically starting from. It was a real shock to me to see them as that is not how I see myself. I still see myself in my smaller body although I know that is not reality. It is difficult to look at them and to feel good about myself, but maybe it will serve as motivation.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fun Pics

Yesterday was Gabe's first Halloween Party and The triplets Fall Festival. Everyone had a good time. Gabe was Harry Potter, and was a very cute HP. He had a good time, won some prizes, and played lots of games. He also went on a haunted trail and was chased by chainsaw weilding maniacs! We met up with Tanis and Kellie at the festival. While Kellie volunteered at a game, we took the 4 triplets! around to games and ate hot dogs. They had a good time and were fairly well behaved.
My four lovelies got up at 5 o'clock yesterday morning and were up incredibly early again today! I am hoping for an early bedtime and lots of sleep tonight for them. I am going to be doing a lot of cleaning this evening and organizing. I plan to throw away a lot of crap that has once again collected. If anybody has a need for unorganized crap, let me know and you can see it before I trash it!
Gabe wants me to look something up, so I will post more later.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
*Caitlin can't sleep because she has nightmares that she kicks bees.
*Jonathan will only drink out of travel mugs.
*Gabe's teacher is averaging 2 emails a day to me.
*Luke is not happy because real police officers don't have crayon drawings on paper for id badges.
*Caitlin wants to be a cheerleader for Halloween, but can only wear red. The blue and gold sparkly cheerleader outfit she has just won't do.
*Jonathan wants to be a witch.
*Gabe starts physical therapy next week. He still needs to take out the trash on Thursday nights. Everytime it is mentioned he suddenly develops a stronger limp.
*Luke won't leave his pants on and has taken to refusing to wear underwear to bed.
*Gabe is completely done with Football. The dr. won't release him. I think he is not so secretly relieved.
*The kids all brought home 5 foot bunches of rushes from LOGOS last night. What in the world am I supposed to do with those???
*I get to see Cheryl and Kevin soon!!!!!!
*I am going to sew a purple and black cape and deck it out in sequins this weekend.
*I am also busy on all sorts of Christmas projects. Ho Ho Ho!!!
*Sean's long lost uncle contacted the family for the first time since the mid 80's yesterday. He had to be told his neice, nephew, and mother had all died.
*I am going to wash dishes and get ready to pick up Gabe.
*Jonathan will only drink out of travel mugs.
*Gabe's teacher is averaging 2 emails a day to me.
*Luke is not happy because real police officers don't have crayon drawings on paper for id badges.
*Caitlin wants to be a cheerleader for Halloween, but can only wear red. The blue and gold sparkly cheerleader outfit she has just won't do.
*Jonathan wants to be a witch.
*Gabe starts physical therapy next week. He still needs to take out the trash on Thursday nights. Everytime it is mentioned he suddenly develops a stronger limp.
*Luke won't leave his pants on and has taken to refusing to wear underwear to bed.
*Gabe is completely done with Football. The dr. won't release him. I think he is not so secretly relieved.
*The kids all brought home 5 foot bunches of rushes from LOGOS last night. What in the world am I supposed to do with those???
*I get to see Cheryl and Kevin soon!!!!!!
*I am going to sew a purple and black cape and deck it out in sequins this weekend.
*I am also busy on all sorts of Christmas projects. Ho Ho Ho!!!
*Sean's long lost uncle contacted the family for the first time since the mid 80's yesterday. He had to be told his neice, nephew, and mother had all died.
*I am going to wash dishes and get ready to pick up Gabe.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Caitlin's Bed
Monday, October 19, 2009
I'm just a postin fool......
Two in one day. It must be the new meds! :)
I have been wanting to blog about something that happened a couple of weeks ago. You all know that Gabe has his night terrors. They occur every night, usually twice but sometimes up to a half a dozen times. He never remembers them and is incoherent a lot of the time when they occur. The one night I am referring to he woke up screaming and Sean went in to calm him down. He was sobbing, tears running down his face and saying he wanted to see Mom. So I went in there and it was like he couldn't see me. He then started screaming 'I killed her, I killed her!!' Sean and I tried to get him to stop, but he was out of control crying and screaming. Then he said 'I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her! I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her!' I was shocked. To hear my child say he was afraid he killed me and then he was afraid he was going to hurt me just crushed me. It took forever to calm him down. He hasn't said anything like that since that night, but frankly it scared me! I guess living with a child who has no self control and who wakes up screaming every night and not remembering it will do that to you. He goes to the psychiatrist on the 4th of next month and I am going to mention it then.
I just feel so lost about what to do with him. I also feel so bad that he has to go through this. He really is a great kid. Today he broke out in either a rash or some acne on his chin and around his left cheek. All I could think was that my poor kid who already suffers anxiety disorder and horrible teeth is now going to get pimples. He is going to be a bully's dream! That and I got an email from his teacher that said when he opened his locker stuff fell onto the girl's below and they are complaining that he is so messy. He just can't win! Orthodontics are starting in the early spring, when I am working and income tax comes in. I can always get him to a dermatologist if needed, and I am working at being more organized so he can have a better example.
I am really rambling.
I also realized that my previous post sounded really whiney and pity partish. That isn't how I intended it. It is just all my random thoughts spilling out.
I have been wanting to blog about something that happened a couple of weeks ago. You all know that Gabe has his night terrors. They occur every night, usually twice but sometimes up to a half a dozen times. He never remembers them and is incoherent a lot of the time when they occur. The one night I am referring to he woke up screaming and Sean went in to calm him down. He was sobbing, tears running down his face and saying he wanted to see Mom. So I went in there and it was like he couldn't see me. He then started screaming 'I killed her, I killed her!!' Sean and I tried to get him to stop, but he was out of control crying and screaming. Then he said 'I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her! I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her!' I was shocked. To hear my child say he was afraid he killed me and then he was afraid he was going to hurt me just crushed me. It took forever to calm him down. He hasn't said anything like that since that night, but frankly it scared me! I guess living with a child who has no self control and who wakes up screaming every night and not remembering it will do that to you. He goes to the psychiatrist on the 4th of next month and I am going to mention it then.
I just feel so lost about what to do with him. I also feel so bad that he has to go through this. He really is a great kid. Today he broke out in either a rash or some acne on his chin and around his left cheek. All I could think was that my poor kid who already suffers anxiety disorder and horrible teeth is now going to get pimples. He is going to be a bully's dream! That and I got an email from his teacher that said when he opened his locker stuff fell onto the girl's below and they are complaining that he is so messy. He just can't win! Orthodontics are starting in the early spring, when I am working and income tax comes in. I can always get him to a dermatologist if needed, and I am working at being more organized so he can have a better example.
I am really rambling.
I also realized that my previous post sounded really whiney and pity partish. That isn't how I intended it. It is just all my random thoughts spilling out.
Just another Manic Monday.....
Actually I am not manic, nor am I bi-polar, but boy do I feel like it sometimes! I have mood swings left and right, although they are getting better now that my body is adjusting to this new medication. Chronic depression can be a horrible thing. It wreeks havoc on your emotions, your physical and mental well-being. Add panic attacks to that and you have a hot mess!
I haven't noticed any of the tremors, and there was no sugar present in my urine at the last dr's. appointment. They will be doing blood work in two weeks I believe, just to be safe. I do know that I am not crying nearly as much and I feel generally happier. She upped my dose of the new med. from 2 mg. to 5 mg. That is the average dose for it as an anti-depressant booster.
I took my math final and got a B!!! I am so happy about that. I spent 3 days working on the 50 questions. They were a b*&%!!! I feel so drained from it all. Tonight I start the next section. I need to get this wrapped up.
Sean and I are so strapped right now. It wasn't bad until we started having to pay for all the medical extras. We have spent over one hundred in copays this month. Yes, just October!!! Then you add in meds. and xrays and you have a lot. I don't know what we are going to do, but I am trusting in God. What really stunk is when I put a winter coat on Johnny and it was too short. The sleeves were 3/4 on him! I think Sean's parents are going to buy the kids winter coats for an early Christmas present. Thankfully I have one for Gabe that I found at a garage sale!
I look at all the hardships we have faced and I think that someday we are going to really be able to help someone or many people in need. That is a goal I have. I don't care if we are rich, I just want to be able to be comfortable and not live pay check to pay check. I want to make a difference and do something that is going to help others. That is my mission, I don't want to die (many, many years from now) and have my children wondering what I did to make a difference. Know what I mean?
Have to go. Still wanting to post about something, but will have to do it later! Love you all and hope your days are wonderful!!!!!!!!!
I haven't noticed any of the tremors, and there was no sugar present in my urine at the last dr's. appointment. They will be doing blood work in two weeks I believe, just to be safe. I do know that I am not crying nearly as much and I feel generally happier. She upped my dose of the new med. from 2 mg. to 5 mg. That is the average dose for it as an anti-depressant booster.
I took my math final and got a B!!! I am so happy about that. I spent 3 days working on the 50 questions. They were a b*&%!!! I feel so drained from it all. Tonight I start the next section. I need to get this wrapped up.
Sean and I are so strapped right now. It wasn't bad until we started having to pay for all the medical extras. We have spent over one hundred in copays this month. Yes, just October!!! Then you add in meds. and xrays and you have a lot. I don't know what we are going to do, but I am trusting in God. What really stunk is when I put a winter coat on Johnny and it was too short. The sleeves were 3/4 on him! I think Sean's parents are going to buy the kids winter coats for an early Christmas present. Thankfully I have one for Gabe that I found at a garage sale!
I look at all the hardships we have faced and I think that someday we are going to really be able to help someone or many people in need. That is a goal I have. I don't care if we are rich, I just want to be able to be comfortable and not live pay check to pay check. I want to make a difference and do something that is going to help others. That is my mission, I don't want to die (many, many years from now) and have my children wondering what I did to make a difference. Know what I mean?
Have to go. Still wanting to post about something, but will have to do it later! Love you all and hope your days are wonderful!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Yesterday about ten in the morning I got so sick! I just layed on the bathroom floor sweating and shaking, it was horrible! Then, the cable was out for over 12 hours and I was alone with the kids....it was such a bad day! Thankfully today is better. I think I had food poisoning. I had no fever or anything, but undescribably severe stomach cramps and other issues. TMI, I know!
Today the kids didn't have school and decided they needed to be up before 7 this morning. I was not happy :(. I don't think they get this sleeping in thing.
Sean is on his way to the nursing home to take his mom home. She has been in the nursing home and/or hospital since March! I hope that this time she does what she is supposed to. I'll believe it when I see it. I am not trying to be negative, but we have all seen how she has done. This time she lost her toes and a portion of her foot....next time I don't think she'll make it out alive.
I am working hard on Christmas gifts. I have also been getting a few things here and there on clearance for the kids. I can't believe it is only 2 months away! Where does the time go?
In a few weeks I am supposed to be going out to dinner with Rhonda and my gay ex boyfriend. That should be an interesting night and I am sure I will have some good pictures!! He is a trip, for those of you on FB it is the Joseph Reed that always has the kooky comments.
I have a post I want to do, but can't right now due to the noise level! I hope to be able to do it when the kids go to bed. It is a venting, hunting for some sort of answer post. Is your interest perked or do I do too many of those type of posts?! :)
I hope you all have a good day!
Today the kids didn't have school and decided they needed to be up before 7 this morning. I was not happy :(. I don't think they get this sleeping in thing.
Sean is on his way to the nursing home to take his mom home. She has been in the nursing home and/or hospital since March! I hope that this time she does what she is supposed to. I'll believe it when I see it. I am not trying to be negative, but we have all seen how she has done. This time she lost her toes and a portion of her foot....next time I don't think she'll make it out alive.
I am working hard on Christmas gifts. I have also been getting a few things here and there on clearance for the kids. I can't believe it is only 2 months away! Where does the time go?
In a few weeks I am supposed to be going out to dinner with Rhonda and my gay ex boyfriend. That should be an interesting night and I am sure I will have some good pictures!! He is a trip, for those of you on FB it is the Joseph Reed that always has the kooky comments.
I have a post I want to do, but can't right now due to the noise level! I hope to be able to do it when the kids go to bed. It is a venting, hunting for some sort of answer post. Is your interest perked or do I do too many of those type of posts?! :)
I hope you all have a good day!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Day 5.5
Monday, October 12, 2009
Do you know what?

Chicken Butt.These pics have absolutely nothing to do with anything, but I loved them so I thought I would share.
Gabe is slowly recovering from his fall. His ankle, foot, and leg are ugly shades of bruise. Black, purple, green.....It looks nasty. The doctor is letting him go to school tomorrow, but won't release him for football until next week.
Sean took and passed a course last week and is on his way to getting a class b cdl. He will be able to drive bus if needed now.
I am doing well on my new meds. I have no tremors, and I go to the dr. to get bloodwork etc. on Wednesday. I am actually looking forward to going because I think I have lost some weight and want to have it charted. I am noticing an upswing in my mood, not huge, but noticeable.
My youngest boys are busy losing teeth, when they are not stripping barbies and drawing naked pictures of the babysitter. I could just scream sometimes!!! Caitlin is in a mood because she is not losing teeth yet.
We got to spend some time with my sister in law and her family on Saturday. I got to hold my nephew, Sevastian, for the first time. He is 6 months old and I am just now getting to see him. Actually he is my great nephew - my niece Beth's son. He is adorable, I posted pics. of him on FB. I love spending time with Michele, you are always guaranteed laughter. She and her husband, Keith, are wonderful people.
My grandparents celebrated their 67th anniversary on Sunday. We had dinner at my mom's again. I noticed no odd behavior with my grandpa this time, just the normal. It was a relief. I never addressed the last incident with him or my mom. I just couldn't do it. I just wish I didn't feel so awkward around them.
Well, I am going to sign off and go relax and cross stitch for awhile. Have a great night!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fun Pictures

Vic and Gretchen

Last night was the Garden Club Auction. Kellie, Lura, Victoria, and I went for a bit of a girl's night out. Tanis and the triplets were at my house babysat by my usual sitter K.C. who said she would do it again, so they must not have been too bad! We had a nice time, although I didn't get anything too exciting. I did get two hairbows for Caitlin. The candy corn one I love, the white and black one I am not fond of but no one else bid on it so I paid a dollar for it because I felt sorry for it.
Apparantly while I was picking up Vic and the sitter, Tanis planted a big smooch on Caitlin. This was after all the kids were looking down each other's pants and Luke was caught standing on the couch naked from the waist down. There is never a dull moment in this house, especially when the four of them get together!!!
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